Cross-Channel Marketing Automation

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software. Check out our list of Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Cross-Channel Marketing Automation

Top 5 Cross-Channel Marketing Automation technologies in 2023

Over 72,252 companies are using Cross-Channel Marketing Automation tools. Promote with 55.07% market share (39,789 customers), Oracle Eloqua with 16.50% market share (11,924 customers), NEAR with 7.23% market share (5,226 customers),

Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Cross-Channel Marketing Automation category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (27,157 companies), 20 - 49 employees (13,155 companies), 10 - 19 employees (5,413 companies).

Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Customers by Geography

Companies using Cross-Channel Marketing Automation technology software are majorly from the United States with 40,667 (74.91%), United Kingdom with 3,819 (7.03%), India with 1,961 (3.61%) customers respectively.

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Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Cross-Channel Marketing Automation for Professional Services (14,495), Retail and CPG (7,402), Technology (6,851).

Market Share for Top Cross-Channel Marketing Automation Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Cross-Channel Marketing Automation technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Promote 39789 55.07 (%)
2 Oracle Eloqua 11924 16.50 (%)
3 NEAR 5226 7.23 (%)
4 SALESmanago 2937 4.06 (%)
5 Listrak 2228 3.08 (%)
6 Adobe Campaign 2067 2.86 (%)
7 mParticle 1426 1.97 (%)
8 Teradata Marketing 1217 1.68 (%)
9 Selligent 710 0.98 (%)
10 AdTriba 700 0.97 (%)
11 eMarketeer 589 0.82 (%)
12 Blueshift 566 0.78 (%)
13 Adabra 533 0.74 (%)
14 Netcore Smartech 453 0.63 (%)
15 Clastic 233 0.32 (%)
16 Dialog Insight 169 0.23 (%)
17 RecastAI 164 0.23 (%)
18 CrossEngage 150 0.21 (%)
19 Accengage 122 0.17 (%)
20 Marketing Evolution 109 0.15 (%)
21 Perfion 85 0.12 (%)
22 PropertyRadar 78 0.11 (%)
23 ACTITO 75 0.10 (%)
24 Bluestone PIM 65 0.09 (%)
25 HireMojo 63 0.09 (%)
26 erxes Inc 55 0.08 (%)
27 FirstHive 53 0.07 (%)
28 Jeenga 52 0.07 (%)
29 ZyloTech 52 0.07 (%)
30 SailPlay Loyalty 50 0.07 (%)
31 REES46 eCommerce Marketing Personalization Suite 32 0.04 (%)
32 Boingnet 30 0.04 (%)
33 Google Channel Intelligence 30 0.04 (%)
34 InfiniGrow 28 0.04 (%)
35 Distribion 27 0.04 (%)
36 QuickPivot 25 0.03 (%)
37 ExpertSender 23 0.03 (%)
38 Virtual Logistics 22 0.03 (%)
39 Clang 19 0.03 (%)
40 Nurture 19 0.03 (%)
41 AdGreetz 17 0.02 (%)
42 OWOX BI Pipeline 7 0.01 (%)
43 AdWyze 5 0.01 (%)
44 Buzzportal 5 0.01 (%)
45 Marketfox 4 0.01 (%)
46 Brick Street CONNECT 4 0.01 (%)
47 3 0.00 (%)
48 OWOX BI Attribution 3 0.00 (%)
49 Leado 3 0.00 (%)
50 ZenIQ 3 0.00 (%)
51 Chainlink 3 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Promote 55.07 (%)
Oracle Eloqua 16.50 (%)
NEAR 7.23 (%)
SALESmanago 4.06 (%)
Listrak 3.08 (%)
Adobe Campaign 2.86 (%)
mParticle 1.97 (%)
Teradata Marketing 1.68 (%)
Selligent 0.98 (%)
AdTriba 0.97 (%)
eMarketeer 0.82 (%)
Blueshift 0.78 (%)
Adabra 0.74 (%)
Netcore Smartech 0.63 (%)
Clastic 0.32 (%)
Dialog Insight 0.23 (%)
RecastAI 0.23 (%)
CrossEngage 0.21 (%)
Accengage 0.17 (%)
Marketing Evolution 0.15 (%)
Perfion 0.12 (%)
PropertyRadar 0.11 (%)
ACTITO 0.10 (%)
Bluestone PIM 0.09 (%)
HireMojo 0.09 (%)
erxes Inc 0.08 (%)
FirstHive 0.07 (%)
Jeenga 0.07 (%)
ZyloTech 0.07 (%)
SailPlay Loyalty 0.07 (%)
REES46 eCommerce Marketing Personalization Suite 0.04 (%)
Boingnet 0.04 (%)
Google Channel Intelligence 0.04 (%)
InfiniGrow 0.04 (%)
Distribion 0.04 (%)
QuickPivot 0.03 (%)
ExpertSender 0.03 (%)
Virtual Logistics 0.03 (%)
Clang 0.03 (%)
Nurture 0.03 (%)
AdGreetz 0.02 (%)
OWOX BI Pipeline 0.01 (%)
AdWyze 0.01 (%)
Buzzportal 0.01 (%)
Marketfox 0.01 (%)
Brick Street CONNECT 0.01 (%) 0.00 (%)
OWOX BI Attribution 0.00 (%)
Leado 0.00 (%)
ZenIQ 0.00 (%)
Chainlink 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software are Promote, Oracle Eloqua, NEAR. Here, you can view a full list of Cross-Channel Marketing Automation tools in the market.

How many companies use Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 61,374 companies are currently using one or more Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software. Out of these, there are 40,667 companies using Cross-Channel Marketing Automation tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Cross-Channel Marketing Automation space are Promote with 55.07 % of market share, and Oracle Eloqua with 16.50 % of market share and NEAR with 7.23 % of market share . Check for other Cross-Channel Marketing Automation technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Cross-Channel Marketing Automation softwares?

The top industries that use Cross-Channel Marketing Automation software are Professional Services (14,495) , Retail and CPG (7,402) , Technology (6,851) .

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