BIM And Architectural Design Software

Gain market share and customer base information about the top BIM And Architectural Design Software software. Check out our list of BIM And Architectural Design Software Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to BIM And Architectural Design Software

Top 5 BIM And Architectural Design Software technologies in 2023

Over 42,251 companies are using BIM And Architectural Design Software tools. Autodesk Revit with 44.48% market share (18,795 customers), Autodesk Civil 3D with 14.41% market share (6,089 customers), Autodesk Navisworks with 12.93% market share (5,461 customers),

BIM And Architectural Design Software Customers by Employee Size

The majority of BIM And Architectural Design Software category falls in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (7,983 companies), 100 - 249 employees (6,135 companies), 0 - 9 employees (5,564 companies).

BIM And Architectural Design Software Customers by Geography

Companies using BIM And Architectural Design Software technology software are majorly from the United States with 18,719 (62.46%), United Kingdom with 3,071 (10.25%), Canada with 1,906 (6.36%) customers respectively.

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BIM And Architectural Design Software Customers by Industry

Top industries that use BIM And Architectural Design Software for Professional Services (18,799), Technology (1,866), Industrials & Chemicals (1,848).

Market Share for Top BIM And Architectural Design Software Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular BIM And Architectural Design Software technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Autodesk Revit 18795 44.48 (%)
2 Autodesk Civil 3D 6089 14.41 (%)
3 Autodesk Navisworks 5461 12.93 (%)
4 Revit MEP 5384 12.74 (%)
5 Bentley 2417 5.72 (%)
6 OrCAD Capture 1310 3.10 (%)
7 Autodesk BIM 360 584 1.38 (%)
8 GEOPAK Civil Engineering Suite 534 1.26 (%)
9 Bentley Architecture 365 0.86 (%)
10 Vectorworks Designer 312 0.74 (%)
11 DipTrace 162 0.38 (%)
12 OrCAD PCB Designer 156 0.37 (%)
13 Bentley Navigator 105 0.25 (%)
14 Bentley AutoPIPE 98 0.23 (%)
15 Bentley RAM 93 0.22 (%)
16 Autodesk Buzzsaw 72 0.17 (%)
17 Bentley OpenPlant 63 0.15 (%)
18 CSI ETABS 40 0.09 (%)
19 Bentley SewerGEMS 39 0.09 (%)
20 Bentley ProSteel 37 0.09 (%)
21 Bentley FlowMaster 32 0.08 (%)
22 Bentley Hevacomp 24 0.06 (%)
23 Bentley ProStructures 22 0.05 (%)
24 Bentley OpenBuildings Designer 19 0.04 (%)
25 Bentley Rail Network Design 14 0.03 (%)
26 Bentley MAXSURF 9 0.02 (%)
27 Bentley RAM Concept 9 0.02 (%)
28 Bentley RAM Connection 6 0.01 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top BIM And Architectural Design Software software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for BIM And Architectural Design Software software are Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Civil 3D, Autodesk Navisworks. Here, you can view a full list of BIM And Architectural Design Software tools in the market.

How many companies use BIM And Architectural Design Software software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 37,641 companies are currently using one or more BIM And Architectural Design Software software. Out of these, there are 18,719 companies using BIM And Architectural Design Software tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the BIM And Architectural Design Software software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the BIM And Architectural Design Software space are Autodesk Revit with 44.48 % of market share, and Autodesk Civil 3D with 14.41 % of market share and Autodesk Navisworks with 12.93 % of market share . Check for other BIM And Architectural Design Software technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use BIM And Architectural Design Software softwares?

The top industries that use BIM And Architectural Design Software software are Professional Services (18,799) , Technology (1,866) , Industrials & Chemicals (1,848) .

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