Goal Setting And OKRs

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Goal Setting And OKRs software. Check out our list of Goal Setting And OKRs Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Goal Setting And OKRs

Top 5 Goal Setting And OKRs technologies in 2023

Over 2,332 companies are using Goal Setting And OKRs tools. Klipfolio with 26.16% market share (610 customers), Databox with 13.55% market share (316 customers), Get Lighthouse with 9.86% market share (230 customers),

Goal Setting And OKRs Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Goal Setting And OKRs category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (2,082 companies), 20 - 49 employees (1,634 companies), 100 - 249 employees (1,188 companies).

Goal Setting And OKRs Customers by Geography

Companies using Goal Setting And OKRs technology software are majorly from the United States with 4,942 (66.98%), United Kingdom with 725 (9.83%), Canada with 430 (5.83%) customers respectively.

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Goal Setting And OKRs Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Goal Setting And OKRs for Technology (2,437), Professional Services (2,221), Financial Services (747).

Market Share for Top Goal Setting And OKRs Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Goal Setting And OKRs technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Klipfolio 610 26.16 (%)
2 Databox 316 13.55 (%)
3 Get Lighthouse 230 9.86 (%)
4 Geckoboard 217 9.31 (%)
5 Koan 195 8.36 (%)
6 Remente 83 3.56 (%)
7 Week Plan 75 3.22 (%)
8 AchieveIt 64 2.74 (%)
9 Screenful 54 2.32 (%)
10 UpRaise for Employee Success 52 2.23 (%)
11 BSC Designer 48 2.06 (%)
12 SalesScreen 39 1.67 (%)
13 Gtmhub 39 1.67 (%)
14 Goalscape 38 1.63 (%)
15 Salesforce Work.com 35 1.50 (%)
16 Profit.co 30 1.29 (%)
17 WIRL 28 1.20 (%)
18 Uppercase 26 1.11 (%)
19 Six Disciplines 25 1.07 (%)
20 CRG emPerform 25 1.07 (%)
21 CoBlue 20 0.86 (%)
22 NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 17 0.73 (%)
23 Grow.com 15 0.64 (%)
24 Uvize 10 0.43 (%)
25 Ally.io 9 0.39 (%)
26 Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management 8 0.34 (%)
27 Zoho Motivator 8 0.34 (%)
28 Workfuze 5 0.21 (%)
29 Envisionable 3 0.13 (%)
30 Atiim 3 0.13 (%)
31 Success Algorithm 3 0.13 (%)
32 GoalMaker 2 0.09 (%)
Technology Market share
Klipfolio 26.16 (%)
Databox 13.55 (%)
Get Lighthouse 9.86 (%)
Geckoboard 9.31 (%)
Koan 8.36 (%)
Remente 3.56 (%)
Week Plan 3.22 (%)
AchieveIt 2.74 (%)
Screenful 2.32 (%)
UpRaise for Employee Success 2.23 (%)
BSC Designer 2.06 (%)
SalesScreen 1.67 (%)
Gtmhub 1.67 (%)
Goalscape 1.63 (%)
Salesforce Work.com 1.50 (%)
Profit.co 1.29 (%)
WIRL 1.20 (%)
Uppercase 1.11 (%)
Six Disciplines 1.07 (%)
CRG emPerform 1.07 (%)
CoBlue 0.86 (%)
NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 0.73 (%)
Grow.com 0.64 (%)
Uvize 0.43 (%)
Ally.io 0.39 (%)
Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management 0.34 (%)
Zoho Motivator 0.34 (%)
Workfuze 0.21 (%)
Envisionable 0.13 (%)
Atiim 0.13 (%)
Success Algorithm 0.13 (%)
GoalMaker 0.09 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Goal Setting And OKRs software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Goal Setting And OKRs software are Klipfolio, Databox, Get Lighthouse. Here, you can view a full list of Goal Setting And OKRs tools in the market.

How many companies use Goal Setting And OKRs software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 8,643 companies are currently using one or more Goal Setting And OKRs software. Out of these, there are 4,942 companies using Goal Setting And OKRs tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Goal Setting And OKRs software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Goal Setting And OKRs space are Klipfolio with 26.16 % of market share, and Databox with 13.55 % of market share and Get Lighthouse with 9.86 % of market share . Check for other Goal Setting And OKRs technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Goal Setting And OKRs softwares?

The top industries that use Goal Setting And OKRs software are Technology (2,437) , Professional Services (2,221) , Financial Services (747) .

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