Financial Reporting

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Financial Reporting software. Check out our list of Financial Reporting Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Financial Reporting

Top 5 Financial Reporting technologies in 2023

Over 261,364 companies are using Financial Reporting tools. QuickBooks with 43.90% market share (114,745 customers), NetSuite with 9.78% market share (25,554 customers), Cognos with 8.26% market share (21,576 customers),

Financial Reporting Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Financial Reporting category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (65,157 companies), 20 - 49 employees (53,230 companies), 100 - 249 employees (28,340 companies).

Financial Reporting Customers by Geography

Companies using Financial Reporting technology software are majorly from the United States with 159,812 (76.68%), United Kingdom with 13,956 (6.70%), Canada with 10,910 (5.23%) customers respectively.

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Financial Reporting Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Financial Reporting for Professional Services (58,179), Technology (29,732), Financial Services (22,195).

Market Share for Top Financial Reporting Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Financial Reporting technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 QuickBooks 114745 43.90 (%)
2 NetSuite 25554 9.78 (%)
3 Cognos 21576 8.26 (%)
4 Xero 16952 6.49 (%)
5 QuickBooks Online 11875 4.54 (%)
6 Sage 50cloud 8915 3.41 (%)
7 Microsoft Dynamics NAV 8400 3.21 (%)
8 MicroStrategy 7539 2.88 (%)
9 Coupa 4143 1.59 (%)
10 Fiserv 3761 1.44 (%)
11 Workday Financial 3417 1.31 (%)
12 Sage Intacct 2869 1.10 (%)
13 Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 2375 0.91 (%)
14 mite 2162 0.83 (%)
15 Expensify 2089 0.80 (%)
16 Startegy 2087 0.80 (%)
17 Avalara 1813 0.69 (%)
18 SAP Financials OnDemand 1370 0.52 (%)
19 Sisense 1366 0.52 (%)
20 Tagetik 1087 0.42 (%)
21 Zoho Books 1081 0.41 (%)
22 FinancialForce 860 0.33 (%)
23 Microsoft FRx 782 0.30 (%)
24 KashFlow 721 0.28 (%)
25 IBM Planning Analytics 708 0.27 (%)
26 Prophix Software 705 0.27 (%)
27 Spreadsheet Server 692 0.26 (%)
28 Wdesk 681 0.26 (%)
29 FinancialForce Accounting 679 0.26 (%)
30 BOARD 669 0.26 (%)
31 FreshBooks 667 0.26 (%)
32 Jedox 545 0.21 (%)
33 Hubdoc 483 0.18 (%)
34 Wave 483 0.18 (%)
35 Actimize AML 467 0.18 (%)
36 SAS Anti-Money Laundering 466 0.18 (%)
37 Yendo 427 0.16 (%)
38 Reviso 423 0.16 (%)
39 Divvy 396 0.15 (%)
40 Fathom 375 0.14 (%)
41 Sellsy Purchases & Expenses 334 0.13 (%)
42 Apttus Revenue Management 294 0.11 (%)
43 OneStream XF 292 0.11 (%)
44 outright 257 0.10 (%)
45 Report Designer 250 0.10 (%)
46 Host Analytics 247 0.09 (%)
47 FUTRLI 233 0.09 (%)
48 FloatApp 226 0.09 (%)
49 Oracle Financial Services Anti-Money Laundering 197 0.08 (%)
50 FreeAgent 150 0.06 (%)
51 Oracle Fusion Financial Management 148 0.06 (%)
52 Budget Maestro 138 0.05 (%)
53 Tidemark 129 0.05 (%)
54 LeaseMatrix 127 0.05 (%)
55 Odoo Accounting 121 0.05 (%)
56 SAS Expected Credit Loss 121 0.05 (%)
57 Perfios 113 0.04 (%)
58 SABRE 101 0.04 (%)
59 Liquid 97 0.04 (%)
60 Elementool 92 0.04 (%)
61 Priority Software 86 0.03 (%)
62 Trail Blazer PAC Manager 79 0.03 (%)
63 EMAsphere 63 0.02 (%)
64 Certent Disclosure Management 61 0.02 (%)
65 ProjectionHub 55 0.02 (%)
66 Dryrun 54 0.02 (%)
67 EastNets 47 0.02 (%)
68 Workday Financial Reporting and Analytics 47 0.02 (%)
69 TimeSolv 46 0.02 (%)
70 Corporater 44 0.02 (%)
71 CenterPoint Accounting Software for Agriculture 38 0.01 (%)
72 Nexonia Expenses 37 0.01 (%)
73 EDGAR Dashboards 33 0.01 (%)
74 Panalitix 32 0.01 (%)
75 Workgroups DaVinci 30 0.01 (%)
76 Aqilla 30 0.01 (%)
77 Core Commissions 28 0.01 (%)
78 Tonbeller 27 0.01 (%)
79 Integral Accounting Enterprise 25 0.01 (%)
80 Portfolio Valuation 22 0.01 (%)
81 Ecount ERP 22 0.01 (%)
82 Pantonium 21 0.01 (%)
83 Sunrise 20 0.01 (%)
84 Budgyt 19 0.01 (%)
85 expex 18 0.01 (%)
86 Fundingroadmap 16 0.01 (%)
87 SlickPie 14 0.01 (%)
88 prevero 14 0.01 (%)
89 Itemize 14 0.01 (%)
90 Wynyard AML 13 0.00 (%)
91 ERPAG 13 0.00 (%)
92 Twinfield 13 0.00 (%)
93 Sage Business Cloud Financials 13 0.00 (%)
94 Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud 12 0.00 (%)
95 Banker's Toolbox BAM+ 12 0.00 (%)
96 XLReporting 12 0.00 (%)
97 Visyond 11 0.00 (%)
98 BlackLine Financial Close Management 11 0.00 (%)
99 Tipalti AP Automation 11 0.00 (%)
100 Validis 10 0.00 (%)
101 ProfitSee 8 0.00 (%)
102 ProjecTools Cost Control 8 0.00 (%)
103 SkyClerk 7 0.00 (%)
104 CashFlowMapper 7 0.00 (%)
105 Plus & Minus 7 0.00 (%)
106 Retail Advantage 7 0.00 (%)
107 Oracle Hospitality Reporting and Analytics 6 0.00 (%)
108 MemberCheck 6 0.00 (%)
109 ProForecast 6 0.00 (%)
110 6 0.00 (%)
111 One Click Commissions 5 0.00 (%)
112 DataCycle Reporting 5 0.00 (%)
113 BudgetPak 5 0.00 (%)
114 Qlockwork 5 0.00 (%)
115 Financial Dashboard and Business Intelligence 5 0.00 (%)
116 move2clouds 5 0.00 (%)
117 Vision FI 4 0.00 (%)
118 Rephop 4 0.00 (%)
119 SS&C Maximis 3 0.00 (%)
120 ExpensePoint 3 0.00 (%)
121 Gem Accounts 3 0.00 (%)
122 Accounting ASAP 2 0.00 (%)
123 BluePlanner 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
QuickBooks 43.90 (%)
NetSuite 9.78 (%)
Cognos 8.26 (%)
Xero 6.49 (%)
QuickBooks Online 4.54 (%)
Sage 50cloud 3.41 (%)
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 3.21 (%)
MicroStrategy 2.88 (%)
Coupa 1.59 (%)
Fiserv 1.44 (%)
Workday Financial 1.31 (%)
Sage Intacct 1.10 (%)
Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 0.91 (%)
mite 0.83 (%)
Expensify 0.80 (%)
Startegy 0.80 (%)
Avalara 0.69 (%)
SAP Financials OnDemand 0.52 (%)
Sisense 0.52 (%)
Tagetik 0.42 (%)
Zoho Books 0.41 (%)
FinancialForce 0.33 (%)
Microsoft FRx 0.30 (%)
KashFlow 0.28 (%)
IBM Planning Analytics 0.27 (%)
Prophix Software 0.27 (%)
Spreadsheet Server 0.26 (%)
Wdesk 0.26 (%)
FinancialForce Accounting 0.26 (%)
BOARD 0.26 (%)
FreshBooks 0.26 (%)
Jedox 0.21 (%)
Hubdoc 0.18 (%)
Wave 0.18 (%)
Actimize AML 0.18 (%)
SAS Anti-Money Laundering 0.18 (%)
Yendo 0.16 (%)
Reviso 0.16 (%)
Divvy 0.15 (%)
Fathom 0.14 (%)
Sellsy Purchases & Expenses 0.13 (%)
Apttus Revenue Management 0.11 (%)
OneStream XF 0.11 (%)
outright 0.10 (%)
Report Designer 0.10 (%)
Host Analytics 0.09 (%)
FUTRLI 0.09 (%)
FloatApp 0.09 (%)
Oracle Financial Services Anti-Money Laundering 0.08 (%)
FreeAgent 0.06 (%)
Oracle Fusion Financial Management 0.06 (%)
Budget Maestro 0.05 (%)
Tidemark 0.05 (%)
LeaseMatrix 0.05 (%)
Odoo Accounting 0.05 (%)
SAS Expected Credit Loss 0.05 (%)
Perfios 0.04 (%)
SABRE 0.04 (%)
Liquid 0.04 (%)
Elementool 0.04 (%)
Priority Software 0.03 (%)
Trail Blazer PAC Manager 0.03 (%)
EMAsphere 0.02 (%)
Certent Disclosure Management 0.02 (%)
ProjectionHub 0.02 (%)
Dryrun 0.02 (%)
EastNets 0.02 (%)
Workday Financial Reporting and Analytics 0.02 (%)
TimeSolv 0.02 (%)
Corporater 0.02 (%)
CenterPoint Accounting Software for Agriculture 0.01 (%)
Nexonia Expenses 0.01 (%)
EDGAR Dashboards 0.01 (%)
Panalitix 0.01 (%)
Workgroups DaVinci 0.01 (%)
Aqilla 0.01 (%)
Core Commissions 0.01 (%)
Tonbeller 0.01 (%)
Integral Accounting Enterprise 0.01 (%)
Portfolio Valuation 0.01 (%)
Ecount ERP 0.01 (%)
Pantonium 0.01 (%)
Sunrise 0.01 (%)
Budgyt 0.01 (%)
expex 0.01 (%)
Fundingroadmap 0.01 (%)
SlickPie 0.01 (%)
prevero 0.01 (%)
Itemize 0.01 (%)
Wynyard AML 0.00 (%)
ERPAG 0.00 (%)
Twinfield 0.00 (%)
Sage Business Cloud Financials 0.00 (%)
Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud 0.00 (%)
Banker's Toolbox BAM+ 0.00 (%)
XLReporting 0.00 (%)
Visyond 0.00 (%)
BlackLine Financial Close Management 0.00 (%)
Tipalti AP Automation 0.00 (%)
Validis 0.00 (%)
ProfitSee 0.00 (%)
ProjecTools Cost Control 0.00 (%)
SkyClerk 0.00 (%)
CashFlowMapper 0.00 (%)
Plus & Minus 0.00 (%)
Retail Advantage 0.00 (%)
Oracle Hospitality Reporting and Analytics 0.00 (%)
MemberCheck 0.00 (%)
ProForecast 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
One Click Commissions 0.00 (%)
DataCycle Reporting 0.00 (%)
BudgetPak 0.00 (%)
Qlockwork 0.00 (%)
Financial Dashboard and Business Intelligence 0.00 (%)
move2clouds 0.00 (%)
Vision FI 0.00 (%)
Rephop 0.00 (%)
SS&C Maximis 0.00 (%)
ExpensePoint 0.00 (%)
Gem Accounts 0.00 (%)
Accounting ASAP 0.00 (%)
BluePlanner 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Financial Reporting software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Financial Reporting software are QuickBooks, NetSuite, Cognos. Here, you can view a full list of Financial Reporting tools in the market.

How many companies use Financial Reporting software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 233,666 companies are currently using one or more Financial Reporting software. Out of these, there are 159,812 companies using Financial Reporting tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Financial Reporting software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Financial Reporting space are QuickBooks with 43.90 % of market share, and NetSuite with 9.78 % of market share and Cognos with 8.26 % of market share . Check for other Financial Reporting technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Financial Reporting softwares?

The top industries that use Financial Reporting software are Professional Services (58,179) , Technology (29,732) , Financial Services (22,195) .

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