CAD Software

Gain market share and customer base information about the top CAD Software software. Check out our list of CAD Software Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to CAD Software

Top 5 CAD Software technologies in 2023

Over 365,238 companies are using CAD Software tools. AutoCAD with 40.40% market share (147,554 customers), Solidworks with 14.31% market share (52,272 customers), Autodesk with 9.76% market share (35,653 customers),

CAD Software Customers by Employee Size

The majority of CAD Software category falls in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (74,174 companies), 100 - 249 employees (53,298 companies), 0 - 9 employees (52,509 companies).

CAD Software Customers by Geography

Companies using CAD Software technology software are majorly from the United States with 152,586 (57.76%), United Kingdom with 24,977 (9.46%), India with 19,358 (7.33%) customers respectively.

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CAD Software Customers by Industry

Top industries that use CAD Software for Professional Services (91,080), Industrials & Chemicals (37,084), Technology (17,663).

Market Share for Top CAD Software Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular CAD Software technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 AutoCAD 147554 40.40 (%)
2 Solidworks 52272 14.31 (%)
3 Autodesk 35653 9.76 (%)
4 Autodesk Revit 18801 5.15 (%)
5 CATIA 14460 3.96 (%)
6 Autodesk Inventor 10323 2.83 (%)
7 AutoCAD Architecture 9962 2.73 (%)
8 AutoCAD Mechanical 9686 2.65 (%)
9 SolidWorks Premium 5644 1.55 (%)
10 Oracle Designer 5369 1.47 (%)
11 Mastercam 4839 1.32 (%)
12 AutoCAD MEP 4486 1.23 (%)
13 ANSYS Mechanical 4234 1.16 (%)
14 Archicad 3669 1.00 (%)
15 Siemens NX 3441 0.94 (%)
16 PTC Creo 2799 0.77 (%)
17 Rhinoceros 2707 0.74 (%)
18 VectorWorks 2706 0.74 (%)
19 ANSYS Fluent 2386 0.65 (%)
20 Creo Parametric 2145 0.59 (%)
21 Mentor Graphic 2031 0.56 (%)
22 ANSYS Workbench 1702 0.47 (%)
23 Bentley MicroStation 1648 0.45 (%)
24 Altair HyperMesh 1499 0.41 (%)
25 AutoCAD LT 1480 0.41 (%)
26 3ds Max Design 1449 0.40 (%)
27 Style Cad 1294 0.35 (%)
28 Autodesk 3dcad 1181 0.32 (%)
29 Altium 1048 0.29 (%)
30 ANSYS CFX 862 0.24 (%)
31 HydroCAD 590 0.16 (%)
32 SAP 2000 582 0.16 (%)
33 ANSYS HFSS 561 0.15 (%)
34 ANSYS SpaceClaim 528 0.14 (%)
35 Siemens Solid Edge 525 0.14 (%)
36 AutoTURN 502 0.14 (%)
37 Onshape 459 0.13 (%)
38 Autodesk Alias 409 0.11 (%)
39 BricsCAD 404 0.11 (%)
40 SOLIDWORKS Visualize 403 0.11 (%)
41 3DEXPERIENCE Platform 399 0.11 (%)
42 Autodesk Eagle 331 0.09 (%)
43 IMSI TurboCAD 268 0.07 (%)
44 Dassault DraftSight 261 0.07 (%)
45 ANSYS Icepak 221 0.06 (%)
46 PTC Mathcad 145 0.04 (%)
47 DataCAD 126 0.03 (%)
48 Bentley STAAD 116 0.03 (%)
49 Vectorworks Architect 97 0.03 (%)
50 Creo Elements/Pro 91 0.02 (%)
51 IMSI DesignCAD 75 0.02 (%)
52 PTC Creo Simulate 69 0.02 (%)
53 PTC Mathcad Prime 64 0.02 (%)
54 PTC Creo Elements/Direct 61 0.02 (%)
55 Siemens I-DEAS 54 0.01 (%)
56 ANSYS EnSight 54 0.01 (%)
57 Bentley StormCAD 45 0.01 (%)
58 ANSYS SPEOS 43 0.01 (%)
59 Dassault 3DVIA 41 0.01 (%)
60 ANSYS RedHawk 39 0.01 (%)
61 Dassault ICEM Surf 32 0.01 (%)
62 FreeCAD 31 0.01 (%)
63 Autodesk PowerShape 30 0.01 (%)
64 PRO Landscape Design Software 30 0.01 (%)
65 ArborGold 29 0.01 (%)
66 Bentley SewerCAD 23 0.01 (%)
67 Include 20 0.01 (%)
68 EFI Optitex 19 0.01 (%)
69 Richpeace 17 0.00 (%)
70 iScape 17 0.00 (%)
71 RealTime Landscaping 17 0.00 (%)
72 KeyCreator 17 0.00 (%)
73 CA Telon 11 0.00 (%)
74 Dassault 3DSwYm 10 0.00 (%)
75 Crea Solution 9 0.00 (%)
76 Autodesk AutoSketch 9 0.00 (%)
77 Abaqus Unified FEA 6 0.00 (%)
78 Gemini CAD System 6 0.00 (%)
79 Dynascape Manage360 5 0.00 (%)
80 Bentley SITEOPS 4 0.00 (%)
81 Trimble PipeDesigner 3D 3 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
AutoCAD 40.40 (%)
Solidworks 14.31 (%)
Autodesk 9.76 (%)
Autodesk Revit 5.15 (%)
CATIA 3.96 (%)
Autodesk Inventor 2.83 (%)
AutoCAD Architecture 2.73 (%)
AutoCAD Mechanical 2.65 (%)
SolidWorks Premium 1.55 (%)
Oracle Designer 1.47 (%)
Mastercam 1.32 (%)
AutoCAD MEP 1.23 (%)
ANSYS Mechanical 1.16 (%)
Archicad 1.00 (%)
Siemens NX 0.94 (%)
PTC Creo 0.77 (%)
Rhinoceros 0.74 (%)
VectorWorks 0.74 (%)
ANSYS Fluent 0.65 (%)
Creo Parametric 0.59 (%)
Mentor Graphic 0.56 (%)
ANSYS Workbench 0.47 (%)
Bentley MicroStation 0.45 (%)
Altair HyperMesh 0.41 (%)
AutoCAD LT 0.41 (%)
3ds Max Design 0.40 (%)
Style Cad 0.35 (%)
Autodesk 3dcad 0.32 (%)
Altium 0.29 (%)
ANSYS CFX 0.24 (%)
HydroCAD 0.16 (%)
SAP 2000 0.16 (%)
ANSYS HFSS 0.15 (%)
ANSYS SpaceClaim 0.14 (%)
Siemens Solid Edge 0.14 (%)
AutoTURN 0.14 (%)
Onshape 0.13 (%)
Autodesk Alias 0.11 (%)
BricsCAD 0.11 (%)
SOLIDWORKS Visualize 0.11 (%)
3DEXPERIENCE Platform 0.11 (%)
Autodesk Eagle 0.09 (%)
IMSI TurboCAD 0.07 (%)
Dassault DraftSight 0.07 (%)
ANSYS Icepak 0.06 (%)
PTC Mathcad 0.04 (%)
DataCAD 0.03 (%)
Bentley STAAD 0.03 (%)
Vectorworks Architect 0.03 (%)
Creo Elements/Pro 0.02 (%)
IMSI DesignCAD 0.02 (%)
PTC Creo Simulate 0.02 (%)
PTC Mathcad Prime 0.02 (%)
PTC Creo Elements/Direct 0.02 (%)
Siemens I-DEAS 0.01 (%)
ANSYS EnSight 0.01 (%)
Bentley StormCAD 0.01 (%)
ANSYS SPEOS 0.01 (%)
Dassault 3DVIA 0.01 (%)
ANSYS RedHawk 0.01 (%)
Dassault ICEM Surf 0.01 (%)
FreeCAD 0.01 (%)
Autodesk PowerShape 0.01 (%)
PRO Landscape Design Software 0.01 (%)
ArborGold 0.01 (%)
Bentley SewerCAD 0.01 (%)
Include 0.01 (%)
EFI Optitex 0.01 (%)
Richpeace 0.00 (%)
iScape 0.00 (%)
RealTime Landscaping 0.00 (%)
KeyCreator 0.00 (%)
CA Telon 0.00 (%)
Dassault 3DSwYm 0.00 (%)
Crea Solution 0.00 (%)
Autodesk AutoSketch 0.00 (%)
Abaqus Unified FEA 0.00 (%)
Gemini CAD System 0.00 (%)
Dynascape Manage360 0.00 (%)
Bentley SITEOPS 0.00 (%)
Trimble PipeDesigner 3D 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top CAD Software software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for CAD Software software are AutoCAD, Solidworks, Autodesk. Here, you can view a full list of CAD Software tools in the market.

How many companies use CAD Software software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 335,840 companies are currently using one or more CAD Software software. Out of these, there are 152,586 companies using CAD Software tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the CAD Software software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the CAD Software space are AutoCAD with 40.40 % of market share, and Solidworks with 14.31 % of market share and Autodesk with 9.76 % of market share . Check for other CAD Software technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use CAD Software softwares?

The top industries that use CAD Software software are Professional Services (91,080) , Industrials & Chemicals (37,084) , Technology (17,663) .

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