IDEs And Text Editors

Gain market share and customer base information about the top IDEs And Text Editors software. Check out our list of IDEs And Text Editors Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to IDEs And Text Editors

Top 5 IDEs And Text Editors technologies in 2023

Over 118,721 companies are using IDEs And Text Editors tools. CKEditor with 33.09% market share (39,285 customers), Microsoft Visual Studio with 26.30% market share (31,226 customers), Xcode with 10.33% market share (12,269 customers),

IDEs And Text Editors Customers by Employee Size

The majority of IDEs And Text Editors category falls in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (15,735 companies), 100 - 249 employees (13,235 companies), 1,000 - 4,999 employees (11,967 companies).

IDEs And Text Editors Customers by Geography

Companies using IDEs And Text Editors technology software are majorly from the United States with 36,368 (58.08%), United Kingdom with 5,656 (9.03%), India with 4,578 (7.31%) customers respectively.

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IDEs And Text Editors Customers by Industry

Top industries that use IDEs And Text Editors for Technology (24,931), Professional Services (14,986), Industrials & Chemicals (5,649).

Market Share for Top IDEs And Text Editors Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular IDEs And Text Editors technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 CKEditor 39285 33.09 (%)
2 Microsoft Visual Studio 31226 26.30 (%)
3 Xcode 12269 10.33 (%)
4 Visual Studio Code 5467 4.60 (%)
5 IntelliJ IDEA 4141 3.49 (%)
6 RStudio 3534 2.98 (%)
7 PyCharm 2950 2.48 (%)
8 Selenium IDE 2731 2.30 (%)
9 Apache NetBeans 1999 1.68 (%)
10 ReSharper 1935 1.63 (%)
11 Notepad++ 1674 1.41 (%)
12 PhpStorm 1654 1.39 (%)
13 Sublime Text 1624 1.37 (%)
14 WebStorm 1563 1.32 (%)
15 Emacs 1177 0.99 (%)
16 Qt Creator 917 0.77 (%)
17 UltraEdit 436 0.37 (%)
18 Atom 432 0.36 (%)
19 DataGrip 427 0.36 (%)
20 Froala Editor 403 0.34 (%)
21 IAR Embedded Workbench 393 0.33 (%)
22 RubyMine 391 0.33 (%)
23 Adobe Flash Builder 319 0.27 (%)
24 Bubble 288 0.24 (%)
25 TextPad 246 0.21 (%)
26 CLion 193 0.16 (%)
27 Overleaf 183 0.15 (%)
28 Rider by JetBrains 156 0.13 (%)
29 Arduino IDE 152 0.13 (%)
30 BBEdit 127 0.11 (%)
31 Brackets 87 0.07 (%)
32 GNU Emacs 84 0.07 (%)
33 Swagger Editor 80 0.07 (%)
34 CodeMirror 62 0.05 (%)
35 Intrexx 58 0.05 (%)
36 Vim 47 0.04 (%)
37 GoLand 7 0.01 (%)
38 gedit 2 0.00 (%)
39 TextEdit 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
CKEditor 33.09 (%)
Microsoft Visual Studio 26.30 (%)
Xcode 10.33 (%)
Visual Studio Code 4.60 (%)
IntelliJ IDEA 3.49 (%)
RStudio 2.98 (%)
PyCharm 2.48 (%)
Selenium IDE 2.30 (%)
Apache NetBeans 1.68 (%)
ReSharper 1.63 (%)
Notepad++ 1.41 (%)
PhpStorm 1.39 (%)
Sublime Text 1.37 (%)
WebStorm 1.32 (%)
Emacs 0.99 (%)
Qt Creator 0.77 (%)
UltraEdit 0.37 (%)
Atom 0.36 (%)
DataGrip 0.36 (%)
Froala Editor 0.34 (%)
IAR Embedded Workbench 0.33 (%)
RubyMine 0.33 (%)
Adobe Flash Builder 0.27 (%)
Bubble 0.24 (%)
TextPad 0.21 (%)
CLion 0.16 (%)
Overleaf 0.15 (%)
Rider by JetBrains 0.13 (%)
Arduino IDE 0.13 (%)
BBEdit 0.11 (%)
Brackets 0.07 (%)
GNU Emacs 0.07 (%)
Swagger Editor 0.07 (%)
CodeMirror 0.05 (%)
Intrexx 0.05 (%)
Vim 0.04 (%)
GoLand 0.01 (%)
gedit 0.00 (%)
TextEdit 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top IDEs And Text Editors software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for IDEs And Text Editors software are CKEditor, Microsoft Visual Studio, Xcode. Here, you can view a full list of IDEs And Text Editors tools in the market.

How many companies use IDEs And Text Editors software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 83,869 companies are currently using one or more IDEs And Text Editors software. Out of these, there are 36,368 companies using IDEs And Text Editors tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the IDEs And Text Editors software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the IDEs And Text Editors space are CKEditor with 33.09 % of market share, and Microsoft Visual Studio with 26.30 % of market share and Xcode with 10.33 % of market share . Check for other IDEs And Text Editors technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use IDEs And Text Editors softwares?

The top industries that use IDEs And Text Editors software are Technology (24,931) , Professional Services (14,986) , Industrials & Chemicals (5,649) .

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