Accounts Payable

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Accounts Payable software. Check out our list of Accounts Payable Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Accounts Payable

Top 5 Accounts Payable technologies in 2023

Over 249,849 companies are using Accounts Payable tools. QuickBooks with 45.93% market share (114,747 customers), NetSuite with 10.23% market share (25,558 customers), Xero with 6.78% market share (16,948 customers),

Accounts Payable Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Accounts Payable category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (63,883 companies), 20 - 49 employees (46,810 companies), 100 - 249 employees (20,541 companies).

Accounts Payable Customers by Geography

Companies using Accounts Payable technology software are majorly from the United States with 144,562 (81.88%), United Kingdom with 9,932 (5.63%), Canada with 8,672 (4.91%) customers respectively.

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Accounts Payable Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Accounts Payable for Professional Services (49,109), Financial Services (20,450), Technology (19,048).

Market Share for Top Accounts Payable Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Accounts Payable technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 QuickBooks 114747 45.93 (%)
2 NetSuite 25558 10.23 (%)
3 Xero 16948 6.78 (%)
4 Square Invoices 15434 6.18 (%)
5 SAP Concur 12017 4.81 (%)
6 QuickBooks Online 11875 4.75 (%)
7 MYOB 11705 4.68 (%)
8 Sage 50cloud 8911 3.57 (%)
9 Microsoft Dynamics NAV 8403 3.36 (%)
10 Fiserv 3765 1.51 (%)
11 SAP Ariba Payables 2875 1.15 (%)
12 Sage Intacct 2870 1.15 (%)
13 2192 0.88 (%)
14 OnBase 1657 0.66 (%)
15 Basware 1438 0.58 (%)
16 SAP Financials OnDemand 1363 0.55 (%)
17 Receipt Bank 779 0.31 (%)
18 KashFlow 721 0.29 (%)
19 FinancialForce Accounting 677 0.27 (%)
20 Esker 662 0.26 (%)
21 AvidXchange 444 0.18 (%)
22 Reviso 423 0.17 (%)
23 for QuickBooks Online 378 0.15 (%)
24 Comdata AP Automation 365 0.15 (%)
25 outright 257 0.10 (%)
26 Stampli 248 0.10 (%)
27 Tradeshift 207 0.08 (%)
28 Saasu 189 0.08 (%)
29 LessAccounting 155 0.06 (%)
30 FreeAgent 150 0.06 (%)
31 Oracle Fusion Financial Management 148 0.06 (%)
32 Tipalti 146 0.06 (%)
33 Chrome River EXPENSE 141 0.06 (%)
34 MineralTree FlexPay 140 0.06 (%)
35 MineralTree Invoice-to-Pay 140 0.06 (%)
36 Plooto 136 0.05 (%)
37 Plate IQ 104 0.04 (%)
38 Nominal Accounting 100 0.04 (%)
39 Sage Business Cloud Accounting 93 0.04 (%)
40 NexusPayables 88 0.04 (%)
41 DocStar AP Automation 86 0.03 (%)
42 Tensoft RCM 78 0.03 (%)
43 AccountMate 78 0.03 (%)
44 Quicken 72 0.03 (%)
45 Kofax Markview 72 0.03 (%)
46 Corcentric 58 0.02 (%)
47 Procurify 52 0.02 (%)
48 PurchaseControl 50 0.02 (%)
49 Datamolino 37 0.01 (%)
50 TRADOGRAM 36 0.01 (%)
51 Nvoicepay 33 0.01 (%)
52 CheckIssuing 33 0.01 (%)
53 AccountsPortal 31 0.01 (%)
54 Aqilla 30 0.01 (%)
55 29 0.01 (%)
56 Business Plus Accounting Touch POS 27 0.01 (%)
57 Entryless 26 0.01 (%)
58 Ecount ERP 22 0.01 (%)
59 HarmonyPSA 22 0.01 (%)
60 iPayables 22 0.01 (%)
61 Cheqbook Accounting 20 0.01 (%)
62 SimpleBooks 20 0.01 (%)
63 OCRex AutoRec 19 0.01 (%)
64 Kashoo 19 0.01 (%)
65 expex 18 0.01 (%)
66 NextProcess 16 0.01 (%)
67 Shortlist 14 0.01 (%)
68 SlickPie 14 0.01 (%)
69 Aestiva Purchase Order 14 0.01 (%)
70 PNC Payments 14 0.01 (%)
71 TrackMySubs 14 0.01 (%)
72 Centreviews 13 0.01 (%)
73 AP Express 11 0.00 (%)
74 Tipalti AP Automation 11 0.00 (%)
75 SAP Concur Invoice Capture 10 0.00 (%)
76 Conterra FIM 8 0.00 (%)
77 Paypool 6 0.00 (%)
78 6 0.00 (%)
79 eZ Credit Card Import 6 0.00 (%)
80 eZ Account Import 6 0.00 (%)
81 Officewise 5 0.00 (%)
82 Vision360 Enterprise 5 0.00 (%)
83 Invitbox 4 0.00 (%)
84 BeanworksAP 3 0.00 (%)
85 Texthog 3 0.00 (%)
86 SutiAP 3 0.00 (%)
87 Gem Accounts 3 0.00 (%)
88 NumbersAgent AP 3 0.00 (%)
89 ECM Toolbox Workflow 3 0.00 (%)
90 Basware CloudScan 3 0.00 (%)
91 Circulus 2 0.00 (%)
92 Accounting ASAP 2 0.00 (%)
93 Yooz 2 0.00 (%)
94 Scan One 2 0.00 (%)
95 Tipalti Invoice Management 2 0.00 (%)
96 BillZap 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
QuickBooks 45.93 (%)
NetSuite 10.23 (%)
Xero 6.78 (%)
Square Invoices 6.18 (%)
SAP Concur 4.81 (%)
QuickBooks Online 4.75 (%)
MYOB 4.68 (%)
Sage 50cloud 3.57 (%)
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 3.36 (%)
Fiserv 1.51 (%)
SAP Ariba Payables 1.15 (%)
Sage Intacct 1.15 (%) 0.88 (%)
OnBase 0.66 (%)
Basware 0.58 (%)
SAP Financials OnDemand 0.55 (%)
Receipt Bank 0.31 (%)
KashFlow 0.29 (%)
FinancialForce Accounting 0.27 (%)
Esker 0.26 (%)
AvidXchange 0.18 (%)
Reviso 0.17 (%) for QuickBooks Online 0.15 (%)
Comdata AP Automation 0.15 (%)
outright 0.10 (%)
Stampli 0.10 (%)
Tradeshift 0.08 (%)
Saasu 0.08 (%)
LessAccounting 0.06 (%)
FreeAgent 0.06 (%)
Oracle Fusion Financial Management 0.06 (%)
Tipalti 0.06 (%)
Chrome River EXPENSE 0.06 (%)
MineralTree FlexPay 0.06 (%)
MineralTree Invoice-to-Pay 0.06 (%)
Plooto 0.05 (%)
Plate IQ 0.04 (%)
Nominal Accounting 0.04 (%)
Sage Business Cloud Accounting 0.04 (%)
NexusPayables 0.04 (%)
DocStar AP Automation 0.03 (%)
Tensoft RCM 0.03 (%)
AccountMate 0.03 (%)
Quicken 0.03 (%)
Kofax Markview 0.03 (%)
Corcentric 0.02 (%)
Procurify 0.02 (%)
PurchaseControl 0.02 (%)
Datamolino 0.01 (%)
TRADOGRAM 0.01 (%)
Nvoicepay 0.01 (%)
CheckIssuing 0.01 (%)
AccountsPortal 0.01 (%)
Aqilla 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Business Plus Accounting Touch POS 0.01 (%)
Entryless 0.01 (%)
Ecount ERP 0.01 (%)
HarmonyPSA 0.01 (%)
iPayables 0.01 (%)
Cheqbook Accounting 0.01 (%)
SimpleBooks 0.01 (%)
OCRex AutoRec 0.01 (%)
Kashoo 0.01 (%)
expex 0.01 (%)
NextProcess 0.01 (%)
Shortlist 0.01 (%)
SlickPie 0.01 (%)
Aestiva Purchase Order 0.01 (%)
PNC Payments 0.01 (%)
TrackMySubs 0.01 (%)
Centreviews 0.01 (%)
AP Express 0.00 (%)
Tipalti AP Automation 0.00 (%)
SAP Concur Invoice Capture 0.00 (%)
Conterra FIM 0.00 (%)
Paypool 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
eZ Credit Card Import 0.00 (%)
eZ Account Import 0.00 (%)
Officewise 0.00 (%)
Vision360 Enterprise 0.00 (%)
Invitbox 0.00 (%)
BeanworksAP 0.00 (%)
Texthog 0.00 (%)
SutiAP 0.00 (%)
Gem Accounts 0.00 (%)
NumbersAgent AP 0.00 (%)
ECM Toolbox Workflow 0.00 (%)
Basware CloudScan 0.00 (%)
Circulus 0.00 (%)
Accounting ASAP 0.00 (%)
Yooz 0.00 (%)
Scan One 0.00 (%)
Tipalti Invoice Management 0.00 (%)
BillZap 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Accounts Payable software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Accounts Payable software are QuickBooks, NetSuite, Xero. Here, you can view a full list of Accounts Payable tools in the market.

How many companies use Accounts Payable software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 188,121 companies are currently using one or more Accounts Payable software. Out of these, there are 144,562 companies using Accounts Payable tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Accounts Payable software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Accounts Payable space are QuickBooks with 45.93 % of market share, and NetSuite with 10.23 % of market share and Xero with 6.78 % of market share . Check for other Accounts Payable technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Accounts Payable softwares?

The top industries that use Accounts Payable software are Professional Services (49,109) , Financial Services (20,450) , Technology (19,048) .

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