Email Marketing Platforms

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Email Marketing Platforms software. Check out our list of Email Marketing Platforms Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Email Marketing Platforms

Top 5 Email Marketing Platforms technologies in 2023

Over 334,986 companies are using Email Marketing Platforms tools. Adobe Business Catalyst with 26.26% market share (87,963 customers), Mailjet with 23.27% market share (77,938 customers), Constant Contact with 21.78% market share (72,957 customers),

Email Marketing Platforms Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Email Marketing Platforms category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (116,534 companies), 20 - 49 employees (67,111 companies), 10 - 19 employees (29,564 companies).

Email Marketing Platforms Customers by Geography

Companies using Email Marketing Platforms technology software are majorly from the United States with 157,596 (63.66%), France with 24,634 (9.95%), United Kingdom with 16,039 (6.48%) customers respectively.

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Email Marketing Platforms Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Email Marketing Platforms for Professional Services (77,667), Retail and CPG (36,577), Technology (23,674).

Market Share for Top Email Marketing Platforms Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Email Marketing Platforms technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Adobe Business Catalyst 87963 26.26 (%)
2 Mailjet 77938 23.27 (%)
3 Constant Contact 72957 21.78 (%)
4 Elastic Email 33851 10.11 (%)
5 Privy 20419 6.10 (%)
6 Newsletter2go 6702 2.00 (%)
7 Twilio SendGrid Email Marketing Campaigns 5349 1.60 (%)
8 Zoho Campaigns 4452 1.33 (%)
9 Flocknote 2954 0.88 (%)
10 Benchmark 2437 0.73 (%)
11 Robly 1806 0.54 (%)
12 Litmus 1400 0.42 (%)
13 MasterBase 1143 0.34 (%)
14 ViralSweep 1113 0.33 (%)
15 Flexmail 763 0.23 (%)
16 Selligent 711 0.21 (%)
17 Etrac 578 0.17 (%)
18 Movable Ink 574 0.17 (%)
19 Clever Elements 561 0.17 (%)
20 AY Mail 521 0.16 (%)
21 EngageBay 515 0.15 (%)
22 BlueHornet 514 0.15 (%)
23 Acoustic 513 0.15 (%)
24 LiveIntent 503 0.15 (%)
25 496 0.15 (%)
26 UniSender 444 0.13 (%)
27 Giveffect 374 0.11 (%)
28 lemlist 300 0.09 (%)
29 Email Signatures 299 0.09 (%)
30 StreamSend 285 0.09 (%)
31 Hunter 272 0.08 (%)
32 CriticalImpact 268 0.08 (%)
33 Adestra 267 0.08 (%)
34 FanBridge 261 0.08 (%)
35 EmailOpen 256 0.08 (%)
36 SendBlaster 249 0.07 (%)
37 Explara Event Management Cloud 227 0.07 (%)
38 Snovio 214 0.06 (%)
39 eMill 212 0.06 (%)
40 iNewsletter 200 0.06 (%)
41 Omevo Online Marketing 184 0.05 (%)
42 Dialog Insight 169 0.05 (%)
43 BySide 169 0.05 (%)
44 MailerMailer 152 0.05 (%)
45 V.I.Plus 137 0.04 (%)
46 NewZapp 130 0.04 (%)
47 Publicate 125 0.04 (%)
48 Mailshake 124 0.04 (%)
49 Mailee 121 0.04 (%)
50 MarketVolt 112 0.03 (%)
51 SubscriberMail 104 0.03 (%)
52 emfluence Marketing Platform 101 0.03 (%)
53 MPZmail 99 0.03 (%)
54 Glue Up 99 0.03 (%)
55 Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM) 99 0.03 (%)
56 Liveclicker 94 0.03 (%)
57 Enabler Email Marketing Software 89 0.03 (%)
58 eMailChef 79 0.02 (%)
59 PoliteMail 76 0.02 (%)
60 Groupmail 74 0.02 (%)
61 AwebDesk 70 0.02 (%)
62 eMailPlatform 65 0.02 (%)
63 GoDaddy Email Marketing 64 0.02 (%)
64 Experian CheetahMail 64 0.02 (%)
65 Pinpointe On-Demand 62 0.02 (%)
66 PowerInbox 60 0.02 (%)
67 Ongage 58 0.02 (%)
68 FireDrum 57 0.02 (%)
69 erxes Inc 55 0.02 (%)
70 Commence CRM 51 0.02 (%)
71 NamasteLight 49 0.01 (%)
72 Cordial 48 0.01 (%)
73 EmailDirect 47 0.01 (%)
74 MessageGears 45 0.01 (%)
75 KMailer 45 0.01 (%)
76 Ungapped 40 0.01 (%)
77 38 0.01 (%)
78 Comm100 Email Marketing 37 0.01 (%)
79 Arial Campaign Enterprise 37 0.01 (%)
80 OpenMoves OM3 34 0.01 (%)
81 Mailing Manager 34 0.01 (%)
82 SendReach 31 0.01 (%)
83 OpenMoves 29 0.01 (%)
84 Optivo 25 0.01 (%)
85 Imnica Mail 24 0.01 (%)
86 IntelliClick 23 0.01 (%)
87 ExpertSender 23 0.01 (%)
88 TailoredMail 23 0.01 (%)
89 Publicators 22 0.01 (%)
90 CloudTask 21 0.01 (%)
91 Astonish Email 21 0.01 (%)
92 Sales-Push 20 0.01 (%)
93 PHP Scripts Mall 20 0.01 (%)
94 Clang 19 0.01 (%)
95 ClickMail 17 0.01 (%)
96 eFlyerMaker 17 0.01 (%)
97 SEO Web Analyst 17 0.01 (%)
98 Campaigner Email 17 0.01 (%)
99 Honest Mail Email Marketing 15 0.00 (%)
100 Acymailing 15 0.00 (%)
101 Zendata 14 0.00 (%)
102 wewmanager 14 0.00 (%)
103 RocketResponder 14 0.00 (%)
104 Instant Bulk SMTP 13 0.00 (%)
105 Beetle Email Marketing Insight 13 0.00 (%)
106 Mojn 12 0.00 (%)
107 EasyMail7 12 0.00 (%)
108 Notablist 12 0.00 (%)
109 EmailOctopus 11 0.00 (%)
110 Xeomail 11 0.00 (%)
111 DirectIQ 10 0.00 (%)
112 Gammadyne Mailer 9 0.00 (%)
113 ALTKRAFT 9 0.00 (%)
114 MailGet 8 0.00 (%)
115 Virtual Target 8 0.00 (%)
116 Emailicious 7 0.00 (%)
117 myemailFX 7 0.00 (%)
118 Atomic Mail Sender 7 0.00 (%)
119 Dialogue Builder 7 0.00 (%)
120 Leaf Mail 6 0.00 (%)
121 Email Director 6 0.00 (%)
122 MailGet Bolt 6 0.00 (%)
123 Emercury 5 0.00 (%)
124 WiseStamp 5 0.00 (%)
125 Threads 5 0.00 (%)
126 BrotherMailer 5 0.00 (%)
127 Volleyy 5 0.00 (%)
128 Dyspatch 5 0.00 (%)
129 CO-SENDER 5 0.00 (%)
130 BEE 5 0.00 (%)
131 Act! Premium 4 0.00 (%)
132 Email Aptitude 4 0.00 (%)
133 SwipeMail 4 0.00 (%)
134 FunnelBake 4 0.00 (%)
135 MyBizMailer 4 0.00 (%)
136 Mass Mailing News 4 0.00 (%)
137 StickyMail 4 0.00 (%)
138 Pepo Campaigns 3 0.00 (%)
139 LeadMine 3 0.00 (%)
140 Sales Beach 3 0.00 (%)
141 GuruContact 3 0.00 (%)
142 jiMailer 3 0.00 (%)
143 jiveSYSTEMS 3 0.00 (%)
144 Winning Email 3 0.00 (%)
145 PowerAddon 3 0.00 (%)
146 sigbop Signature Solutions 3 0.00 (%)
147 Notifuse 2 0.00 (%)
148 MyOnlineData 2 0.00 (%)
149 LeadSparrow 2 0.00 (%)
150 ListMarketer 2 0.00 (%)
151 StreamContact 2 0.00 (%)
152 MailCherry 2 0.00 (%)
153 Sentopia 2 0.00 (%)
154 MarketTraq Email 2 0.00 (%)
155 Relevance Software 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Adobe Business Catalyst 26.26 (%)
Mailjet 23.27 (%)
Constant Contact 21.78 (%)
Elastic Email 10.11 (%)
Privy 6.10 (%)
Newsletter2go 2.00 (%)
Twilio SendGrid Email Marketing Campaigns 1.60 (%)
Zoho Campaigns 1.33 (%)
Flocknote 0.88 (%)
Benchmark 0.73 (%)
Robly 0.54 (%)
Litmus 0.42 (%)
MasterBase 0.34 (%)
ViralSweep 0.33 (%)
Flexmail 0.23 (%)
Selligent 0.21 (%)
Etrac 0.17 (%)
Movable Ink 0.17 (%)
Clever Elements 0.17 (%)
AY Mail 0.16 (%)
EngageBay 0.15 (%)
BlueHornet 0.15 (%)
Acoustic 0.15 (%)
LiveIntent 0.15 (%) 0.15 (%)
UniSender 0.13 (%)
Giveffect 0.11 (%)
lemlist 0.09 (%)
Email Signatures 0.09 (%)
StreamSend 0.09 (%)
Hunter 0.08 (%)
CriticalImpact 0.08 (%)
Adestra 0.08 (%)
FanBridge 0.08 (%)
EmailOpen 0.08 (%)
SendBlaster 0.07 (%)
Explara Event Management Cloud 0.07 (%)
Snovio 0.06 (%)
eMill 0.06 (%)
iNewsletter 0.06 (%)
Omevo Online Marketing 0.05 (%)
Dialog Insight 0.05 (%)
BySide 0.05 (%)
MailerMailer 0.05 (%)
V.I.Plus 0.04 (%)
NewZapp 0.04 (%)
Publicate 0.04 (%)
Mailshake 0.04 (%)
Mailee 0.04 (%)
MarketVolt 0.03 (%)
SubscriberMail 0.03 (%)
emfluence Marketing Platform 0.03 (%)
MPZmail 0.03 (%)
Glue Up 0.03 (%)
Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM) 0.03 (%)
Liveclicker 0.03 (%)
Enabler Email Marketing Software 0.03 (%)
eMailChef 0.02 (%)
PoliteMail 0.02 (%)
Groupmail 0.02 (%)
AwebDesk 0.02 (%)
eMailPlatform 0.02 (%)
GoDaddy Email Marketing 0.02 (%)
Experian CheetahMail 0.02 (%)
Pinpointe On-Demand 0.02 (%)
PowerInbox 0.02 (%)
Ongage 0.02 (%)
FireDrum 0.02 (%)
erxes Inc 0.02 (%)
Commence CRM 0.02 (%)
NamasteLight 0.01 (%)
Cordial 0.01 (%)
EmailDirect 0.01 (%)
MessageGears 0.01 (%)
KMailer 0.01 (%)
Ungapped 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Comm100 Email Marketing 0.01 (%)
Arial Campaign Enterprise 0.01 (%)
OpenMoves OM3 0.01 (%)
Mailing Manager 0.01 (%)
SendReach 0.01 (%)
OpenMoves 0.01 (%)
Optivo 0.01 (%)
Imnica Mail 0.01 (%)
IntelliClick 0.01 (%)
ExpertSender 0.01 (%)
TailoredMail 0.01 (%)
Publicators 0.01 (%)
CloudTask 0.01 (%)
Astonish Email 0.01 (%)
Sales-Push 0.01 (%)
PHP Scripts Mall 0.01 (%)
Clang 0.01 (%)
ClickMail 0.01 (%)
eFlyerMaker 0.01 (%)
SEO Web Analyst 0.01 (%)
Campaigner Email 0.01 (%)
Honest Mail Email Marketing 0.00 (%)
Acymailing 0.00 (%)
Zendata 0.00 (%)
wewmanager 0.00 (%)
RocketResponder 0.00 (%)
Instant Bulk SMTP 0.00 (%)
Beetle Email Marketing Insight 0.00 (%)
Mojn 0.00 (%)
EasyMail7 0.00 (%)
Notablist 0.00 (%)
EmailOctopus 0.00 (%)
Xeomail 0.00 (%)
DirectIQ 0.00 (%)
Gammadyne Mailer 0.00 (%)
ALTKRAFT 0.00 (%)
MailGet 0.00 (%)
Virtual Target 0.00 (%)
Emailicious 0.00 (%)
myemailFX 0.00 (%)
Atomic Mail Sender 0.00 (%)
Dialogue Builder 0.00 (%)
Leaf Mail 0.00 (%)
Email Director 0.00 (%)
MailGet Bolt 0.00 (%)
Emercury 0.00 (%)
WiseStamp 0.00 (%)
Threads 0.00 (%)
BrotherMailer 0.00 (%)
Volleyy 0.00 (%)
Dyspatch 0.00 (%)
CO-SENDER 0.00 (%)
BEE 0.00 (%)
Act! Premium 0.00 (%)
Email Aptitude 0.00 (%)
SwipeMail 0.00 (%)
FunnelBake 0.00 (%)
MyBizMailer 0.00 (%)
Mass Mailing News 0.00 (%)
StickyMail 0.00 (%)
Pepo Campaigns 0.00 (%)
LeadMine 0.00 (%)
Sales Beach 0.00 (%)
GuruContact 0.00 (%)
jiMailer 0.00 (%)
jiveSYSTEMS 0.00 (%)
Winning Email 0.00 (%)
PowerAddon 0.00 (%)
sigbop Signature Solutions 0.00 (%)
Notifuse 0.00 (%)
MyOnlineData 0.00 (%)
LeadSparrow 0.00 (%)
ListMarketer 0.00 (%)
StreamContact 0.00 (%)
MailCherry 0.00 (%)
Sentopia 0.00 (%)
MarketTraq Email 0.00 (%)
Relevance Software 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Email Marketing Platforms software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Email Marketing Platforms software are Adobe Business Catalyst, Mailjet, Constant Contact. Here, you can view a full list of Email Marketing Platforms tools in the market.

How many companies use Email Marketing Platforms software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 284,346 companies are currently using one or more Email Marketing Platforms software. Out of these, there are 157,596 companies using Email Marketing Platforms tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Email Marketing Platforms software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Email Marketing Platforms space are Adobe Business Catalyst with 26.26 % of market share, and Mailjet with 23.27 % of market share and Constant Contact with 21.78 % of market share . Check for other Email Marketing Platforms technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Email Marketing Platforms softwares?

The top industries that use Email Marketing Platforms software are Professional Services (77,667) , Retail and CPG (36,577) , Technology (23,674) .

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