Landing Pages

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Landing Pages software. Check out our list of Landing Pages Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Landing Pages

Top 5 Landing Pages technologies in 2023

Over 974,406 companies are using Landing Pages tools. Wix with 81.38% market share (792,944 customers), Optimizely with 4.88% market share (47,511 customers), Pardot with 4.05% market share (39,485 customers),

Landing Pages Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Landing Pages category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (502,328 companies), 20 - 49 employees (188,416 companies), 10 - 19 employees (87,062 companies).

Landing Pages Customers by Geography

Companies using Landing Pages technology software are majorly from the United States with 540,907 (68.66%), United Kingdom with 73,371 (9.31%), Canada with 33,020 (4.19%) customers respectively.

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Landing Pages Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Landing Pages for Professional Services (258,806), Technology (77,822), Retail and CPG (68,819).

Market Share for Top Landing Pages Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Landing Pages technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Wix 792944 81.38 (%)
2 Optimizely 47511 4.88 (%)
3 Pardot 39485 4.05 (%)
4 Infusionsoft 16530 1.70 (%)
5 WordStream Advisor 13201 1.35 (%)
6 SeedProd 11435 1.17 (%)
7 ClickFunnels 9707 1.00 (%)
8 Unbounce 8442 0.87 (%)
9 RD Station 8191 0.84 (%)
10 Leadpages 5824 0.60 (%)
11 Launchrock 3640 0.37 (%)
12 Instapage 2674 0.27 (%)
13 Marketing 360 2582 0.26 (%)
14 Wishpond 2170 0.22 (%)
15 dotmailer 1841 0.19 (%)
16 Survicate 1580 0.16 (%)
17 Twik 772 0.08 (%)
18 Omniconvert 548 0.06 (%)
19 EngageBay 516 0.05 (%)
20 ActiveTrail 503 0.05 (%)
21 Convrrt 480 0.05 (%)
22 LeadFox 457 0.05 (%)
23 Sarbacane 418 0.04 (%)
24 KlientBoost 246 0.03 (%)
25 Jumplead 237 0.02 (%)
26 DevHub 231 0.02 (%)
27 Envoke 216 0.02 (%)
28 Clicktools for Salesforce 199 0.02 (%)
29 KickoffLabs 199 0.02 (%)
30 Populr 195 0.02 (%)
31 Bidsketch 159 0.02 (%)
32 PageWiz 148 0.02 (%)
33 113 0.01 (%)
34 LeadMaster 85 0.01 (%)
35 Web CEO 83 0.01 (%)
36 eTrigue 82 0.01 (%)
37 72 0.01 (%)
38 Siter 54 0.01 (%)
39 IntroBar 49 0.01 (%)
40 funnelKit GO 47 0.00 (%)
41 Grapedrop 46 0.00 (%)
42 ion interactive 42 0.00 (%)
43 OptimizePress 37 0.00 (%)
44 Launch Effect 35 0.00 (%)
45 PUBLITRAC 35 0.00 (%)
46 Landing Lion 33 0.00 (%)
47 Experiture 27 0.00 (%)
48 Kutenda 26 0.00 (%)
49 QuickMVP 26 0.00 (%)
50 Marketing Optimizer 25 0.00 (%)
51 Qards 25 0.00 (%)
52 Inwise 19 0.00 (%)
53 LandingPage Monkey 18 0.00 (%)
54 emfluence 18 0.00 (%)
55 Flauntly 14 0.00 (%)
56 Lander 12 0.00 (%)
57 inBoundio 12 0.00 (%)
58 Speak2Leads 11 0.00 (%)
59 Clickthroo 10 0.00 (%)
60 Acromobile 10 0.00 (%)
61 Callmaker 9 0.00 (%)
62 ONTRApages 7 0.00 (%)
63 PageMutant 7 0.00 (%)
64 6 0.00 (%)
65 Gold Lasso 5 0.00 (%)
66 ActionPages 4 0.00 (%)
67 UnDelay 4 0.00 (%)
68 AppToolkit 4 0.00 (%)
69 LeadBarrel 4 0.00 (%)
70 Launch Gator 3 0.00 (%)
71 AppLandr 3 0.00 (%)
72 Knak 3 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Wix 81.38 (%)
Optimizely 4.88 (%)
Pardot 4.05 (%)
Infusionsoft 1.70 (%)
WordStream Advisor 1.35 (%)
SeedProd 1.17 (%)
ClickFunnels 1.00 (%)
Unbounce 0.87 (%)
RD Station 0.84 (%)
Leadpages 0.60 (%)
Launchrock 0.37 (%)
Instapage 0.27 (%)
Marketing 360 0.26 (%)
Wishpond 0.22 (%)
dotmailer 0.19 (%)
Survicate 0.16 (%)
Twik 0.08 (%)
Omniconvert 0.06 (%)
EngageBay 0.05 (%)
ActiveTrail 0.05 (%)
Convrrt 0.05 (%)
LeadFox 0.05 (%)
Sarbacane 0.04 (%)
KlientBoost 0.03 (%)
Jumplead 0.02 (%)
DevHub 0.02 (%)
Envoke 0.02 (%)
Clicktools for Salesforce 0.02 (%)
KickoffLabs 0.02 (%)
Populr 0.02 (%)
Bidsketch 0.02 (%)
PageWiz 0.02 (%) 0.01 (%)
LeadMaster 0.01 (%)
Web CEO 0.01 (%)
eTrigue 0.01 (%) 0.01 (%)
Siter 0.01 (%)
IntroBar 0.01 (%)
funnelKit GO 0.00 (%)
Grapedrop 0.00 (%)
ion interactive 0.00 (%)
OptimizePress 0.00 (%)
Launch Effect 0.00 (%)
PUBLITRAC 0.00 (%)
Landing Lion 0.00 (%)
Experiture 0.00 (%)
Kutenda 0.00 (%)
QuickMVP 0.00 (%)
Marketing Optimizer 0.00 (%)
Qards 0.00 (%)
Inwise 0.00 (%)
LandingPage Monkey 0.00 (%)
emfluence 0.00 (%)
Flauntly 0.00 (%)
Lander 0.00 (%)
inBoundio 0.00 (%)
Speak2Leads 0.00 (%)
Clickthroo 0.00 (%)
Acromobile 0.00 (%)
Callmaker 0.00 (%)
ONTRApages 0.00 (%)
PageMutant 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
Gold Lasso 0.00 (%)
ActionPages 0.00 (%)
UnDelay 0.00 (%)
AppToolkit 0.00 (%)
LeadBarrel 0.00 (%)
Launch Gator 0.00 (%)
AppLandr 0.00 (%)
Knak 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Landing Pages software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Landing Pages software are Wix, Optimizely, Pardot. Here, you can view a full list of Landing Pages tools in the market.

How many companies use Landing Pages software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 907,340 companies are currently using one or more Landing Pages software. Out of these, there are 540,907 companies using Landing Pages tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Landing Pages software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Landing Pages space are Wix with 81.38 % of market share, and Optimizely with 4.88 % of market share and Pardot with 4.05 % of market share . Check for other Landing Pages technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Landing Pages softwares?

The top industries that use Landing Pages software are Professional Services (258,806) , Technology (77,822) , Retail and CPG (68,819) .

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