Collaborative Design And Prototyping

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Collaborative Design And Prototyping software. Check out our list of Collaborative Design And Prototyping Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Collaborative Design And Prototyping

Top 5 Collaborative Design And Prototyping technologies in 2023

Over 84,117 companies are using Collaborative Design And Prototyping tools. Figma with 34.96% market share (29,409 customers), Adobe Premiere Pro CC with 20.06% market share (16,874 customers), Adobe XD with 15.09% market share (12,694 customers),

Collaborative Design And Prototyping Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Collaborative Design And Prototyping category falls in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (19,862 companies), 0 - 9 employees (16,043 companies), 100 - 249 employees (10,919 companies).

Collaborative Design And Prototyping Customers by Geography

Companies using Collaborative Design And Prototyping technology software are majorly from the United States with 39,963 (61.86%), United Kingdom with 6,677 (10.34%), India with 4,110 (6.36%) customers respectively.

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Collaborative Design And Prototyping Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Collaborative Design And Prototyping for Professional Services (22,459), Technology (18,826), Media and Telecom (5,165).

Market Share for Top Collaborative Design And Prototyping Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Collaborative Design And Prototyping technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Figma 29409 34.96 (%)
2 Adobe Premiere Pro CC 16874 20.06 (%)
3 Adobe XD 12694 15.09 (%)
4 InVision 9059 10.77 (%)
5 Adobe Fireworks 2256 2.68 (%)
6 LinkNow Media 2139 2.54 (%)
7 Mural 1442 1.71 (%)
8 AutoDesk Fusion 360 1387 1.65 (%)
9 Axure RP 1257 1.49 (%)
10 Avocode 1077 1.28 (%)
11 UXPin 745 0.89 (%)
12 Visage 657 0.78 (%)
13 Mockingbird 638 0.76 (%)
14 Mockplus 435 0.52 (%)
15 Justinmind 364 0.43 (%)
16 Zeroheight 356 0.42 (%)
17 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 343 0.41 (%)
18 Beautiful.AI 268 0.32 (%)
19 Adobe Dimension CC 241 0.29 (%)
20 Adobe Discover 213 0.25 (%)
21 Atomic 181 0.22 (%)
22 EditShare 176 0.21 (%)
23 SimScale 165 0.20 (%)
24 Autodesk A360 140 0.17 (%)
25 Brand AI 137 0.16 (%)
26 Marvel 134 0.16 (%)
27 FireflyApp 108 0.13 (%)
28 FlowMapp visual sitemaps & user flows 91 0.11 (%)
29 Twiddla 88 0.10 (%)
30 Crank 74 0.09 (%)
31 Moovweb 73 0.09 (%)
32 Sympli 71 0.08 (%)
33 UserForge 63 0.07 (%)
34 LayerVault 63 0.07 (%)
35 Pixate 60 0.07 (%)
36 Cage 57 0.07 (%)
37 Pitch Deck Template 47 0.06 (%)
38 Cacoo 45 0.05 (%)
39 Adobe Output Designer 44 0.05 (%)
40 Ashore 44 0.05 (%)
41 Adobe Fuse CC 36 0.04 (%)
42 Notism 24 0.03 (%)
43 Sensive 22 0.03 (%)
44 ScreenSpace 21 0.02 (%)
45 20 0.02 (%)
46 Pixelapse 20 0.02 (%)
47 Minty 20 0.02 (%)
48 Deekit 20 0.02 (%)
49 LiveSurface Context 19 0.02 (%)
50 Indigo Studio 18 0.02 (%)
51 Flawless 16 0.02 (%)
52 SavahApp 16 0.02 (%)
53 Specctr 13 0.02 (%)
54 Wake 12 0.01 (%)
55 Concept Inbox 10 0.01 (%)
56 Precursor 10 0.01 (%)
57 Marqueed 10 0.01 (%)
58 Subform 9 0.01 (%)
59 Feedbag 9 0.01 (%)
60 Tster 8 0.01 (%)
61 Sqrl 8 0.01 (%)
62 Kyra 7 0.01 (%)
63 Antenna House Formatter 7 0.01 (%)
64 FileSquare 6 0.01 (%)
65 6 0.01 (%)
66 RawTherapee 5 0.01 (%)
67 Adobe Pixel Bender 5 0.01 (%)
68 Jar 5 0.01 (%)
69 Material Gallery 5 0.01 (%)
70 TruePlan 5 0.01 (%)
71 Pidoco 3 0.00 (%)
72 Issuu Collaborate 3 0.00 (%)
73 Fluid UI 2 0.00 (%)
74 Walkie 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Figma 34.96 (%)
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 20.06 (%)
Adobe XD 15.09 (%)
InVision 10.77 (%)
Adobe Fireworks 2.68 (%)
LinkNow Media 2.54 (%)
Mural 1.71 (%)
AutoDesk Fusion 360 1.65 (%)
Axure RP 1.49 (%)
Avocode 1.28 (%)
UXPin 0.89 (%)
Visage 0.78 (%)
Mockingbird 0.76 (%)
Mockplus 0.52 (%)
Justinmind 0.43 (%)
Zeroheight 0.42 (%)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 0.41 (%)
Beautiful.AI 0.32 (%)
Adobe Dimension CC 0.29 (%)
Adobe Discover 0.25 (%)
Atomic 0.22 (%)
EditShare 0.21 (%)
SimScale 0.20 (%)
Autodesk A360 0.17 (%)
Brand AI 0.16 (%)
Marvel 0.16 (%)
FireflyApp 0.13 (%)
FlowMapp visual sitemaps & user flows 0.11 (%)
Twiddla 0.10 (%)
Crank 0.09 (%)
Moovweb 0.09 (%)
Sympli 0.08 (%)
UserForge 0.07 (%)
LayerVault 0.07 (%)
Pixate 0.07 (%)
Cage 0.07 (%)
Pitch Deck Template 0.06 (%)
Cacoo 0.05 (%)
Adobe Output Designer 0.05 (%)
Ashore 0.05 (%)
Adobe Fuse CC 0.04 (%)
Notism 0.03 (%)
Sensive 0.03 (%)
ScreenSpace 0.02 (%) 0.02 (%)
Pixelapse 0.02 (%)
Minty 0.02 (%)
Deekit 0.02 (%)
LiveSurface Context 0.02 (%)
Indigo Studio 0.02 (%)
Flawless 0.02 (%)
SavahApp 0.02 (%)
Specctr 0.02 (%)
Wake 0.01 (%)
Concept Inbox 0.01 (%)
Precursor 0.01 (%)
Marqueed 0.01 (%)
Subform 0.01 (%)
Feedbag 0.01 (%)
Tster 0.01 (%)
Sqrl 0.01 (%)
Kyra 0.01 (%)
Antenna House Formatter 0.01 (%)
FileSquare 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
RawTherapee 0.01 (%)
Adobe Pixel Bender 0.01 (%)
Jar 0.01 (%)
Material Gallery 0.01 (%)
TruePlan 0.01 (%)
Pidoco 0.00 (%)
Issuu Collaborate 0.00 (%)
Fluid UI 0.00 (%)
Walkie 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Collaborative Design And Prototyping software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Collaborative Design And Prototyping software are Figma, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe XD. Here, you can view a full list of Collaborative Design And Prototyping tools in the market.

How many companies use Collaborative Design And Prototyping software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 80,720 companies are currently using one or more Collaborative Design And Prototyping software. Out of these, there are 39,963 companies using Collaborative Design And Prototyping tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Collaborative Design And Prototyping software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Collaborative Design And Prototyping space are Figma with 34.96 % of market share, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC with 20.06 % of market share and Adobe XD with 15.09 % of market share . Check for other Collaborative Design And Prototyping technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Collaborative Design And Prototyping softwares?

The top industries that use Collaborative Design And Prototyping software are Professional Services (22,459) , Technology (18,826) , Media and Telecom (5,165) .

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