Campaign Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Campaign Management software. Check out our list of Campaign Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Campaign Management

Top 5 Campaign Management technologies in 2023

Over 829,082 companies are using Campaign Management tools. HubSpot Marketing Hub with 16.92% market share (140,268 customers), Google Ads with 12.17% market share (100,936 customers), Adobe Marketing Cloud with 8.98% market share (74,492 customers),

Campaign Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Campaign Management category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (240,395 companies), 20 - 49 employees (202,635 companies), 100 - 249 employees (88,043 companies).

Campaign Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Campaign Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 420,260 (64.62%), United Kingdom with 63,769 (9.81%), Canada with 33,757 (5.19%) customers respectively.

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Campaign Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Campaign Management for Professional Services (189,049), Technology (89,157), Retail and CPG (62,201).

Market Share for Top Campaign Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Campaign Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 HubSpot Marketing Hub 140268 16.92 (%)
2 Google Ads 100936 12.17 (%)
3 Adobe Marketing Cloud 74492 8.98 (%)
4 ActiveCampaign 55381 6.68 (%)
5 Outbrain 42003 5.07 (%)
6 Pardot 39499 4.76 (%)
7 Segment 37946 4.58 (%)
8 Marketo 33550 4.05 (%)
9 Campaign Monitor 28687 3.46 (%)
10 MailerLite 24417 2.95 (%)
11 Vidyard 24310 2.93 (%)
12 Asana 21699 2.62 (%)
13 Infusionsoft 16528 1.99 (%)
14 SharpSpring 16065 1.94 (%)
15 SEMrush 15713 1.90 (%)
16 Salesforce Marketing Cloud 13338 1.61 (%)
17 WordStream Advisor 13199 1.59 (%)
18 AWeber 11761 1.42 (%)
19 11239 1.36 (%)
20 dotdigital Engagement Cloud 9696 1.17 (%)
21 Autopilot 5745 0.69 (%)
22 Adobe Experience Manager 4958 0.60 (%)
23 Wisepops 4940 0.60 (%)
24 NationBuilder 4687 0.57 (%)
25 VerticalResponse 4649 0.56 (%)
26 Workfront 4461 0.54 (%)
27 Email It 4251 0.51 (%)
28 Second Street 4127 0.50 (%)
29 Meltwater 3851 0.46 (%)
30 Flipcause 3314 0.40 (%)
31 Salesfusion 3037 0.37 (%)
32 Enabler 3034 0.37 (%)
33 Bizible 2924 0.35 (%)
34 ONTRAPORT 2914 0.35 (%)
35 Instapage 2670 0.32 (%)
36 Choozle 2607 0.31 (%)
37 Marketing 360 2582 0.31 (%)
38 LeadDyno 2148 0.26 (%)
39 Adobe Campaign 2055 0.25 (%)
40 dotmailer 1836 0.22 (%)
41 DOZ 1641 0.20 (%)
42 Landingi 1496 0.18 (%)
43 Bronto Marketing Platform 1413 0.17 (%)
44 Campaigner 1374 0.17 (%)
45 iZooto 1223 0.15 (%)
46 ReferralCandy 991 0.12 (%)
47 Iterable 965 0.12 (%)
48 LinkedIn Campaign Manager 909 0.11 (%)
49 TUNE Marketing Console 881 0.11 (%)
50 Sizmek 840 0.10 (%)
51 Appforma 692 0.08 (%)
52 LeadsRx 624 0.08 (%)
53 Klipfolio 603 0.07 (%)
54 Spredfast 555 0.07 (%)
55 Kickbooster 507 0.06 (%)
56 ActiveTrail 503 0.06 (%)
57 Quorum 485 0.06 (%)
58 Netcore Smartech 452 0.05 (%)
59 Easypromos 450 0.05 (%)
60 Unbxd 447 0.05 (%)
61 Sarbacane 418 0.05 (%)
62 bpm'online marketing 404 0.05 (%)
63 Totango 401 0.05 (%)
64 Kapost 400 0.05 (%)
65 Adobe Enterprise 394 0.05 (%)
66 Marin Software 378 0.05 (%)
67 Alterian 369 0.04 (%)
68 Percolate 363 0.04 (%)
69 AppAnnie 354 0.04 (%)
70 Intellifluence 323 0.04 (%)
71 Talon.One 307 0.04 (%)
72 Maropost 285 0.03 (%)
73 Bannerflow 272 0.03 (%)
74 ShippingEasy 262 0.03 (%)
75 CallFire 261 0.03 (%)
76 GreenRope 239 0.03 (%)
77 InsightSquared 225 0.03 (%)
78 Envoke 216 0.03 (%)
79 KickoffLabs 199 0.02 (%)
80 Emma Email 193 0.02 (%)
81 Adobe Media Optimizer 182 0.02 (%)
82 Scanova 178 0.02 (%)
83 Acquisio 177 0.02 (%)
84 SimplyCast 176 0.02 (%)
85 SmartFocus 144 0.02 (%)
86 AdCurve 143 0.02 (%)
87 TapClicks 141 0.02 (%)
88 EtailPro 131 0.02 (%)
89 Folloze 118 0.01 (%)
90 JangoMail 112 0.01 (%)
91 Full Circle Response Management 109 0.01 (%)
92 Referral SaaSquatch 103 0.01 (%)
93 ZeroBounce 94 0.01 (%)
94 Optmyzr 88 0.01 (%)
95 Skyword 86 0.01 (%)
96 InviteBox 85 0.01 (%)
97 ActiveConversion 85 0.01 (%)
98 Uniqodo 85 0.01 (%)
99 LeadMaster 85 0.01 (%)
100 Refined Ads 83 0.01 (%)
101 Kaboodle 82 0.01 (%)
102 Trail Blazer Campaign Manager 79 0.01 (%)
103 78 0.01 (%)
104 Movio 76 0.01 (%)
105 Mailify 75 0.01 (%)
106 HCL Unica Campaign 72 0.01 (%)
107 Simplicity 65 0.01 (%)
108 Brierley CampaignWare 65 0.01 (%)
109 Pinpointe On-Demand 62 0.01 (%)
110 Vouchery 58 0.01 (%)
111 SocialPilot 55 0.01 (%)
112 Offerslook 54 0.01 (%)
113 CrazyCall 47 0.01 (%)
114 Zaius 45 0.01 (%)
115 Social Seeder 43 0.01 (%)
116 BlueWinston 42 0.01 (%)
117 Aprimo Campaign 42 0.01 (%)
118 ion interactive 42 0.01 (%)
119 39 0.00 (%)
120 AdStage 37 0.00 (%)
121 OptimizePress 37 0.00 (%)
122 LimeLight CRM 35 0.00 (%)
123 HitPath 35 0.00 (%)
124 PUBLITRAC 35 0.00 (%)
125 Workgroups DaVinci 30 0.00 (%)
126 Beevolve 30 0.00 (%)
127 Katabat 30 0.00 (%)
128 Experiture 28 0.00 (%)
129 Kutenda 26 0.00 (%)
130 Marketing Optimizer 25 0.00 (%)
131 LinkTrust 25 0.00 (%)
132 Publicators 22 0.00 (%)
133 Workado 22 0.00 (%)
134 Mothernode CRM 22 0.00 (%)
135 PPC BidMax 21 0.00 (%)
136 SalesCamp 20 0.00 (%)
137 Ecanvasser 19 0.00 (%)
138 emfluence 18 0.00 (%)
139 JDX suite 14 0.00 (%)
140 AcuityAds 14 0.00 (%)
141 Direct Mail Manager 13 0.00 (%)
142 Adnegah 12 0.00 (%)
143 MoonMail 12 0.00 (%)
144 PromoPrep 11 0.00 (%)
145 Jooicer 11 0.00 (%)
146 ATOMIZED 10 0.00 (%)
147 SutiCRM 10 0.00 (%)
148 Powermailer 8 0.00 (%)
149 Mogo CRM 8 0.00 (%)
150 ProWorkflow 8 0.00 (%)
151 TidyMarketer 7 0.00 (%)
152 OfferIt 6 0.00 (%)
153 Adobe Context Optional 5 0.00 (%)
154 Pareto Quantic 5 0.00 (%)
155 Targeto 5 0.00 (%)
156 IBM Campaign 5 0.00 (%)
157 Orangear 4 0.00 (%)
158 PPCBidTracker 4 0.00 (%)
159 GloboMailer 4 0.00 (%)
160 Business Logic Systems - InTelestage 3 0.00 (%)
161 HandStack 3 0.00 (%)
162 Dolead 3 0.00 (%)
163 CampaignAlyzer 3 0.00 (%)
164 WinningWare QuickLaunch 3 0.00 (%)
165 Infor Omni-Channel Campaign Management 3 0.00 (%)
166 Upcast 2 0.00 (%)
167 CASA 2 0.00 (%)
168 Funnely 2 0.00 (%)
169 inClick Ad Server 2 0.00 (%)
170 MOOOSE 2 0.00 (%)
171 Brightspot Campaigner 2 0.00 (%)
172 PostHelpers 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
HubSpot Marketing Hub 16.92 (%)
Google Ads 12.17 (%)
Adobe Marketing Cloud 8.98 (%)
ActiveCampaign 6.68 (%)
Outbrain 5.07 (%)
Pardot 4.76 (%)
Segment 4.58 (%)
Marketo 4.05 (%)
Campaign Monitor 3.46 (%)
MailerLite 2.95 (%)
Vidyard 2.93 (%)
Asana 2.62 (%)
Infusionsoft 1.99 (%)
SharpSpring 1.94 (%)
SEMrush 1.90 (%)
Salesforce Marketing Cloud 1.61 (%)
WordStream Advisor 1.59 (%)
AWeber 1.42 (%) 1.36 (%)
dotdigital Engagement Cloud 1.17 (%)
Autopilot 0.69 (%)
Adobe Experience Manager 0.60 (%)
Wisepops 0.60 (%)
NationBuilder 0.57 (%)
VerticalResponse 0.56 (%)
Workfront 0.54 (%)
Email It 0.51 (%)
Second Street 0.50 (%)
Meltwater 0.46 (%)
Flipcause 0.40 (%)
Salesfusion 0.37 (%)
Enabler 0.37 (%)
Bizible 0.35 (%)
ONTRAPORT 0.35 (%)
Instapage 0.32 (%)
Choozle 0.31 (%)
Marketing 360 0.31 (%)
LeadDyno 0.26 (%)
Adobe Campaign 0.25 (%)
dotmailer 0.22 (%)
DOZ 0.20 (%)
Landingi 0.18 (%)
Bronto Marketing Platform 0.17 (%)
Campaigner 0.17 (%)
iZooto 0.15 (%)
ReferralCandy 0.12 (%)
Iterable 0.12 (%)
LinkedIn Campaign Manager 0.11 (%)
TUNE Marketing Console 0.11 (%)
Sizmek 0.10 (%)
Appforma 0.08 (%)
LeadsRx 0.08 (%)
Klipfolio 0.07 (%)
Spredfast 0.07 (%)
Kickbooster 0.06 (%)
ActiveTrail 0.06 (%)
Quorum 0.06 (%)
Netcore Smartech 0.05 (%)
Easypromos 0.05 (%)
Unbxd 0.05 (%)
Sarbacane 0.05 (%)
bpm'online marketing 0.05 (%)
Totango 0.05 (%)
Kapost 0.05 (%)
Adobe Enterprise 0.05 (%)
Marin Software 0.05 (%)
Alterian 0.04 (%)
Percolate 0.04 (%)
AppAnnie 0.04 (%)
Intellifluence 0.04 (%)
Talon.One 0.04 (%)
Maropost 0.03 (%)
Bannerflow 0.03 (%)
ShippingEasy 0.03 (%)
CallFire 0.03 (%)
GreenRope 0.03 (%)
InsightSquared 0.03 (%)
Envoke 0.03 (%)
KickoffLabs 0.02 (%)
Emma Email 0.02 (%)
Adobe Media Optimizer 0.02 (%)
Scanova 0.02 (%)
Acquisio 0.02 (%)
SimplyCast 0.02 (%)
SmartFocus 0.02 (%)
AdCurve 0.02 (%)
TapClicks 0.02 (%)
EtailPro 0.02 (%)
Folloze 0.01 (%)
JangoMail 0.01 (%)
Full Circle Response Management 0.01 (%)
Referral SaaSquatch 0.01 (%)
ZeroBounce 0.01 (%)
Optmyzr 0.01 (%)
Skyword 0.01 (%)
InviteBox 0.01 (%)
ActiveConversion 0.01 (%)
Uniqodo 0.01 (%)
LeadMaster 0.01 (%)
Refined Ads 0.01 (%)
Kaboodle 0.01 (%)
Trail Blazer Campaign Manager 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Movio 0.01 (%)
Mailify 0.01 (%)
HCL Unica Campaign 0.01 (%)
Simplicity 0.01 (%)
Brierley CampaignWare 0.01 (%)
Pinpointe On-Demand 0.01 (%)
Vouchery 0.01 (%)
SocialPilot 0.01 (%)
Offerslook 0.01 (%)
CrazyCall 0.01 (%)
Zaius 0.01 (%)
Social Seeder 0.01 (%)
BlueWinston 0.01 (%)
Aprimo Campaign 0.01 (%)
ion interactive 0.01 (%) 0.00 (%)
AdStage 0.00 (%)
OptimizePress 0.00 (%)
LimeLight CRM 0.00 (%)
HitPath 0.00 (%)
PUBLITRAC 0.00 (%)
Workgroups DaVinci 0.00 (%)
Beevolve 0.00 (%)
Katabat 0.00 (%)
Experiture 0.00 (%)
Kutenda 0.00 (%)
Marketing Optimizer 0.00 (%)
LinkTrust 0.00 (%)
Publicators 0.00 (%)
Workado 0.00 (%)
Mothernode CRM 0.00 (%)
PPC BidMax 0.00 (%)
SalesCamp 0.00 (%)
Ecanvasser 0.00 (%)
emfluence 0.00 (%)
JDX suite 0.00 (%)
AcuityAds 0.00 (%)
Direct Mail Manager 0.00 (%)
Adnegah 0.00 (%)
MoonMail 0.00 (%)
PromoPrep 0.00 (%)
Jooicer 0.00 (%)
ATOMIZED 0.00 (%)
SutiCRM 0.00 (%)
Powermailer 0.00 (%)
Mogo CRM 0.00 (%)
ProWorkflow 0.00 (%)
TidyMarketer 0.00 (%)
OfferIt 0.00 (%)
Adobe Context Optional 0.00 (%)
Pareto Quantic 0.00 (%)
Targeto 0.00 (%)
IBM Campaign 0.00 (%)
Orangear 0.00 (%)
PPCBidTracker 0.00 (%)
GloboMailer 0.00 (%)
Business Logic Systems - InTelestage 0.00 (%)
HandStack 0.00 (%)
Dolead 0.00 (%)
CampaignAlyzer 0.00 (%)
WinningWare QuickLaunch 0.00 (%)
Infor Omni-Channel Campaign Management 0.00 (%)
Upcast 0.00 (%)
CASA 0.00 (%)
Funnely 0.00 (%)
inClick Ad Server 0.00 (%)
MOOOSE 0.00 (%)
Brightspot Campaigner 0.00 (%)
PostHelpers 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Campaign Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Campaign Management software are HubSpot Marketing Hub, Google Ads, Adobe Marketing Cloud. Here, you can view a full list of Campaign Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Campaign Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 772,251 companies are currently using one or more Campaign Management software. Out of these, there are 420,260 companies using Campaign Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Campaign Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Campaign Management space are HubSpot Marketing Hub with 16.92 % of market share, and Google Ads with 12.17 % of market share and Adobe Marketing Cloud with 8.98 % of market share . Check for other Campaign Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Campaign Management softwares?

The top industries that use Campaign Management software are Professional Services (189,049) , Technology (89,157) , Retail and CPG (62,201) .

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