Competitive Intelligence

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Competitive Intelligence software. Check out our list of Competitive Intelligence Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Competitive Intelligence

Top 5 Competitive Intelligence technologies in 2023

Over 23,955 companies are using Competitive Intelligence tools. Alexa with 71.90% market share (17,224 customers), (formerly Appeagle) with 6.17% market share (1,478 customers), Buxton with 2.75% market share (659 customers),

Competitive Intelligence Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Competitive Intelligence category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (9,978 companies), 20 - 49 employees (5,571 companies), 10 - 19 employees (2,073 companies).

Competitive Intelligence Customers by Geography

Companies using Competitive Intelligence technology software are majorly from the United States with 13,322 (69.80%), United Kingdom with 1,488 (7.80%), India with 1,303 (6.83%) customers respectively.

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Competitive Intelligence Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Competitive Intelligence for Professional Services (6,420), Technology (5,157), Media and Telecom (2,117).

Market Share for Top Competitive Intelligence Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Competitive Intelligence technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Alexa 17224 71.90 (%)
2 (formerly Appeagle) 1478 6.17 (%)
3 Buxton 659 2.75 (%)
4 NetBase 655 2.73 (%)
5 Conductor 654 2.73 (%)
6 Sensor Tower 506 2.11 (%)
7 S&P Global Market Intelligence 402 1.68 (%)
8 Adbeat 291 1.21 (%)
9 Mobile Action 214 0.89 (%)
10 Klear 180 0.75 (%)
11 Marketing Miner 151 0.63 (%)
12 AppTweak 133 0.56 (%)
13 112 0.47 (%)
14 Relationship Science (RelSci) 111 0.46 (%)
15 Klue 106 0.44 (%)
16 Contify 98 0.41 (%)
17 Unmetric 98 0.41 (%)
18 BoomSonar 94 0.39 (%)
19 Boomsocial 92 0.38 (%)
20 Echosec 78 0.33 (%)
21 AdGooroo 77 0.32 (%)
22 eDataSource 67 0.28 (%)
23 Ceralytics 52 0.22 (%)
24 Crayon 46 0.19 (%)
25 Stillio 41 0.17 (%)
26 OnFrontiers 41 0.17 (%)
27 SoloCheck 33 0.14 (%)
28 BrandMentions 32 0.13 (%)
29 23 0.10 (%)
30 CompeteShark 22 0.09 (%)
31 Phizzle 20 0.08 (%)
32 Cuutio 18 0.08 (%)
33 WordTail 12 0.05 (%)
34 The Brand Grader 12 0.05 (%)
35 Rivalfox 12 0.05 (%)
36 Adthena 12 0.05 (%)
37 7Park Data 11 0.05 (%)
38 DemandMatrix 11 0.05 (%)
39 Intricately 9 0.04 (%)
40 ClearCi 7 0.03 (%)
41 BacklinkSpy 7 0.03 (%)
42 7 0.03 (%)
43 Scoreboard Social 6 0.03 (%)
44 Macromeasures 6 0.03 (%)
45 Deep Dive Duck 5 0.02 (%)
46 Rival Explorer 5 0.02 (%)
47 Intutel 4 0.02 (%)
48 Intelligence Plaza 4 0.02 (%)
49 SMAudience 4 0.02 (%)
50 Clear Impact Scorecard 4 0.02 (%)
51 Big Tracker 4 0.02 (%)
52 Leadpipe 3 0.01 (%)
53 Magpie 2 0.01 (%)
Technology Market share
Alexa 71.90 (%) (formerly Appeagle) 6.17 (%)
Buxton 2.75 (%)
NetBase 2.73 (%)
Conductor 2.73 (%)
Sensor Tower 2.11 (%)
S&P Global Market Intelligence 1.68 (%)
Adbeat 1.21 (%)
Mobile Action 0.89 (%)
Klear 0.75 (%)
Marketing Miner 0.63 (%)
AppTweak 0.56 (%) 0.47 (%)
Relationship Science (RelSci) 0.46 (%)
Klue 0.44 (%)
Contify 0.41 (%)
Unmetric 0.41 (%)
BoomSonar 0.39 (%)
Boomsocial 0.38 (%)
Echosec 0.33 (%)
AdGooroo 0.32 (%)
eDataSource 0.28 (%)
Ceralytics 0.22 (%)
Crayon 0.19 (%)
Stillio 0.17 (%)
OnFrontiers 0.17 (%)
SoloCheck 0.14 (%)
BrandMentions 0.13 (%) 0.10 (%)
CompeteShark 0.09 (%)
Phizzle 0.08 (%)
Cuutio 0.08 (%)
WordTail 0.05 (%)
The Brand Grader 0.05 (%)
Rivalfox 0.05 (%)
Adthena 0.05 (%)
7Park Data 0.05 (%)
DemandMatrix 0.05 (%)
Intricately 0.04 (%)
ClearCi 0.03 (%)
BacklinkSpy 0.03 (%) 0.03 (%)
Scoreboard Social 0.03 (%)
Macromeasures 0.03 (%)
Deep Dive Duck 0.02 (%)
Rival Explorer 0.02 (%)
Intutel 0.02 (%)
Intelligence Plaza 0.02 (%)
SMAudience 0.02 (%)
Clear Impact Scorecard 0.02 (%)
Big Tracker 0.02 (%)
Leadpipe 0.01 (%)
Magpie 0.01 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Competitive Intelligence software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Competitive Intelligence software are Alexa, (formerly Appeagle), Buxton. Here, you can view a full list of Competitive Intelligence tools in the market.

How many companies use Competitive Intelligence software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 23,759 companies are currently using one or more Competitive Intelligence software. Out of these, there are 13,322 companies using Competitive Intelligence tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Competitive Intelligence software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Competitive Intelligence space are Alexa with 71.90 % of market share, and (formerly Appeagle) with 6.17 % of market share and Buxton with 2.75 % of market share . Check for other Competitive Intelligence technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Competitive Intelligence softwares?

The top industries that use Competitive Intelligence software are Professional Services (6,420) , Technology (5,157) , Media and Telecom (2,117) .

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