Fundraising And Donation Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Fundraising And Donation Management software. Check out our list of Fundraising And Donation Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Fundraising And Donation Management

Top 5 Fundraising And Donation Management technologies in 2023

Over 60,970 companies are using Fundraising And Donation Management tools. JustGiving with 15.62% market share (9,526 customers), DonorBox with 11.86% market share (7,234 customers), Give Lively with 7.75% market share (4,724 customers),

Fundraising And Donation Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Fundraising And Donation Management category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (4,325 companies), 20 - 49 employees (2,829 companies), 100 - 249 employees (1,222 companies).

Fundraising And Donation Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Fundraising And Donation Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 11,136 (94.93%), Canada with 372 (3.17%), United Kingdom with 91 (0.78%) customers respectively.

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Fundraising And Donation Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Fundraising And Donation Management for Professional Services (6,186), Healthcare and Lifesciences (893), Media and Telecom (612).

Market Share for Top Fundraising And Donation Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Fundraising And Donation Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 JustGiving 9526 15.62 (%)
2 DonorBox 7234 11.86 (%)
3 Give Lively 4724 7.75 (%)
4 Qgiv 4563 7.48 (%)
5 Neon One 3849 6.31 (%)
6 Double the Donation 3391 5.56 (%)
7 DonorDrive 3151 5.17 (%)
8 ActBlue 2909 4.77 (%)
9 Kindful 2496 4.09 (%)
10 NGP VAN 2340 3.84 (%)
11 Click and Pledge 1585 2.60 (%)
12 OneCause 1508 2.47 (%)
13 Convio 1418 2.33 (%)
14 Mighty Cause 1167 1.91 (%)
15 Clover Give 1095 1.80 (%)
16 Keela 689 1.13 (%)
17 iDonate 665 1.09 (%)
18 DonorView 653 1.07 (%)
19 RaiseNow 570 0.93 (%)
20 Handbid 506 0.83 (%)
21 ShulCloud 467 0.77 (%)
22 GiveGab 460 0.75 (%)
23 RallyUp 451 0.74 (%)
24 GiveCampus 409 0.67 (%)
25 Givecloud 409 0.67 (%)
26 Greater Giving Event 358 0.59 (%)
27 Community Funded 321 0.53 (%)
28 Network for Good 311 0.51 (%)
29 Funraise 311 0.51 (%)
30 Give Central 303 0.50 (%)
31 FundEasy 267 0.44 (%)
32 Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack 255 0.42 (%)
33 GiveEffect 234 0.38 (%)
34 iWave 212 0.35 (%)
35 Anthology 197 0.32 (%)
36 Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT 171 0.28 (%)
37 Pledge It 164 0.27 (%)
38 DonorSearch 151 0.25 (%)
39 Graduway 148 0.24 (%)
40 Givergy 145 0.24 (%)
41 CharityEngine 138 0.23 (%)
42 FrontStream 126 0.21 (%)
43 Blackbaud Luminate Online 122 0.20 (%)
44 CauseVox 117 0.19 (%)
45 ScaleFunder 95 0.16 (%)
46 Givebutter 79 0.13 (%)
47 Gravyty 78 0.13 (%)
48 Kindest 62 0.10 (%)
49 Affinaquest 54 0.09 (%)
50 RNL Digital Fundraising 53 0.09 (%)
51 Mission CRM 44 0.07 (%)
52 Snowball Fundraising 31 0.05 (%)
53 Ellucian iModules 30 0.05 (%)
54 Fundly 30 0.05 (%)
55 27 0.04 (%)
56 ClickBid 25 0.04 (%)
57 Funraisin 19 0.03 (%)
58 DonorDirect 19 0.03 (%)
59 Charity Dynamics 13 0.02 (%)
60 Goodworldnow 10 0.02 (%)
61 AlumniQ 6 0.01 (%)
62 GivingFuel 4 0.01 (%)
63 Luminate 3 0.00 (%)
64 Pledge 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
JustGiving 15.62 (%)
DonorBox 11.86 (%)
Give Lively 7.75 (%)
Qgiv 7.48 (%)
Neon One 6.31 (%)
Double the Donation 5.56 (%)
DonorDrive 5.17 (%)
ActBlue 4.77 (%)
Kindful 4.09 (%)
NGP VAN 3.84 (%)
Click and Pledge 2.60 (%)
OneCause 2.47 (%)
Convio 2.33 (%)
Mighty Cause 1.91 (%)
Clover Give 1.80 (%)
Keela 1.13 (%)
iDonate 1.09 (%)
DonorView 1.07 (%)
RaiseNow 0.93 (%)
Handbid 0.83 (%)
ShulCloud 0.77 (%)
GiveGab 0.75 (%)
RallyUp 0.74 (%)
GiveCampus 0.67 (%)
Givecloud 0.67 (%)
Greater Giving Event 0.59 (%)
Community Funded 0.53 (%)
Network for Good 0.51 (%)
Funraise 0.51 (%)
Give Central 0.50 (%)
FundEasy 0.44 (%)
Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack 0.42 (%)
GiveEffect 0.38 (%)
iWave 0.35 (%)
Anthology 0.32 (%)
Blackbaud Raiser's Edge NXT 0.28 (%)
Pledge It 0.27 (%)
DonorSearch 0.25 (%)
Graduway 0.24 (%)
Givergy 0.24 (%)
CharityEngine 0.23 (%)
FrontStream 0.21 (%)
Blackbaud Luminate Online 0.20 (%)
CauseVox 0.19 (%)
ScaleFunder 0.16 (%)
Givebutter 0.13 (%)
Gravyty 0.13 (%)
Kindest 0.10 (%)
Affinaquest 0.09 (%)
RNL Digital Fundraising 0.09 (%)
Mission CRM 0.07 (%)
Snowball Fundraising 0.05 (%)
Ellucian iModules 0.05 (%)
Fundly 0.05 (%) 0.04 (%)
ClickBid 0.04 (%)
Funraisin 0.03 (%)
DonorDirect 0.03 (%)
Charity Dynamics 0.02 (%)
Goodworldnow 0.02 (%)
AlumniQ 0.01 (%)
GivingFuel 0.01 (%)
Luminate 0.00 (%)
Pledge 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Fundraising And Donation Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Fundraising And Donation Management software are JustGiving, DonorBox, Give Lively. Here, you can view a full list of Fundraising And Donation Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Fundraising And Donation Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 11,923 companies are currently using one or more Fundraising And Donation Management software. Out of these, there are 11,136 companies using Fundraising And Donation Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Fundraising And Donation Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Fundraising And Donation Management space are JustGiving with 15.62 % of market share, and DonorBox with 11.86 % of market share and Give Lively with 7.75 % of market share . Check for other Fundraising And Donation Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Fundraising And Donation Management softwares?

The top industries that use Fundraising And Donation Management software are Professional Services (6,186) , Healthcare and Lifesciences (893) , Media and Telecom (612) .

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