Contract Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Contract Management software. Check out our list of Contract Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Contract Management

Top 5 Contract Management technologies in 2023

Over 14,006 companies are using Contract Management tools. Concord with 19.48% market share (2,729 customers), Deltek Costpoint with 10.40% market share (1,457 customers), SAP Ariba Contracts with 8.59% market share (1,203 customers),

Contract Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Contract Management category falls in the company size of 10,000+ employees (2,772 companies), 1,000 - 4,999 employees (2,127 companies), 100 - 249 employees (1,490 companies).

Contract Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Contract Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 7,780 (74.76%), United Kingdom with 826 (7.94%), India with 375 (3.60%) customers respectively.

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Contract Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Contract Management for Professional Services (2,828), Technology (2,011), Industrials & Chemicals (1,055).

Market Share for Top Contract Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Contract Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Concord 2729 19.48 (%)
2 Deltek Costpoint 1457 10.40 (%)
3 SAP Ariba Contracts 1203 8.59 (%)
4 Apttus 1141 8.15 (%)
5 DocuSign CLM 790 5.64 (%)
6 SAP Sourcing CLM 662 4.73 (%)
7 GovWin from Deltek 658 4.70 (%)
8 Conga Contracts 569 4.06 (%)
9 Apttus Contract Management 523 3.73 (%)
10 Contractually 350 2.50 (%)
11 Icertis Contract Management 302 2.16 (%)
12 SpringCM 297 2.12 (%)
13 Ironclad 269 1.92 (%)
14 Conga CLM 231 1.65 (%)
15 Oracle Procurement Contracts 197 1.41 (%)
16 Corridor CLM 142 1.01 (%)
17 TinderBox 141 1.01 (%)
18 Model N Contract Lifecycle Management 118 0.84 (%)
19 ASC Contract Management 110 0.79 (%)
20 Kira 108 0.77 (%)
21 Contract Logix 95 0.68 (%)
22 Xpertdoc 80 0.57 (%)
23 Outlaw 67 0.48 (%)
24 SirionLabs 66 0.47 (%)
25 ContractPodAi 65 0.46 (%)
26 LinkSquares 61 0.44 (%)
27 Universal Contract Manager 60 0.43 (%)
28 UniPhi 59 0.42 (%)
29 Brightleaf 58 0.41 (%)
30 IBM Emptoris Contract Management 57 0.41 (%)
31 CobbleStone Contract Insight 56 0.40 (%)
32 ContractWorks 53 0.38 (%)
33 Volody Contract Lifecycle Management 52 0.37 (%)
34 DocVerify Electronic Signature 51 0.36 (%)
35 Ecteon Contraxx 50 0.36 (%)
36 MochaDocs 50 0.36 (%)
37 Concord Contract Management 48 0.34 (%)
38 Juro 47 0.34 (%)
39 Poseidon 42 0.30 (%)
40 FPX 39 0.28 (%)
41 Contract Eagle 38 0.27 (%)
42 ContractSafe 38 0.27 (%)
43 Oneflow 37 0.26 (%)
44 Symfact 34 0.24 (%)
45 DocSpace 33 0.24 (%)
46 Pramata 31 0.22 (%)
47 Open Windows CONTRACTS 30 0.21 (%)
48 Legito 29 0.21 (%)
49 Contractbook 29 0.21 (%)
50 Evisort 27 0.19 (%)
51 QuickSign 27 0.19 (%)
52 eBrevia 26 0.19 (%)
53 ProfileGorilla 26 0.19 (%)
54 EPICS 25 0.18 (%)
55 Atamis 23 0.16 (%)
56 Rform 23 0.16 (%)
57 IntelAgree 22 0.16 (%)
58 Dolphin Contract Manager 22 0.16 (%)
59 Alfa Systems 20 0.14 (%)
60 AMC Management 19 0.14 (%)
61 CallidusCloud CLM 19 0.14 (%)
62 Summize 18 0.13 (%)
63 AND.CO 17 0.12 (%)
64 eContracts 17 0.12 (%)
65 Vistex Go-to-Market Suite 15 0.11 (%)
66 ContractExpress 15 0.11 (%)
67 CLM Matrix 15 0.11 (%)
68 Onit Contract Lifecycle Management 14 0.10 (%)
69 Perceptiv 12 0.09 (%)
70 EasyBOP 12 0.09 (%)
71 Simplify Contracts 12 0.09 (%)
72 Contract Guardian 11 0.08 (%)
73 UPDRAFT 11 0.08 (%)
74 Malbek Contrax 10 0.07 (%)
75 Ironclad Clickwrap 9 0.06 (%)
76 Unison CLM 8 0.06 (%)
77 Seal Contract Discovery 8 0.06 (%)
78 Pims Contract Management 8 0.06 (%)
79 Trackado 7 0.05 (%)
80 ContractRoom 6 0.04 (%)
81 Parley Pro 5 0.04 (%)
82 otris contract 5 0.04 (%)
83 Zoho Contracts 5 0.04 (%)
84 PDFelement 4 0.03 (%)
85 VisibleThread Docs 4 0.03 (%)
86 JAGGAER Contracts+ 3 0.02 (%)
87 Sports Decisions 3 0.02 (%)
88 Contract Genius 3 0.02 (%)
89 SimpliContract 2 0.01 (%)
90 Avokaado 2 0.01 (%)
91 Govly 2 0.01 (%)
92 Ultria - Contract LifeCycle Management 2 0.01 (%)
93 Gimmal 2 0.01 (%)
94 Countasign 2 0.01 (%)
95 Contract Management Ba-PRO 2 0.01 (%)
96 TracPro 2 0.01 (%)
97 Metridea Enterprise Contracts 2 0.01 (%)
Technology Market share
Concord 19.48 (%)
Deltek Costpoint 10.40 (%)
SAP Ariba Contracts 8.59 (%)
Apttus 8.15 (%)
DocuSign CLM 5.64 (%)
SAP Sourcing CLM 4.73 (%)
GovWin from Deltek 4.70 (%)
Conga Contracts 4.06 (%)
Apttus Contract Management 3.73 (%)
Contractually 2.50 (%)
Icertis Contract Management 2.16 (%)
SpringCM 2.12 (%)
Ironclad 1.92 (%)
Conga CLM 1.65 (%)
Oracle Procurement Contracts 1.41 (%)
Corridor CLM 1.01 (%)
TinderBox 1.01 (%)
Model N Contract Lifecycle Management 0.84 (%)
ASC Contract Management 0.79 (%)
Kira 0.77 (%)
Contract Logix 0.68 (%)
Xpertdoc 0.57 (%)
Outlaw 0.48 (%)
SirionLabs 0.47 (%)
ContractPodAi 0.46 (%)
LinkSquares 0.44 (%)
Universal Contract Manager 0.43 (%)
UniPhi 0.42 (%)
Brightleaf 0.41 (%)
IBM Emptoris Contract Management 0.41 (%)
CobbleStone Contract Insight 0.40 (%)
ContractWorks 0.38 (%)
Volody Contract Lifecycle Management 0.37 (%)
DocVerify Electronic Signature 0.36 (%)
Ecteon Contraxx 0.36 (%)
MochaDocs 0.36 (%)
Concord Contract Management 0.34 (%)
Juro 0.34 (%)
Poseidon 0.30 (%)
FPX 0.28 (%)
Contract Eagle 0.27 (%)
ContractSafe 0.27 (%)
Oneflow 0.26 (%)
Symfact 0.24 (%)
DocSpace 0.24 (%)
Pramata 0.22 (%)
Open Windows CONTRACTS 0.21 (%)
Legito 0.21 (%)
Contractbook 0.21 (%)
Evisort 0.19 (%)
QuickSign 0.19 (%)
eBrevia 0.19 (%)
ProfileGorilla 0.19 (%)
EPICS 0.18 (%)
Atamis 0.16 (%)
Rform 0.16 (%)
IntelAgree 0.16 (%)
Dolphin Contract Manager 0.16 (%)
Alfa Systems 0.14 (%)
AMC Management 0.14 (%)
CallidusCloud CLM 0.14 (%)
Summize 0.13 (%)
AND.CO 0.12 (%)
eContracts 0.12 (%)
Vistex Go-to-Market Suite 0.11 (%)
ContractExpress 0.11 (%)
CLM Matrix 0.11 (%)
Onit Contract Lifecycle Management 0.10 (%)
Perceptiv 0.09 (%)
EasyBOP 0.09 (%)
Simplify Contracts 0.09 (%)
Contract Guardian 0.08 (%)
UPDRAFT 0.08 (%)
Malbek Contrax 0.07 (%)
Ironclad Clickwrap 0.06 (%)
Unison CLM 0.06 (%)
Seal Contract Discovery 0.06 (%)
Pims Contract Management 0.06 (%)
Trackado 0.05 (%)
ContractRoom 0.04 (%)
Parley Pro 0.04 (%)
otris contract 0.04 (%)
Zoho Contracts 0.04 (%)
PDFelement 0.03 (%)
VisibleThread Docs 0.03 (%)
JAGGAER Contracts+ 0.02 (%)
Sports Decisions 0.02 (%)
Contract Genius 0.02 (%)
SimpliContract 0.01 (%)
Avokaado 0.01 (%)
Govly 0.01 (%)
Ultria - Contract LifeCycle Management 0.01 (%)
Gimmal 0.01 (%)
Countasign 0.01 (%)
Contract Management Ba-PRO 0.01 (%)
TracPro 0.01 (%)
Metridea Enterprise Contracts 0.01 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Contract Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Contract Management software are Concord, Deltek Costpoint, SAP Ariba Contracts. Here, you can view a full list of Contract Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Contract Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 11,703 companies are currently using one or more Contract Management software. Out of these, there are 7,780 companies using Contract Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Contract Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Contract Management space are Concord with 19.48 % of market share, and Deltek Costpoint with 10.40 % of market share and SAP Ariba Contracts with 8.59 % of market share . Check for other Contract Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Contract Management softwares?

The top industries that use Contract Management software are Professional Services (2,828) , Technology (2,011) , Industrials & Chemicals (1,055) .

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