Loyalty Marketing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Loyalty Marketing software. Check out our list of Loyalty Marketing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Loyalty Marketing

Top 5 Loyalty Marketing technologies in 2023

Over 38,689 companies are using Loyalty Marketing tools. Como with 12.68% market share (4,904 customers), Mention Me - Referral Marketing Platform with 11.64% market share (4,503 customers), LoyaltyLion with 9.43% market share (3,648 customers),

Loyalty Marketing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Loyalty Marketing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (17,041 companies), 20 - 49 employees (7,695 companies), 10 - 19 employees (2,959 companies).

Loyalty Marketing Customers by Geography

Companies using Loyalty Marketing technology software are majorly from the United States with 19,750 (64.46%), United Kingdom with 2,408 (7.86%), Netherlands with 2,375 (7.75%) customers respectively.

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Loyalty Marketing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Loyalty Marketing for Retail and CPG (7,026), Professional Services (7,014), Technology (3,574).

Market Share for Top Loyalty Marketing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Loyalty Marketing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Como 4904 12.68 (%)
2 Mention Me - Referral Marketing Platform 4503 11.64 (%)
3 LoyaltyLion 3648 9.43 (%)
4 SocialShopWave 3629 9.38 (%)
5 Gleam 3231 8.35 (%)
6 GovX 2038 5.27 (%)
7 Flok 1781 4.60 (%)
8 Student Beans 1565 4.05 (%)
9 CashStar 1437 3.71 (%)
10 VerifyPass 1188 3.07 (%)
11 Viral Loops 1125 2.91 (%)
12 Sweet Tooth 1062 2.74 (%)
13 Givex 846 2.19 (%)
14 Olapic 623 1.61 (%)
15 Access Perks 560 1.45 (%)
16 Influitive 545 1.41 (%)
17 ID.me 528 1.36 (%)
18 Aimia 378 0.98 (%)
19 Zinrelo 357 0.92 (%)
20 Thanx 339 0.88 (%)
21 Paytronix 301 0.78 (%)
22 Sloyalty 275 0.71 (%)
23 gocertify 224 0.58 (%)
24 Offerpop 213 0.55 (%)
25 Womply 198 0.51 (%)
26 Flocktory 186 0.48 (%)
27 Fish Bowl Prizes 175 0.45 (%)
28 Retention Science 119 0.31 (%)
29 Belly 116 0.30 (%)
30 Loyverse POS 112 0.29 (%)
31 CityGro 107 0.28 (%)
32 Clutch.com 95 0.25 (%)
33 Churn Buster 94 0.24 (%)
34 RepeatRewards 88 0.23 (%)
35 PowerCard 86 0.22 (%)
36 Picnic 65 0.17 (%)
37 Simplicity 65 0.17 (%)
38 BigDoor 61 0.16 (%)
39 Zinrelo Loyalty Rewards Platform 59 0.15 (%)
40 LoyLap 59 0.15 (%)
41 bLoyal 58 0.15 (%)
42 Augeo 56 0.14 (%)
43 i2c Engage 55 0.14 (%)
44 AppVirality 54 0.14 (%)
45 Nextbee 53 0.14 (%)
46 Open Loyalty 51 0.13 (%)
47 Hello World (formerly ePrize) 51 0.13 (%)
48 SailPlay Loyalty 50 0.13 (%)
49 Thirdshelf 50 0.13 (%)
50 RevTrax 49 0.13 (%)
51 Loopy Loyalty 43 0.11 (%)
52 Marera 42 0.11 (%)
53 SessionM 42 0.11 (%)
54 Chirpify 38 0.10 (%)
55 Rybbon 37 0.10 (%)
56 CrowdTwist 35 0.09 (%)
57 spoonity 35 0.09 (%)
58 Hawk Incentives 32 0.08 (%)
59 Coupontools 30 0.08 (%)
60 Izicap 27 0.07 (%)
61 LoyLogic 27 0.07 (%)
62 500friends LoyaltyPlus Enterprise 26 0.07 (%)
63 Tango Card 26 0.07 (%)
64 Annex Customer Loyalty Cloud 25 0.06 (%)
65 Connexions Loyalty 25 0.06 (%)
66 TrueKonnects 23 0.06 (%)
67 Ticket Max 22 0.06 (%)
68 Giftd 21 0.05 (%)
69 Social&Loyal 21 0.05 (%)
70 AvidMobile 20 0.05 (%)
71 HTK | Horizon Loyalty Hub 20 0.05 (%)
72 Loyalty Gator 20 0.05 (%)
73 Swagbucks 19 0.05 (%)
74 One Loyalty 18 0.05 (%)
75 LoyaltyZen 17 0.04 (%)
76 WaveToGet 17 0.04 (%)
77 Snipp 17 0.04 (%)
78 Synced.io 16 0.04 (%)
79 Veterans Advantage 16 0.04 (%)
80 Fielo 15 0.04 (%)
81 OptCulture 15 0.04 (%)
82 Loyalty Works 15 0.04 (%)
83 LoyaltyMatch 14 0.04 (%)
84 Pobuca Loyalty 13 0.03 (%)
85 Xeno Infinity 13 0.03 (%)
86 Xpert Loyalty Space 13 0.03 (%)
87 The Loyalty Box 12 0.03 (%)
88 Loyalis 12 0.03 (%)
89 BrandBuddee 12 0.03 (%)
90 iVoucher 11 0.03 (%)
91 Kobie 11 0.03 (%)
92 PatronPal 10 0.03 (%)
93 MobilizeSystems 9 0.02 (%)
94 Buzz Points 9 0.02 (%)
95 Popdeem 9 0.02 (%)
96 The Brand Club 9 0.02 (%)
97 Reward-it 9 0.02 (%)
98 Vauchar 9 0.02 (%)
99 OfferCraft 8 0.02 (%)
100 RoboRewards 8 0.02 (%)
101 Loystar 8 0.02 (%)
102 GET Rewards 8 0.02 (%)
103 Benefit One USA 7 0.02 (%)
104 ADfits 7 0.02 (%)
105 Linkable 7 0.02 (%)
106 LoyaltyPlus 7 0.02 (%)
107 Proxi.id 7 0.02 (%)
108 Gimmie 6 0.02 (%)
109 Gava 6 0.02 (%)
110 Spread for customer 6 0.02 (%)
111 Oracle Loyalty Cloud 5 0.01 (%)
112 Boostcom Loyalty 5 0.01 (%)
113 Loyty 5 0.01 (%)
114 Welcome Real-Time 5 0.01 (%)
115 StickyStreet 5 0.01 (%)
116 UMarket 5 0.01 (%)
117 Antics DMS 5 0.01 (%)
118 TIBCO Loyalty Lab 5 0.01 (%)
119 Playlyfe 4 0.01 (%)
120 SoHalo 4 0.01 (%)
121 Bluestar Loyalty 4 0.01 (%)
122 LoyalTree 4 0.01 (%)
123 Gift Card and Loyalty Program 4 0.01 (%)
124 Engage:Value 4 0.01 (%)
125 Incentivise 4 0.01 (%)
126 Intensify 4 0.01 (%)
127 Business Logic Systems - InTelestage 3 0.01 (%)
128 Lootsie 3 0.01 (%)
129 Spotzot 3 0.01 (%)
130 Hero Points for Dynamics RMS 3 0.01 (%)
131 Incentivebank 3 0.01 (%)
132 Card City 3 0.01 (%)
133 EASYLoyalty 3 0.01 (%)
134 Exclusively Gifted 3 0.01 (%)
135 Merit Loyalty Suite 3 0.01 (%)
136 Stellar Loyalty 2 0.01 (%)
137 Chat Whale 2 0.01 (%)
138 Stampt 2 0.01 (%)
139 GiftTran Manager 2 0.01 (%)
140 Customer-Brand Loyalty Software 2 0.01 (%)
141 SmartLoyalty 2 0.01 (%)
142 Triplefy 2 0.01 (%)
143 Wallet Circle Loyalty 2 0.01 (%)
Technology Market share
Como 12.68 (%)
Mention Me - Referral Marketing Platform 11.64 (%)
LoyaltyLion 9.43 (%)
SocialShopWave 9.38 (%)
Gleam 8.35 (%)
GovX 5.27 (%)
Flok 4.60 (%)
Student Beans 4.05 (%)
CashStar 3.71 (%)
VerifyPass 3.07 (%)
Viral Loops 2.91 (%)
Sweet Tooth 2.74 (%)
Givex 2.19 (%)
Olapic 1.61 (%)
Access Perks 1.45 (%)
Influitive 1.41 (%)
ID.me 1.36 (%)
Aimia 0.98 (%)
Zinrelo 0.92 (%)
Thanx 0.88 (%)
Paytronix 0.78 (%)
Sloyalty 0.71 (%)
gocertify 0.58 (%)
Offerpop 0.55 (%)
Womply 0.51 (%)
Flocktory 0.48 (%)
Fish Bowl Prizes 0.45 (%)
Retention Science 0.31 (%)
Belly 0.30 (%)
Loyverse POS 0.29 (%)
CityGro 0.28 (%)
Clutch.com 0.25 (%)
Churn Buster 0.24 (%)
RepeatRewards 0.23 (%)
PowerCard 0.22 (%)
Picnic 0.17 (%)
Simplicity 0.17 (%)
BigDoor 0.16 (%)
Zinrelo Loyalty Rewards Platform 0.15 (%)
LoyLap 0.15 (%)
bLoyal 0.15 (%)
Augeo 0.14 (%)
i2c Engage 0.14 (%)
AppVirality 0.14 (%)
Nextbee 0.14 (%)
Open Loyalty 0.13 (%)
Hello World (formerly ePrize) 0.13 (%)
SailPlay Loyalty 0.13 (%)
Thirdshelf 0.13 (%)
RevTrax 0.13 (%)
Loopy Loyalty 0.11 (%)
Marera 0.11 (%)
SessionM 0.11 (%)
Chirpify 0.10 (%)
Rybbon 0.10 (%)
CrowdTwist 0.09 (%)
spoonity 0.09 (%)
Hawk Incentives 0.08 (%)
Coupontools 0.08 (%)
Izicap 0.07 (%)
LoyLogic 0.07 (%)
500friends LoyaltyPlus Enterprise 0.07 (%)
Tango Card 0.07 (%)
Annex Customer Loyalty Cloud 0.06 (%)
Connexions Loyalty 0.06 (%)
TrueKonnects 0.06 (%)
Ticket Max 0.06 (%)
Giftd 0.05 (%)
Social&Loyal 0.05 (%)
AvidMobile 0.05 (%)
HTK | Horizon Loyalty Hub 0.05 (%)
Loyalty Gator 0.05 (%)
Swagbucks 0.05 (%)
One Loyalty 0.05 (%)
LoyaltyZen 0.04 (%)
WaveToGet 0.04 (%)
Snipp 0.04 (%)
Synced.io 0.04 (%)
Veterans Advantage 0.04 (%)
Fielo 0.04 (%)
OptCulture 0.04 (%)
Loyalty Works 0.04 (%)
LoyaltyMatch 0.04 (%)
Pobuca Loyalty 0.03 (%)
Xeno Infinity 0.03 (%)
Xpert Loyalty Space 0.03 (%)
The Loyalty Box 0.03 (%)
Loyalis 0.03 (%)
BrandBuddee 0.03 (%)
iVoucher 0.03 (%)
Kobie 0.03 (%)
PatronPal 0.03 (%)
MobilizeSystems 0.02 (%)
Buzz Points 0.02 (%)
Popdeem 0.02 (%)
The Brand Club 0.02 (%)
Reward-it 0.02 (%)
Vauchar 0.02 (%)
OfferCraft 0.02 (%)
RoboRewards 0.02 (%)
Loystar 0.02 (%)
GET Rewards 0.02 (%)
Benefit One USA 0.02 (%)
ADfits 0.02 (%)
Linkable 0.02 (%)
LoyaltyPlus 0.02 (%)
Proxi.id 0.02 (%)
Gimmie 0.02 (%)
Gava 0.02 (%)
Spread for customer 0.02 (%)
Oracle Loyalty Cloud 0.01 (%)
Boostcom Loyalty 0.01 (%)
Loyty 0.01 (%)
Welcome Real-Time 0.01 (%)
StickyStreet 0.01 (%)
UMarket 0.01 (%)
Antics DMS 0.01 (%)
TIBCO Loyalty Lab 0.01 (%)
Playlyfe 0.01 (%)
SoHalo 0.01 (%)
Bluestar Loyalty 0.01 (%)
LoyalTree 0.01 (%)
Gift Card and Loyalty Program 0.01 (%)
Engage:Value 0.01 (%)
Incentivise 0.01 (%)
Intensify 0.01 (%)
Business Logic Systems - InTelestage 0.01 (%)
Lootsie 0.01 (%)
Spotzot 0.01 (%)
Hero Points for Dynamics RMS 0.01 (%)
Incentivebank 0.01 (%)
Card City 0.01 (%)
EASYLoyalty 0.01 (%)
Exclusively Gifted 0.01 (%)
Merit Loyalty Suite 0.01 (%)
Stellar Loyalty 0.01 (%)
Chat Whale 0.01 (%)
Stampt 0.01 (%)
GiftTran Manager 0.01 (%)
Customer-Brand Loyalty Software 0.01 (%)
SmartLoyalty 0.01 (%)
Triplefy 0.01 (%)
Wallet Circle Loyalty 0.01 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Loyalty Marketing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Loyalty Marketing software are Como, Mention Me - Referral Marketing Platform, LoyaltyLion. Here, you can view a full list of Loyalty Marketing tools in the market.

How many companies use Loyalty Marketing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 35,260 companies are currently using one or more Loyalty Marketing software. Out of these, there are 19,750 companies using Loyalty Marketing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Loyalty Marketing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Loyalty Marketing space are Como with 12.68 % of market share, and Mention Me - Referral Marketing Platform with 11.64 % of market share and LoyaltyLion with 9.43 % of market share . Check for other Loyalty Marketing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Loyalty Marketing softwares?

The top industries that use Loyalty Marketing software are Retail and CPG (7,026) , Professional Services (7,014) , Technology (3,574) .

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