Lead Generation

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Lead Generation software. Check out our list of Lead Generation Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Lead Generation

Top 5 Lead Generation technologies in 2023

Over 338,489 companies are using Lead Generation tools. HubSpot Marketing Hub with 41.45% market share (140,306 customers), Pardot with 11.67% market share (39,505 customers), Marketo with 9.91% market share (33,559 customers),

Lead Generation Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Lead Generation category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (80,350 companies), 20 - 49 employees (77,326 companies), 100 - 249 employees (31,267 companies).

Lead Generation Customers by Geography

Companies using Lead Generation technology software are majorly from the United States with 144,053 (65.11%), United Kingdom with 22,116 (10.00%), Canada with 11,911 (5.38%) customers respectively.

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Lead Generation Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Lead Generation for Professional Services (71,179), Technology (50,201), Retail and CPG (15,175).

Market Share for Top Lead Generation Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Lead Generation technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 HubSpot Marketing Hub 140306 41.45 (%)
2 Pardot 39505 11.67 (%)
3 Marketo 33559 9.91 (%)
4 OptinMonster 26956 7.96 (%)
5 Leadfeeder 26494 7.83 (%)
6 Drift 18211 5.38 (%)
7 WordStream Advisor 13198 3.90 (%)
8 Pipedrive 12377 3.66 (%)
9 Leadinfo 6602 1.95 (%)
10 Sleeknote 5229 1.54 (%)
11 Albacross 4353 1.29 (%)
12 Uberflip 3271 0.97 (%)
13 Salesfusion 3051 0.90 (%)
14 PathFactory 905 0.27 (%)
15 VisitorTrack 578 0.17 (%)
16 Lead Liaison 521 0.15 (%)
17 Qualifio 492 0.15 (%)
18 Leadberry 435 0.13 (%)
19 Happierleads 405 0.12 (%)
20 LeadBoxer 338 0.10 (%)
21 Jumplead 237 0.07 (%)
22 Cognism 219 0.06 (%)
23 Envoke 216 0.06 (%)
24 CIENCE 167 0.05 (%)
25 Wheel of Popups 156 0.05 (%)
26 LeadsBridge 137 0.04 (%)
27 Digioh 105 0.03 (%)
28 Cliently 86 0.03 (%)
29 Vainu 76 0.02 (%)
30 EverString 52 0.02 (%)
31 Mr. E by EasyLeadz 39 0.01 (%)
32 hubsell 38 0.01 (%)
33 Akkroo 33 0.01 (%)
34 Growlabs 23 0.01 (%)
35 Visiblee 22 0.01 (%)
36 Martal Group 21 0.01 (%)
37 Lynkos 19 0.01 (%)
38 emfluence 18 0.01 (%)
39 DataLead 16 0.00 (%)
40 Data Axle Genie 8 0.00 (%)
41 Leadiro 7 0.00 (%)
42 SalesOptimize 5 0.00 (%)
43 LeadSift 3 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
HubSpot Marketing Hub 41.45 (%)
Pardot 11.67 (%)
Marketo 9.91 (%)
OptinMonster 7.96 (%)
Leadfeeder 7.83 (%)
Drift 5.38 (%)
WordStream Advisor 3.90 (%)
Pipedrive 3.66 (%)
Leadinfo 1.95 (%)
Sleeknote 1.54 (%)
Albacross 1.29 (%)
Uberflip 0.97 (%)
Salesfusion 0.90 (%)
PathFactory 0.27 (%)
VisitorTrack 0.17 (%)
Lead Liaison 0.15 (%)
Qualifio 0.15 (%)
Leadberry 0.13 (%)
Happierleads 0.12 (%)
LeadBoxer 0.10 (%)
Jumplead 0.07 (%)
Cognism 0.06 (%)
Envoke 0.06 (%)
CIENCE 0.05 (%)
Wheel of Popups 0.05 (%)
LeadsBridge 0.04 (%)
Digioh 0.03 (%)
Cliently 0.03 (%)
Vainu 0.02 (%)
EverString 0.02 (%)
Mr. E by EasyLeadz 0.01 (%)
hubsell 0.01 (%)
Akkroo 0.01 (%)
Growlabs 0.01 (%)
Visiblee 0.01 (%)
Martal Group 0.01 (%)
Lynkos 0.01 (%)
emfluence 0.01 (%)
DataLead 0.00 (%)
Data Axle Genie 0.00 (%)
Leadiro 0.00 (%)
SalesOptimize 0.00 (%)
LeadSift 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Lead Generation software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Lead Generation software are HubSpot Marketing Hub, Pardot, Marketo. Here, you can view a full list of Lead Generation tools in the market.

How many companies use Lead Generation software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 264,884 companies are currently using one or more Lead Generation software. Out of these, there are 144,053 companies using Lead Generation tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Lead Generation software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Lead Generation space are HubSpot Marketing Hub with 41.45 % of market share, and Pardot with 11.67 % of market share and Marketo with 9.91 % of market share . Check for other Lead Generation technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Lead Generation softwares?

The top industries that use Lead Generation software are Professional Services (71,179) , Technology (50,201) , Retail and CPG (15,175) .

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