
Gain market share and customer base information about the top Accounting software. Check out our list of Accounting Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Accounting

Top 5 Accounting technologies in 2023

Over 315,594 companies are using Accounting tools. QuickBooks with 36.35% market share (114,732 customers), NetSuite with 8.10% market share (25,558 customers), Cognos with 6.84% market share (21,575 customers),

Accounting Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Accounting category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (76,050 companies), 20 - 49 employees (56,930 companies), 100 - 249 employees (28,863 companies).

Accounting Customers by Geography

Companies using Accounting technology software are majorly from the United States with 176,108 (78.35%), United Kingdom with 14,655 (6.52%), Canada with 11,423 (5.08%) customers respectively.

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Accounting Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Accounting for Professional Services (81,249), Technology (37,379), Financial Services (32,171).

Market Share for Top Accounting Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Accounting technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 QuickBooks 114732 36.35 (%)
2 NetSuite 25558 8.10 (%)
3 Cognos 21575 6.84 (%)
4 SAP FICO 17654 5.59 (%)
5 Xero 16949 5.37 (%)
6 QuickBooks Online 11875 3.76 (%)
7 MYOB 11704 3.71 (%)
8 Microsoft Dynamics GP 10350 3.28 (%)
9 Sage 50cloud 8914 2.82 (%)
10 Microsoft Dynamics NAV 8397 2.66 (%)
11 Epicor ERP 6490 2.06 (%)
12 QuickBooks Self Employed 4676 1.48 (%)
13 Fiserv 3760 1.19 (%)
14 Workday Financial 3419 1.08 (%)
15 SAP Cash Management 3308 1.05 (%)
16 Anaplan 2982 0.94 (%)
17 Sage Intacct 2869 0.91 (%)
18 Accurants 2324 0.74 (%)
19 2192 0.69 (%)
20 Expensify 2087 0.66 (%)
21 QuickBooks Online Accountant 1955 0.62 (%)
22 QuickBooks ProAdvisor 1909 0.60 (%)
23 QuickBooks Online Advanced 1824 0.58 (%)
24 Avalara 1813 0.57 (%)
25 Aplos Accounting 1529 0.48 (%)
26 Basware 1436 0.46 (%)
27 SAP Financials OnDemand 1368 0.43 (%)
28 SAP HANA Cloud Platform 1321 0.42 (%)
29 Multiview 1280 0.41 (%)
30 Zoho Books 1081 0.34 (%)
31 Microsoft Dynamics SL 985 0.31 (%)
32 Receipt Bank 779 0.25 (%)
33 KashFlow 721 0.23 (%)
34 Holded 710 0.22 (%)
35 Spreadsheet Server 693 0.22 (%)
36 FinancialForce Accounting 679 0.22 (%)
37 FreshBooks 667 0.21 (%)
38 Zenefits 583 0.18 (%)
39 AvidXchange 444 0.14 (%)
40 Yendo 426 0.13 (%)
41 Reviso 423 0.13 (%)
42 Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT 406 0.13 (%)
43 Divvy 396 0.13 (%)
44 Classe365 392 0.12 (%)
45 Deskera ERP 383 0.12 (%)
46 for QuickBooks Online 378 0.12 (%)
47 Comdata AP Automation 366 0.12 (%)
48 Sellsy Invoicing 334 0.11 (%)
49 BizAutomation 281 0.09 (%)
50 Denali 276 0.09 (%)
51 Brightpearl 275 0.09 (%)
52 LeaseQuery 272 0.09 (%)
53 Shoeboxed for Quickbooks 259 0.08 (%)
54 outright 257 0.08 (%)
55 Smarty 255 0.08 (%)
56 Spendesk 252 0.08 (%)
57 e-conomic 240 0.08 (%)
58 CosmoLex 193 0.06 (%)
59 Saasu 189 0.06 (%)
60 Billomat 185 0.06 (%)
61 Crunch 180 0.06 (%)
62 EnterpriseIQ 171 0.05 (%)
63 LessAccounting 154 0.05 (%)
64 FreeAgent 150 0.05 (%)
65 Oracle Fusion Financial Management 147 0.05 (%)
66 Elexio 147 0.05 (%)
67 Fluidly 143 0.05 (%)
68 Chrome River EXPENSE 141 0.04 (%)
69 Canopy 141 0.04 (%)
70 MineralTree Invoice-to-Pay 139 0.04 (%)
71 Budget Maestro 138 0.04 (%)
72 Plooto 135 0.04 (%)
73 Invoicera 131 0.04 (%)
74 Accounting Seed 130 0.04 (%)
75 Odoo Accounting 121 0.04 (%)
76 Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud 120 0.04 (%)
77 Reckon One 113 0.04 (%)
78 Bench 109 0.03 (%)
79 TaxJar 106 0.03 (%)
80 Bill4Time 101 0.03 (%)
81 Nominal Accounting 100 0.03 (%)
82 Sage Business Cloud Accounting 93 0.03 (%)
83 93 0.03 (%)
84 NexusPayables 88 0.03 (%)
85 Priority Software 86 0.03 (%)
86 Tensoft RCM 78 0.02 (%)
87 AccountMate 78 0.02 (%)
88 TaxACT 73 0.02 (%)
89 SutiExpense 72 0.02 (%)
90 Quicken 72 0.02 (%)
91 Avaza 68 0.02 (%)
92 InvoiceSherpa 68 0.02 (%)
93 Bookly 63 0.02 (%)
94 Sparkrock 60 0.02 (%)
95 CentralBOS 60 0.02 (%)
96 brokerWOLF 56 0.02 (%)
97 ProjectionHub 55 0.02 (%)
98 eBridge Connections Accounting Integration 54 0.02 (%)
99 QuickBooks Desktop Pro 51 0.02 (%)
100 Fusebill 48 0.02 (%)
101 Blinksale 46 0.01 (%)
102 BQE Core 46 0.01 (%)
103 OfficeTools 45 0.01 (%)
104 AccuFund for Nonprofits 44 0.01 (%)
105 AccuFund for Government 44 0.01 (%)
106 WinWeb 44 0.01 (%)
107 Workday Accounting Center 44 0.01 (%)
108 ZapERP 42 0.01 (%)
109 GoSimpleTax 39 0.01 (%)
110 ezyCollect 39 0.01 (%)
111 Paydirt 38 0.01 (%)
112 Patriot Accounting 38 0.01 (%)
113 Property Matrix 38 0.01 (%)
114 Datamolino 37 0.01 (%)
115 Fanurio 37 0.01 (%)
116 C2FO 32 0.01 (%)
117 AccountsPortal 31 0.01 (%)
118 Aqilla 30 0.01 (%)
119 SoftLedger 28 0.01 (%)
120 Business Plus Accounting Touch POS 27 0.01 (%)
121 CashManager 27 0.01 (%)
122 AutoEntry 27 0.01 (%)
123 Entryless 26 0.01 (%)
124 Integral Accounting Enterprise 25 0.01 (%)
125 Bearbook 25 0.01 (%)
126 SOFTRAX Revenue Manager 24 0.01 (%)
127 Deltek + ComputerEase 22 0.01 (%)
128 Ecount ERP 22 0.01 (%)
129 Pantonium 21 0.01 (%)
130 SimpleBooks 20 0.01 (%)
131 Cheqbook Accounting 20 0.01 (%)
132 Insly 20 0.01 (%)
133 Kashoo 19 0.01 (%)
134 OCRex AutoRec 19 0.01 (%)
135 Sunrise 19 0.01 (%)
136 RSA eBusiness Solutions 15 0.00 (%)
137 Ofipro 15 0.00 (%)
138 SlickPie 14 0.00 (%)
139 1098-T Software 14 0.00 (%)
140 Twinfield 13 0.00 (%)
141 Sage Business Cloud Financials 13 0.00 (%)
142 ERPAG 13 0.00 (%)
143 InterWeave Quickbooks Integration 11 0.00 (%)
144 BlackLine Financial Close Management 11 0.00 (%)
145 Tipalti AP Automation 11 0.00 (%)
146 Veryfi 10 0.00 (%)
147 oneDrum 10 0.00 (%)
148 Sleek Bill 10 0.00 (%)
149 Solna 10 0.00 (%)
150 ManageMart 9 0.00 (%)
151 VersAccounts 8 0.00 (%)
152 Conterra FIM 8 0.00 (%)
153 SYMPAQ SQL 7 0.00 (%)
154 Plus & Minus 7 0.00 (%)
155 ONE UP 7 0.00 (%)
156 Horsebills 7 0.00 (%)
157 SkyClerk 7 0.00 (%)
158 TaxSlayer Books 7 0.00 (%)
159 Crunched 7 0.00 (%)
160 6 0.00 (%)
161 Debitoor 6 0.00 (%)
162 eZ Account Import 6 0.00 (%)
163 eZ Credit Card Import 6 0.00 (%)
164 Slingshot ERP 5 0.00 (%)
165 HomeCare Accounting 5 0.00 (%)
166 Officewise 5 0.00 (%)
167 5 0.00 (%)
168 move2clouds 5 0.00 (%)
169 Synder 4 0.00 (%)
170 VerticaLive 4 0.00 (%)
171 BNA Fixed Assets 4 0.00 (%)
172 Digital Invoicing 4 0.00 (%)
173 Taxjoy 3 0.00 (%)
174 Gem Accounts 3 0.00 (%)
175 Street Invoice 3 0.00 (%)
176 NetServiceBooks 2 0.00 (%)
177 SalesSystemCRM 2 0.00 (%)
178 Accounting ASAP 2 0.00 (%)
179 Canopus Treasury 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
QuickBooks 36.35 (%)
NetSuite 8.10 (%)
Cognos 6.84 (%)
SAP FICO 5.59 (%)
Xero 5.37 (%)
QuickBooks Online 3.76 (%)
MYOB 3.71 (%)
Microsoft Dynamics GP 3.28 (%)
Sage 50cloud 2.82 (%)
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2.66 (%)
Epicor ERP 2.06 (%)
QuickBooks Self Employed 1.48 (%)
Fiserv 1.19 (%)
Workday Financial 1.08 (%)
SAP Cash Management 1.05 (%)
Anaplan 0.94 (%)
Sage Intacct 0.91 (%)
Accurants 0.74 (%) 0.69 (%)
Expensify 0.66 (%)
QuickBooks Online Accountant 0.62 (%)
QuickBooks ProAdvisor 0.60 (%)
QuickBooks Online Advanced 0.58 (%)
Avalara 0.57 (%)
Aplos Accounting 0.48 (%)
Basware 0.46 (%)
SAP Financials OnDemand 0.43 (%)
SAP HANA Cloud Platform 0.42 (%)
Multiview 0.41 (%)
Zoho Books 0.34 (%)
Microsoft Dynamics SL 0.31 (%)
Receipt Bank 0.25 (%)
KashFlow 0.23 (%)
Holded 0.22 (%)
Spreadsheet Server 0.22 (%)
FinancialForce Accounting 0.22 (%)
FreshBooks 0.21 (%)
Zenefits 0.18 (%)
AvidXchange 0.14 (%)
Yendo 0.13 (%)
Reviso 0.13 (%)
Blackbaud Financial Edge NXT 0.13 (%)
Divvy 0.13 (%)
Classe365 0.12 (%)
Deskera ERP 0.12 (%) for QuickBooks Online 0.12 (%)
Comdata AP Automation 0.12 (%)
Sellsy Invoicing 0.11 (%)
BizAutomation 0.09 (%)
Denali 0.09 (%)
Brightpearl 0.09 (%)
LeaseQuery 0.09 (%)
Shoeboxed for Quickbooks 0.08 (%)
outright 0.08 (%)
Smarty 0.08 (%)
Spendesk 0.08 (%)
e-conomic 0.08 (%)
CosmoLex 0.06 (%)
Saasu 0.06 (%)
Billomat 0.06 (%)
Crunch 0.06 (%)
EnterpriseIQ 0.05 (%)
LessAccounting 0.05 (%)
FreeAgent 0.05 (%)
Oracle Fusion Financial Management 0.05 (%)
Elexio 0.05 (%)
Fluidly 0.05 (%)
Chrome River EXPENSE 0.04 (%)
Canopy 0.04 (%)
MineralTree Invoice-to-Pay 0.04 (%)
Budget Maestro 0.04 (%)
Plooto 0.04 (%)
Invoicera 0.04 (%)
Accounting Seed 0.04 (%)
Odoo Accounting 0.04 (%)
Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud 0.04 (%)
Reckon One 0.04 (%)
Bench 0.03 (%)
TaxJar 0.03 (%)
Bill4Time 0.03 (%)
Nominal Accounting 0.03 (%)
Sage Business Cloud Accounting 0.03 (%) 0.03 (%)
NexusPayables 0.03 (%)
Priority Software 0.03 (%)
Tensoft RCM 0.02 (%)
AccountMate 0.02 (%)
TaxACT 0.02 (%)
SutiExpense 0.02 (%)
Quicken 0.02 (%)
Avaza 0.02 (%)
InvoiceSherpa 0.02 (%)
Bookly 0.02 (%)
Sparkrock 0.02 (%)
CentralBOS 0.02 (%)
brokerWOLF 0.02 (%)
ProjectionHub 0.02 (%)
eBridge Connections Accounting Integration 0.02 (%)
QuickBooks Desktop Pro 0.02 (%)
Fusebill 0.02 (%)
Blinksale 0.01 (%)
BQE Core 0.01 (%)
OfficeTools 0.01 (%)
AccuFund for Nonprofits 0.01 (%)
AccuFund for Government 0.01 (%)
WinWeb 0.01 (%)
Workday Accounting Center 0.01 (%)
ZapERP 0.01 (%)
GoSimpleTax 0.01 (%)
ezyCollect 0.01 (%)
Paydirt 0.01 (%)
Patriot Accounting 0.01 (%)
Property Matrix 0.01 (%)
Datamolino 0.01 (%)
Fanurio 0.01 (%)
C2FO 0.01 (%)
AccountsPortal 0.01 (%)
Aqilla 0.01 (%)
SoftLedger 0.01 (%)
Business Plus Accounting Touch POS 0.01 (%)
CashManager 0.01 (%)
AutoEntry 0.01 (%)
Entryless 0.01 (%)
Integral Accounting Enterprise 0.01 (%)
Bearbook 0.01 (%)
SOFTRAX Revenue Manager 0.01 (%)
Deltek + ComputerEase 0.01 (%)
Ecount ERP 0.01 (%)
Pantonium 0.01 (%)
SimpleBooks 0.01 (%)
Cheqbook Accounting 0.01 (%)
Insly 0.01 (%)
Kashoo 0.01 (%)
OCRex AutoRec 0.01 (%)
Sunrise 0.01 (%)
RSA eBusiness Solutions 0.00 (%)
Ofipro 0.00 (%)
SlickPie 0.00 (%)
1098-T Software 0.00 (%)
Twinfield 0.00 (%)
Sage Business Cloud Financials 0.00 (%)
ERPAG 0.00 (%)
InterWeave Quickbooks Integration 0.00 (%)
BlackLine Financial Close Management 0.00 (%)
Tipalti AP Automation 0.00 (%)
Veryfi 0.00 (%)
oneDrum 0.00 (%)
Sleek Bill 0.00 (%)
Solna 0.00 (%)
ManageMart 0.00 (%)
VersAccounts 0.00 (%)
Conterra FIM 0.00 (%)
SYMPAQ SQL 0.00 (%)
Plus & Minus 0.00 (%)
ONE UP 0.00 (%)
Horsebills 0.00 (%)
SkyClerk 0.00 (%)
TaxSlayer Books 0.00 (%)
Crunched 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Debitoor 0.00 (%)
eZ Account Import 0.00 (%)
eZ Credit Card Import 0.00 (%)
Slingshot ERP 0.00 (%)
HomeCare Accounting 0.00 (%)
Officewise 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
move2clouds 0.00 (%)
Synder 0.00 (%)
VerticaLive 0.00 (%)
BNA Fixed Assets 0.00 (%)
Digital Invoicing 0.00 (%)
Taxjoy 0.00 (%)
Gem Accounts 0.00 (%)
Street Invoice 0.00 (%)
NetServiceBooks 0.00 (%)
SalesSystemCRM 0.00 (%)
Accounting ASAP 0.00 (%)
Canopus Treasury 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Accounting software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Accounting software are QuickBooks, NetSuite, Cognos. Here, you can view a full list of Accounting tools in the market.

How many companies use Accounting software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 246,335 companies are currently using one or more Accounting software. Out of these, there are 176,108 companies using Accounting tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Accounting software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Accounting space are QuickBooks with 36.35 % of market share, and NetSuite with 8.10 % of market share and Cognos with 6.84 % of market share . Check for other Accounting technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Accounting softwares?

The top industries that use Accounting software are Professional Services (81,249) , Technology (37,379) , Financial Services (32,171) .

Choose Technologies to Compare
