Containers And Microservices

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Containers And Microservices software. Check out our list of Containers And Microservices Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Containers And Microservices

Top 5 Containers And Microservices technologies in 2023

Over 96,070 companies are using Containers And Microservices tools. Docker with 47.75% market share (45,870 customers), Google Cloud Functions with 20.32% market share (19,521 customers), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) with 7.04% market share (6,759 customers),

Containers And Microservices Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Containers And Microservices category falls in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (18,753 companies), 100 - 249 employees (12,735 companies), 0 - 9 employees (11,100 companies).

Containers And Microservices Customers by Geography

Companies using Containers And Microservices technology software are majorly from the United States with 32,911 (56.08%), United Kingdom with 5,425 (9.24%), India with 3,425 (5.84%) customers respectively.

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Containers And Microservices Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Containers And Microservices for Technology (28,129), Professional Services (12,146), Financial Services (4,184).

Market Share for Top Containers And Microservices Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Containers And Microservices technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Docker 45870 47.75 (%)
2 Google Cloud Functions 19521 20.32 (%)
3 Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) 6759 7.04 (%)
4 Rancher 4437 4.62 (%)
5 Amazon ECS 4061 4.23 (%)
6 Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) 3163 3.29 (%)
7 Redux 2509 2.61 (%)
8 Rancher Kubernetes Engine 2198 2.29 (%)
9 Google Cloud Run 1311 1.36 (%)
10 CoreOS 1161 1.21 (%)
11 Amazon EC2 Container Service 1118 1.16 (%)
12 DC/OS 910 0.95 (%)
13 Joyent 614 0.64 (%)
14 Twistlock 351 0.37 (%)
15 Weaveworks 329 0.34 (%)
16 Sysdig 296 0.31 (%)
17 Portainer 251 0.26 (%)
18 VMware Harbor 159 0.17 (%)
19 ClusterHQ 136 0.14 (%)
20 Portworx 113 0.12 (%)
21 Honeycomb 110 0.11 (%)
22 NServiceBus 67 0.07 (%)
23 Salesforce Servlet 66 0.07 (%)
24 Apache Karaf 63 0.07 (%)
25 NeuVector 62 0.06 (%)
26 Google Container Engine 55 0.06 (%)
27 Tutum 46 0.05 (%)
28 Caylent 43 0.04 (%)
29 DaoCloud 38 0.04 (%)
30 30 0.03 (%)
31 Pachyderm 29 0.03 (%)
32 boot2docker 27 0.03 (%)
33 Apcera 26 0.03 (%)
34 Kitematic 20 0.02 (%)
35 Mutable 20 0.02 (%)
36 ContainerShip 17 0.02 (%)
37 Docker Swarm 11 0.01 (%)
38 Cask Data Application Platform 11 0.01 (%)
39 Triton SmartOS 10 0.01 (%)
40 CoreOS RKT 10 0.01 (%)
41 Shipyard 9 0.01 (%)
42 Kontena 8 0.01 (%)
43 Panamax 6 0.01 (%)
44 Carina 5 0.01 (%)
45 InfoSiftr 4 0.00 (%)
46 Bitnami Stacksmith 3 0.00 (%)
47 appLariat 3 0.00 (%)
48 Octohost 2 0.00 (%)
49 Baker Street 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Docker 47.75 (%)
Google Cloud Functions 20.32 (%)
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) 7.04 (%)
Rancher 4.62 (%)
Amazon ECS 4.23 (%)
Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) 3.29 (%)
Redux 2.61 (%)
Rancher Kubernetes Engine 2.29 (%)
Google Cloud Run 1.36 (%)
CoreOS 1.21 (%)
Amazon EC2 Container Service 1.16 (%)
DC/OS 0.95 (%)
Joyent 0.64 (%)
Twistlock 0.37 (%)
Weaveworks 0.34 (%)
Sysdig 0.31 (%)
Portainer 0.26 (%)
VMware Harbor 0.17 (%)
ClusterHQ 0.14 (%)
Portworx 0.12 (%)
Honeycomb 0.11 (%)
NServiceBus 0.07 (%)
Salesforce Servlet 0.07 (%)
Apache Karaf 0.07 (%)
NeuVector 0.06 (%)
Google Container Engine 0.06 (%)
Tutum 0.05 (%)
Caylent 0.04 (%)
DaoCloud 0.04 (%) 0.03 (%)
Pachyderm 0.03 (%)
boot2docker 0.03 (%)
Apcera 0.03 (%)
Kitematic 0.02 (%)
Mutable 0.02 (%)
ContainerShip 0.02 (%)
Docker Swarm 0.01 (%)
Cask Data Application Platform 0.01 (%)
Triton SmartOS 0.01 (%)
CoreOS RKT 0.01 (%)
Shipyard 0.01 (%)
Kontena 0.01 (%)
Panamax 0.01 (%)
Carina 0.01 (%)
InfoSiftr 0.00 (%)
Bitnami Stacksmith 0.00 (%)
appLariat 0.00 (%)
Octohost 0.00 (%)
Baker Street 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Containers And Microservices software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Containers And Microservices software are Docker, Google Cloud Functions, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Here, you can view a full list of Containers And Microservices tools in the market.

How many companies use Containers And Microservices software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 77,664 companies are currently using one or more Containers And Microservices software. Out of these, there are 32,911 companies using Containers And Microservices tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Containers And Microservices software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Containers And Microservices space are Docker with 47.75 % of market share, and Google Cloud Functions with 20.32 % of market share and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) with 7.04 % of market share . Check for other Containers And Microservices technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Containers And Microservices softwares?

The top industries that use Containers And Microservices software are Technology (28,129) , Professional Services (12,146) , Financial Services (4,184) .

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