Audience Insights

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Audience Insights software. Check out our list of Audience Insights Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Audience Insights

Top 5 Audience Insights technologies in 2023

Over 108,270 companies are using Audience Insights tools. FullStory with 32.96% market share (35,683 customers), Quantcast Measure with 19.66% market share (21,284 customers), Sitecore with 12.29% market share (13,310 customers),

Audience Insights Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Audience Insights category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (32,046 companies), 20 - 49 employees (19,415 companies), 100 - 249 employees (7,201 companies).

Audience Insights Customers by Geography

Companies using Audience Insights technology software are majorly from the United States with 51,387 (70.09%), United Kingdom with 5,964 (8.14%), Germany with 3,826 (5.22%) customers respectively.

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Audience Insights Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Audience Insights for Professional Services (19,660), Technology (11,384), Retail and CPG (6,673).

Market Share for Top Audience Insights Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Audience Insights technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 FullStory 35683 32.96 (%)
2 Quantcast Measure 21284 19.66 (%)
3 Sitecore 13310 12.29 (%)
4 Amplitude 9287 8.58 (%)
5 NEAR 5226 4.83 (%)
6 LogRocket 4357 4.02 (%)
7 BlueCava 3859 3.56 (%)
8 InfOnline 2987 2.76 (%)
9 Trialfire 2311 2.13 (%)
10 1609 1.49 (%)
11 Piano ID 1174 1.08 (%)
12 Wayin 933 0.86 (%)
13 Resonate 882 0.81 (%)
14 Jebbit 819 0.76 (%)
15 UserTesting 583 0.54 (%)
16 Talkwalker 564 0.52 (%)
17 Viafoura 420 0.39 (%)
18 RadiumOne 317 0.29 (%)
19 Mobilewalla 314 0.29 (%)
20 Fospha 248 0.23 (%)
21 Synthesio 248 0.23 (%)
22 UsabilityHub 186 0.17 (%)
23 Dataminr 166 0.15 (%)
24 GlobalWebIndex 156 0.14 (%)
25 Fluent Agile Audience Engine 124 0.11 (%)
26 Gravy Analytics 115 0.11 (%)
27 Gnip 100 0.09 (%)
28 StatSocial 76 0.07 (%)
29 AverickMedia 69 0.06 (%)
30 Affinio 68 0.06 (%)
31 Verto Analytics 65 0.06 (%)
32 Alliant 62 0.06 (%)
33 AffinityAnswers 57 0.05 (%)
34 Mindswarms 56 0.05 (%)
35 Genderize 43 0.04 (%)
36 Quantifind Signum 42 0.04 (%)
37 Users Insights 39 0.04 (%)
38 MetrixLab 39 0.04 (%)
39 NaviStone 33 0.03 (%)
40 jirafe 33 0.03 (%)
41 Nielsen 32 0.03 (%)
42 Unified 32 0.03 (%)
43 Blue Sheep 28 0.03 (%)
44 PushSpring 27 0.02 (%)
45 Insightpool 25 0.02 (%)
46 Infegy Atlas 25 0.02 (%)
47 Networked Insights 17 0.02 (%)
48 Spocto 13 0.01 (%)
49 Amplero 13 0.01 (%)
50 Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights 13 0.01 (%)
51 Pricing Engine 12 0.01 (%)
52 comScore Audience Analytics 11 0.01 (%)
53 Mezzobit 11 0.01 (%)
54 Seevibes 10 0.01 (%)
55 KYA 9 0.01 (%)
56 LiftEngine 8 0.01 (%)
57 IBM Watson Personality Insights 7 0.01 (%)
58 Helio 6 0.01 (%)
59 Suzy 5 0.00 (%)
60 AdWyze 5 0.00 (%)
61 Intutel 4 0.00 (%)
62 Glimpzit 3 0.00 (%)
63 Facebook Domain Insights 2 0.00 (%)
64 Sitefinity Digital Experience Cloud 2 0.00 (%)
65 Upalytics 2 0.00 (%)
66 PR Newswire MediaRoom 2 0.00 (%)
67 Tracx 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
FullStory 32.96 (%)
Quantcast Measure 19.66 (%)
Sitecore 12.29 (%)
Amplitude 8.58 (%)
NEAR 4.83 (%)
LogRocket 4.02 (%)
BlueCava 3.56 (%)
InfOnline 2.76 (%)
Trialfire 2.13 (%) 1.49 (%)
Piano ID 1.08 (%)
Wayin 0.86 (%)
Resonate 0.81 (%)
Jebbit 0.76 (%)
UserTesting 0.54 (%)
Talkwalker 0.52 (%)
Viafoura 0.39 (%)
RadiumOne 0.29 (%)
Mobilewalla 0.29 (%)
Fospha 0.23 (%)
Synthesio 0.23 (%)
UsabilityHub 0.17 (%)
Dataminr 0.15 (%)
GlobalWebIndex 0.14 (%)
Fluent Agile Audience Engine 0.11 (%)
Gravy Analytics 0.11 (%)
Gnip 0.09 (%)
StatSocial 0.07 (%)
AverickMedia 0.06 (%)
Affinio 0.06 (%)
Verto Analytics 0.06 (%)
Alliant 0.06 (%)
AffinityAnswers 0.05 (%)
Mindswarms 0.05 (%)
Genderize 0.04 (%)
Quantifind Signum 0.04 (%)
Users Insights 0.04 (%)
MetrixLab 0.04 (%)
NaviStone 0.03 (%)
jirafe 0.03 (%)
Nielsen 0.03 (%)
Unified 0.03 (%)
Blue Sheep 0.03 (%)
PushSpring 0.02 (%)
Insightpool 0.02 (%)
Infegy Atlas 0.02 (%)
Networked Insights 0.02 (%)
Spocto 0.01 (%)
Amplero 0.01 (%)
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights 0.01 (%)
Pricing Engine 0.01 (%)
comScore Audience Analytics 0.01 (%)
Mezzobit 0.01 (%)
Seevibes 0.01 (%)
KYA 0.01 (%)
LiftEngine 0.01 (%)
IBM Watson Personality Insights 0.01 (%)
Helio 0.01 (%)
Suzy 0.00 (%)
AdWyze 0.00 (%)
Intutel 0.00 (%)
Glimpzit 0.00 (%)
Facebook Domain Insights 0.00 (%)
Sitefinity Digital Experience Cloud 0.00 (%)
Upalytics 0.00 (%)
PR Newswire MediaRoom 0.00 (%)
Tracx 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Audience Insights software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Audience Insights software are FullStory, Quantcast Measure, Sitecore. Here, you can view a full list of Audience Insights tools in the market.

How many companies use Audience Insights software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 83,381 companies are currently using one or more Audience Insights software. Out of these, there are 51,387 companies using Audience Insights tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Audience Insights software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Audience Insights space are FullStory with 32.96 % of market share, and Quantcast Measure with 19.66 % of market share and Sitecore with 12.29 % of market share . Check for other Audience Insights technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Audience Insights softwares?

The top industries that use Audience Insights software are Professional Services (19,660) , Technology (11,384) , Retail and CPG (6,673) .

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