Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Electronic Health Records (EHR) software. Check out our list of Electronic Health Records (EHR) Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Top 5 Electronic Health Records (EHR) technologies in 2023

Over 29,002 companies are using Electronic Health Records (EHR) tools. AthenaHealth with 22.03% market share (6,389 customers), Meditech with 15.77% market share (4,574 customers), eClinicalWorks with 15.47% market share (4,487 customers),

Electronic Health Records (EHR) Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Electronic Health Records (EHR) category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (6,444 companies), 20 - 49 employees (3,828 companies), 1,000 - 4,999 employees (3,093 companies).

Electronic Health Records (EHR) Customers by Geography

Companies using Electronic Health Records (EHR) technology software are majorly from the United States with 21,721 (93.14%), Canada with 528 (2.26%), United Kingdom with 396 (1.70%) customers respectively.

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Electronic Health Records (EHR) Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Electronic Health Records (EHR) for Healthcare and Lifesciences (10,054), Professional Services (2,108), Technology (1,634).

Market Share for Top Electronic Health Records (EHR) Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Electronic Health Records (EHR) technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 AthenaHealth 6389 22.03 (%)
2 Meditech 4574 15.77 (%)
3 eClinicalWorks 4487 15.47 (%)
4 Epic Software 2556 8.81 (%)
5 ADP AdvancedMD 1183 4.08 (%)
6 NextGen Healthcare 1175 4.05 (%)
7 Cerner Millennium 1094 3.77 (%)
8 Cerner PowerChart 836 2.88 (%)
9 Practice Fusion 659 2.27 (%)
10 WebPT 644 2.22 (%)
11 Salesforce Health Cloud 587 2.02 (%)
12 Epic Beacon 371 1.28 (%)
13 Raintree systems 353 1.22 (%)
14 CareCloud 332 1.14 (%)
15 ChiroTouch 321 1.11 (%)
16 Casamba 306 1.06 (%)
17 IBM Merge Healthcare 263 0.91 (%)
18 CureMD 245 0.84 (%)
19 MatrixCare Home Health and Hospice 235 0.81 (%)
20 Meditech Expanse 228 0.79 (%)
21 Cerner ProVision 219 0.76 (%)
22 Halo Health 201 0.69 (%)
23 Medrio 194 0.67 (%)
24 Modernizing Medicine 167 0.58 (%)
25 DocuTap 165 0.57 (%)
26 Office Practicum 154 0.53 (%)
27 CentralReach 112 0.39 (%)
28 Cerner Fetalink 94 0.32 (%)
29 Greenway Health 88 0.30 (%)
30 Microsoft HealthVault 87 0.30 (%)
31 MicroMD 79 0.27 (%)
32 TherapyNotes 66 0.23 (%)
33 Cerner EMPI 63 0.22 (%)
34 NueMD 59 0.20 (%)
35 ChartLogic 51 0.18 (%)
36 athenaClinicals 51 0.18 (%)
37 CareLogic Enterprise 47 0.16 (%)
38 Cerner Soarian EHR 44 0.15 (%)
39 MEDENT 42 0.14 (%)
40 Cerner Clinical Exchange Platform 35 0.12 (%)
41 Ambra Health 29 0.10 (%)
42 PerkinElmer E-Notebook 23 0.08 (%)
43 StreamlineMD 20 0.07 (%)
44 SOAPware 16 0.06 (%)
45 Cerner Direct 10 0.03 (%)
46 ProviderTrust 9 0.03 (%)
47 IBM Merge iConnect 8 0.03 (%)
48 IBM Merge Eye Care PACS 8 0.03 (%)
49 Nuance Clintegrity 360 6 0.02 (%)
50 CGI Sovera 5 0.02 (%)
51 Amazing Charts EHR 5 0.02 (%)
52 AdvancedEHR 3 0.01 (%)
53 ChiroFusion Chiropractic EHR 2 0.01 (%)
54 BIOVIA Biological Registration 2 0.01 (%)
Technology Market share
AthenaHealth 22.03 (%)
Meditech 15.77 (%)
eClinicalWorks 15.47 (%)
Epic Software 8.81 (%)
ADP AdvancedMD 4.08 (%)
NextGen Healthcare 4.05 (%)
Cerner Millennium 3.77 (%)
Cerner PowerChart 2.88 (%)
Practice Fusion 2.27 (%)
WebPT 2.22 (%)
Salesforce Health Cloud 2.02 (%)
Epic Beacon 1.28 (%)
Raintree systems 1.22 (%)
CareCloud 1.14 (%)
ChiroTouch 1.11 (%)
Casamba 1.06 (%)
IBM Merge Healthcare 0.91 (%)
CureMD 0.84 (%)
MatrixCare Home Health and Hospice 0.81 (%)
Meditech Expanse 0.79 (%)
Cerner ProVision 0.76 (%)
Halo Health 0.69 (%)
Medrio 0.67 (%)
Modernizing Medicine 0.58 (%)
DocuTap 0.57 (%)
Office Practicum 0.53 (%)
CentralReach 0.39 (%)
Cerner Fetalink 0.32 (%)
Greenway Health 0.30 (%)
Microsoft HealthVault 0.30 (%)
MicroMD 0.27 (%)
TherapyNotes 0.23 (%)
Cerner EMPI 0.22 (%)
NueMD 0.20 (%)
ChartLogic 0.18 (%)
athenaClinicals 0.18 (%)
CareLogic Enterprise 0.16 (%)
Cerner Soarian EHR 0.15 (%)
MEDENT 0.14 (%)
Cerner Clinical Exchange Platform 0.12 (%)
Ambra Health 0.10 (%)
PerkinElmer E-Notebook 0.08 (%)
StreamlineMD 0.07 (%)
SOAPware 0.06 (%)
Cerner Direct 0.03 (%)
ProviderTrust 0.03 (%)
IBM Merge iConnect 0.03 (%)
IBM Merge Eye Care PACS 0.03 (%)
Nuance Clintegrity 360 0.02 (%)
CGI Sovera 0.02 (%)
Amazing Charts EHR 0.02 (%)
AdvancedEHR 0.01 (%)
ChiroFusion Chiropractic EHR 0.01 (%)
BIOVIA Biological Registration 0.01 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Electronic Health Records (EHR) software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Electronic Health Records (EHR) software are AthenaHealth, Meditech, eClinicalWorks. Here, you can view a full list of Electronic Health Records (EHR) tools in the market.

How many companies use Electronic Health Records (EHR) software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 23,931 companies are currently using one or more Electronic Health Records (EHR) software. Out of these, there are 21,721 companies using Electronic Health Records (EHR) tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Electronic Health Records (EHR) software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Electronic Health Records (EHR) space are AthenaHealth with 22.03 % of market share, and Meditech with 15.77 % of market share and eClinicalWorks with 15.47 % of market share . Check for other Electronic Health Records (EHR) technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Electronic Health Records (EHR) softwares?

The top industries that use Electronic Health Records (EHR) software are Healthcare and Lifesciences (10,054) , Professional Services (2,108) , Technology (1,634) .

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