Human Capital Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Human Capital Management software. Check out our list of Human Capital Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Human Capital Management

Top 5 Human Capital Management technologies in 2023

Over 127,953 companies are using Human Capital Management tools. Workday with 26.82% market share (34,314 customers), SAP HCM with 15.23% market share (19,493 customers), Oracle PeopleSoft with 14.10% market share (18,044 customers),

Human Capital Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Human Capital Management category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (454,742 companies), 20 - 49 employees (341,025 companies), 100 - 249 employees (174,044 companies).

Human Capital Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Human Capital Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 786,239 (65.98%), United Kingdom with 107,696 (9.04%), India with 79,557 (6.68%) customers respectively.

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Human Capital Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Human Capital Management for Professional Services (18,860), Technology (9,989), Retail and CPG (5,699).

Market Share for Top Human Capital Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Human Capital Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Workday 34314 26.82 (%)
2 SAP HCM 19493 15.23 (%)
3 Oracle PeopleSoft 18044 14.10 (%)
4 UKG Pro 14346 11.21 (%)
5 Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) 9545 7.46 (%)
6 Oracle Fusion HCM 7895 6.17 (%)
7 Dayforce Ceridian HCM 5726 4.48 (%)
8 Personio HR Software 5416 4.23 (%)
9 Kronos Workforce Central 2309 1.80 (%)
10 Haufe Umantis 2132 1.67 (%)
11 PageUp 2083 1.63 (%)
12 SilkRoad Technology 1783 1.39 (%)
13 EPAY 901 0.70 (%)
14 SD Worx 547 0.43 (%)
15 OnShift 471 0.37 (%)
16 ADP TotalSource 403 0.31 (%)
17 Alight Solutions 337 0.26 (%)
18 PlanSource 328 0.26 (%)
19 253 0.20 (%)
20 ADP GlobalView 238 0.19 (%)
21 Infor Infinium 156 0.12 (%)
22 Halogen Software 155 0.12 (%)
23 CatalystOne 131 0.10 (%)
24 NaturalHR 119 0.09 (%)
25 ADP Enterprise HR 116 0.09 (%)
26 BetterUp 108 0.08 (%)
27 Workhuman 104 0.08 (%)
28 EmployeeConnect 60 0.05 (%)
29 SinglePoint HCM 57 0.04 (%)
30 StarGarden HCM 45 0.04 (%)
31 Nakisa Talent Management 42 0.03 (%)
32 Worklio 40 0.03 (%)
33 Strive 34 0.03 (%)
34 Workday HCM Reporting And Analytics 33 0.03 (%)
35 Inova Payroll 30 0.02 (%)
36 Asure Software 27 0.02 (%)
37 Workterra HCM 18 0.01 (%)
38 Adam HCM 15 0.01 (%)
39 Infinity HR 14 0.01 (%)
40 AscentHR 13 0.01 (%)
41 HRWARE 11 0.01 (%)
42 Ramco HCM on Cloud 9 0.01 (%)
43 PMAM HCM 8 0.01 (%)
44 PeopleStrategy 8 0.01 (%)
45 Insperity Workforce Administration 7 0.01 (%)
46 perview HCM 4 0.00 (%)
47 Succession Wizard 4 0.00 (%)
48 OnePoint Human Capital Management 4 0.00 (%)
49 Saba [email protected] 4 0.00 (%)
50 OneSource Virtual HCM 3 0.00 (%)
51 Courselle 3 0.00 (%)
52 SumTotal elixHR 3 0.00 (%)
53 Cambeo 2 0.00 (%)
54 TalentMetrix 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Workday 26.82 (%)
SAP HCM 15.23 (%)
Oracle PeopleSoft 14.10 (%)
UKG Pro 11.21 (%)
Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) 7.46 (%)
Oracle Fusion HCM 6.17 (%)
Dayforce Ceridian HCM 4.48 (%)
Personio HR Software 4.23 (%)
Kronos Workforce Central 1.80 (%)
Haufe Umantis 1.67 (%)
PageUp 1.63 (%)
SilkRoad Technology 1.39 (%)
EPAY 0.70 (%)
SD Worx 0.43 (%)
OnShift 0.37 (%)
ADP TotalSource 0.31 (%)
Alight Solutions 0.26 (%)
PlanSource 0.26 (%) 0.20 (%)
ADP GlobalView 0.19 (%)
Infor Infinium 0.12 (%)
Halogen Software 0.12 (%)
CatalystOne 0.10 (%)
NaturalHR 0.09 (%)
ADP Enterprise HR 0.09 (%)
BetterUp 0.08 (%)
Workhuman 0.08 (%)
EmployeeConnect 0.05 (%)
SinglePoint HCM 0.04 (%)
StarGarden HCM 0.04 (%)
Nakisa Talent Management 0.03 (%)
Worklio 0.03 (%)
Strive 0.03 (%)
Workday HCM Reporting And Analytics 0.03 (%)
Inova Payroll 0.02 (%)
Asure Software 0.02 (%)
Workterra HCM 0.01 (%)
Adam HCM 0.01 (%)
Infinity HR 0.01 (%)
AscentHR 0.01 (%)
HRWARE 0.01 (%)
Ramco HCM on Cloud 0.01 (%)
PMAM HCM 0.01 (%)
PeopleStrategy 0.01 (%)
Insperity Workforce Administration 0.01 (%)
perview HCM 0.00 (%)
Succession Wizard 0.00 (%)
OnePoint Human Capital Management 0.00 (%)
Saba [email protected] 0.00 (%)
OneSource Virtual HCM 0.00 (%)
Courselle 0.00 (%)
SumTotal elixHR 0.00 (%)
Cambeo 0.00 (%)
TalentMetrix 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Human Capital Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Human Capital Management software are Workday, SAP HCM, Oracle PeopleSoft. Here, you can view a full list of Human Capital Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Human Capital Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 1,433,846 companies are currently using one or more Human Capital Management software. Out of these, there are 786,239 companies using Human Capital Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Human Capital Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Human Capital Management space are Workday with 26.82 % of market share, and SAP HCM with 15.23 % of market share and Oracle PeopleSoft with 14.10 % of market share . Check for other Human Capital Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Human Capital Management softwares?

The top industries that use Human Capital Management software are Professional Services (18,860) , Technology (9,989) , Retail and CPG (5,699) .

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