Ecommerce Analytics

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Ecommerce Analytics software. Check out our list of Ecommerce Analytics Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Ecommerce Analytics

Top 5 Ecommerce Analytics technologies in 2023

Over 12,315 companies are using Ecommerce Analytics tools. (formerly Appeagle) with 12.02% market share (1,480 customers), Syndigo with 10.86% market share (1,337 customers), ChannelAdvisor with 9.87% market share (1,215 customers),

Ecommerce Analytics Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Ecommerce Analytics category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (3,379 companies), 20 - 49 employees (2,089 companies), 10 - 19 employees (787 companies).

Ecommerce Analytics Customers by Geography

Companies using Ecommerce Analytics technology software are majorly from the United States with 5,382 (69.44%), United Kingdom with 878 (11.33%), Australia with 244 (3.15%) customers respectively.

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Ecommerce Analytics Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Ecommerce Analytics for Retail and CPG (1,938), Professional Services (1,737), Technology (1,410).

Market Share for Top Ecommerce Analytics Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Ecommerce Analytics technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 (formerly Appeagle) 1480 12.02 (%)
2 Syndigo 1337 10.86 (%)
3 ChannelAdvisor 1215 9.87 (%)
4 Granify 1020 8.28 (%)
5 Custora 968 7.86 (%)
6 654 5.31 (%)
7 ConvertCart 518 4.21 (%)
8 BloomReach 506 4.11 (%)
9 Sub2 486 3.95 (%)
10 Metrilo 478 3.88 (%)
11 Bolt 420 3.41 (%)
12 Metorik 399 3.24 (%)
13 Segmentify 330 2.68 (%)
14 ChannelSight 314 2.55 (%)
15 Cloud.IQ 206 1.67 (%)
16 Formisimo 200 1.62 (%)
17 Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce 199 1.62 (%)
18 GoDataFeed 158 1.28 (%)
19 Profitero 147 1.19 (%)
20 VePlatform 138 1.12 (%)
21 Competera 128 1.04 (%)
22 Putler 92 0.75 (%)
23 DashThis 81 0.66 (%)
24 Foxmetrics 79 0.64 (%)
25 HumCommerce 79 0.64 (%)
26 Crobox 78 0.63 (%)
27 SingleFeed 74 0.60 (%)
28 Econda 62 0.50 (%)
29 minubo 59 0.48 (%)
30 Glew 52 0.42 (%)
31 DataImpact 52 0.42 (%)
32 Shopline 37 0.30 (%)
33 Sensai Metrics 34 0.28 (%)
34 jirafe 33 0.27 (%)
35 UpstreamCommerce 29 0.24 (%)
36 SiteVibes 24 0.19 (%)
37 Slice Intelligence 22 0.18 (%)
38 CloudCraze 22 0.18 (%)
39 Akanoo 21 0.17 (%)
40 Bindwise 18 0.15 (%)
41 Edgecase 18 0.15 (%)
42 MonkeyData 18 0.15 (%)
43 Clavis Insight 14 0.11 (%)
44 Unlevel 8 0.06 (%)
45 YoGrow 6 0.05 (%)
46 Kuoll 2 0.02 (%)
Technology Market share (formerly Appeagle) 12.02 (%)
Syndigo 10.86 (%)
ChannelAdvisor 9.87 (%)
Granify 8.28 (%)
Custora 7.86 (%) 5.31 (%)
ConvertCart 4.21 (%)
BloomReach 4.11 (%)
Sub2 3.95 (%)
Metrilo 3.88 (%)
Bolt 3.41 (%)
Metorik 3.24 (%)
Segmentify 2.68 (%)
ChannelSight 2.55 (%)
Cloud.IQ 1.67 (%)
Formisimo 1.62 (%)
Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce 1.62 (%)
GoDataFeed 1.28 (%)
Profitero 1.19 (%)
VePlatform 1.12 (%)
Competera 1.04 (%)
Putler 0.75 (%)
DashThis 0.66 (%)
Foxmetrics 0.64 (%)
HumCommerce 0.64 (%)
Crobox 0.63 (%)
SingleFeed 0.60 (%)
Econda 0.50 (%)
minubo 0.48 (%)
Glew 0.42 (%)
DataImpact 0.42 (%)
Shopline 0.30 (%)
Sensai Metrics 0.28 (%)
jirafe 0.27 (%)
UpstreamCommerce 0.24 (%)
SiteVibes 0.19 (%)
Slice Intelligence 0.18 (%)
CloudCraze 0.18 (%)
Akanoo 0.17 (%)
Bindwise 0.15 (%)
Edgecase 0.15 (%)
MonkeyData 0.15 (%)
Clavis Insight 0.11 (%)
Unlevel 0.06 (%)
YoGrow 0.05 (%)
Kuoll 0.02 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Ecommerce Analytics software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Ecommerce Analytics software are (formerly Appeagle), Syndigo, ChannelAdvisor. Here, you can view a full list of Ecommerce Analytics tools in the market.

How many companies use Ecommerce Analytics software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 8,907 companies are currently using one or more Ecommerce Analytics software. Out of these, there are 5,382 companies using Ecommerce Analytics tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Ecommerce Analytics software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Ecommerce Analytics space are (formerly Appeagle) with 12.02 % of market share, and Syndigo with 10.86 % of market share and ChannelAdvisor with 9.87 % of market share . Check for other Ecommerce Analytics technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Ecommerce Analytics softwares?

The top industries that use Ecommerce Analytics software are Retail and CPG (1,938) , Professional Services (1,737) , Technology (1,410) .

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