Employee Rewards And Recognition

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Employee Rewards And Recognition software. Check out our list of Employee Rewards And Recognition Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Employee Rewards And Recognition

Top 5 Employee Rewards And Recognition technologies in 2023

Over 8,239 companies are using Employee Rewards And Recognition tools. Clarity Wave with 20.78% market share (1,712 customers), Awardco Employee Performance with 17.99% market share (1,482 customers), Xoxoday with 16.36% market share (1,348 customers),

Employee Rewards And Recognition Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Employee Rewards And Recognition category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (164,103 companies), 20 - 49 employees (97,640 companies), 100 - 249 employees (41,397 companies).

Employee Rewards And Recognition Customers by Geography

Companies using Employee Rewards And Recognition technology software are majorly from the United States with 303,522 (75.80%), United Kingdom with 35,232 (8.80%), Canada with 21,285 (5.32%) customers respectively.

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Employee Rewards And Recognition Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Employee Rewards And Recognition for Professional Services (1,550), Technology (1,274), Retail and CPG (439).

Market Share for Top Employee Rewards And Recognition Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Employee Rewards And Recognition technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Clarity Wave 1712 20.78 (%)
2 Awardco Employee Performance 1482 17.99 (%)
3 Xoxoday 1348 16.36 (%)
4 AchievaSUITE 607 7.37 (%)
5 Access Perks 560 6.80 (%)
6 Habitica 397 4.82 (%)
7 Hi5 266 3.23 (%)
8 Fond 188 2.28 (%)
9 beqom 167 2.03 (%)
10 WeSpire 140 1.70 (%)
11 Workstars 133 1.61 (%)
12 Workhuman 104 1.26 (%)
13 Quantum Workplace 104 1.26 (%)
14 O.C. Tanner 103 1.25 (%)
15 Uncover 99 1.20 (%)
16 Vantage Circle 71 0.86 (%)
17 Bucketlist 59 0.72 (%)
18 WorkJam 59 0.72 (%)
19 Augeo 56 0.68 (%)
20 Hively 55 0.67 (%)
21 Disco 48 0.58 (%)
22 Next Jump 43 0.52 (%)
23 Perkbox 42 0.51 (%)
24 WooBoard 40 0.49 (%)
25 SalesScreen 39 0.47 (%)
26 YouEarnedIt 36 0.44 (%)
27 Count.it 27 0.33 (%)
28 Rewardian 22 0.27 (%)
29 HiFives 20 0.24 (%)
30 Appreiz 17 0.21 (%)
31 Greatify 15 0.18 (%)
32 Loyalty Works 15 0.18 (%)
33 G5 14 0.17 (%)
34 EngageLoop 13 0.16 (%)
35 MyPointRewards 13 0.16 (%)
36 Briq 10 0.12 (%)
37 PerkHub 10 0.12 (%)
38 OfferCraft 8 0.10 (%)
39 Zoho Motivator 8 0.10 (%)
40 Benefit One USA 7 0.08 (%)
41 TASTAHEL 7 0.08 (%)
42 Brand Integrity 6 0.07 (%)
43 ITA Group 6 0.07 (%)
44 Recognition Strength Finder 6 0.07 (%)
45 Crewhu 6 0.07 (%)
46 Aspire 5 0.06 (%)
47 Wishlist Rewards 5 0.06 (%)
48 Qarrot 4 0.05 (%)
49 Giftogram 4 0.05 (%)
50 Reward Gateway SmartHub 4 0.05 (%)
51 Sparta 4 0.05 (%)
52 GetBadges 4 0.05 (%)
53 Cooleaf 3 0.04 (%)
54 MahaloHR 3 0.04 (%)
55 Karma Notes 3 0.04 (%)
56 3Cheers 3 0.04 (%)
57 Hurrah! Leaderboards 3 0.04 (%)
58 REWARDview 2 0.02 (%)
59 Props 2 0.02 (%)
60 Proforma SI 2 0.02 (%)
Technology Market share
Clarity Wave 20.78 (%)
Awardco Employee Performance 17.99 (%)
Xoxoday 16.36 (%)
AchievaSUITE 7.37 (%)
Access Perks 6.80 (%)
Habitica 4.82 (%)
Hi5 3.23 (%)
Fond 2.28 (%)
beqom 2.03 (%)
WeSpire 1.70 (%)
Workstars 1.61 (%)
Workhuman 1.26 (%)
Quantum Workplace 1.26 (%)
O.C. Tanner 1.25 (%)
Uncover 1.20 (%)
Vantage Circle 0.86 (%)
Bucketlist 0.72 (%)
WorkJam 0.72 (%)
Augeo 0.68 (%)
Hively 0.67 (%)
Disco 0.58 (%)
Next Jump 0.52 (%)
Perkbox 0.51 (%)
WooBoard 0.49 (%)
SalesScreen 0.47 (%)
YouEarnedIt 0.44 (%)
Count.it 0.33 (%)
Rewardian 0.27 (%)
HiFives 0.24 (%)
Appreiz 0.21 (%)
Greatify 0.18 (%)
Loyalty Works 0.18 (%)
G5 0.17 (%)
EngageLoop 0.16 (%)
MyPointRewards 0.16 (%)
Briq 0.12 (%)
PerkHub 0.12 (%)
OfferCraft 0.10 (%)
Zoho Motivator 0.10 (%)
Benefit One USA 0.08 (%)
TASTAHEL 0.08 (%)
Brand Integrity 0.07 (%)
ITA Group 0.07 (%)
Recognition Strength Finder 0.07 (%)
Crewhu 0.07 (%)
Aspire 0.06 (%)
Wishlist Rewards 0.06 (%)
Qarrot 0.05 (%)
Giftogram 0.05 (%)
Reward Gateway SmartHub 0.05 (%)
Sparta 0.05 (%)
GetBadges 0.05 (%)
Cooleaf 0.04 (%)
MahaloHR 0.04 (%)
Karma Notes 0.04 (%)
3Cheers 0.04 (%)
Hurrah! Leaderboards 0.04 (%)
REWARDview 0.02 (%)
Props 0.02 (%)
Proforma SI 0.02 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Employee Rewards And Recognition software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Employee Rewards And Recognition software are Clarity Wave, Awardco Employee Performance, Xoxoday. Here, you can view a full list of Employee Rewards And Recognition tools in the market.

How many companies use Employee Rewards And Recognition software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 431,403 companies are currently using one or more Employee Rewards And Recognition software. Out of these, there are 303,522 companies using Employee Rewards And Recognition tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Employee Rewards And Recognition software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Employee Rewards And Recognition space are Clarity Wave with 20.78 % of market share, and Awardco Employee Performance with 17.99 % of market share and Xoxoday with 16.36 % of market share . Check for other Employee Rewards And Recognition technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Employee Rewards And Recognition softwares?

The top industries that use Employee Rewards And Recognition software are Professional Services (1,550) , Technology (1,274) , Retail and CPG (439) .

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