Marketing Analytics

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Marketing Analytics software. Check out our list of Marketing Analytics Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Marketing Analytics

Top 5 Marketing Analytics technologies in 2023

Over 404,126 companies are using Marketing Analytics tools. HubSpot Marketing Hub with 34.72% market share (140,318 customers), Pardot with 9.77% market share (39,499 customers), Mixpanel with 9.53% market share (38,511 customers),

Marketing Analytics Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Marketing Analytics category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (1,939,343 companies), 20 - 49 employees (984,418 companies), 10 - 19 employees (481,250 companies).

Marketing Analytics Customers by Geography

Companies using Marketing Analytics technology software are majorly from the United States with 1,796,166 (51.25%), United Kingdom with 412,780 (11.78%), Germany with 342,594 (9.77%) customers respectively.

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Marketing Analytics Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Marketing Analytics for Professional Services (89,034), Technology (54,471), Retail and CPG (22,524).

Market Share for Top Marketing Analytics Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Marketing Analytics technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 HubSpot Marketing Hub 140318 34.72 (%)
2 Pardot 39499 9.77 (%)
3 Mixpanel 38511 9.53 (%)
4 Marketo 33548 8.30 (%)
5 Campaign Monitor 28696 7.10 (%)
6 HeapAnalytics 17953 4.44 (%)
7 Sprout Social 15923 3.94 (%)
8 SEMrush 15762 3.90 (%)
9 Sumo 15406 3.81 (%)
10 LiveRamp 5595 1.38 (%)
11 Looker 5327 1.32 (%)
12 Demandbase 4720 1.17 (%)
13 Oracle BlueKai 3373 0.83 (%)
14 Bizible 2923 0.72 (%)
15 Cxense Insight 2746 0.68 (%)
16 Kissmetrics 2671 0.66 (%)
17 Instapage 2669 0.66 (%)
18 Kentico 2471 0.61 (%)
19 Bounce Exchange 2429 0.60 (%)
20 Zoho Reports 2231 0.55 (%)
21 Sailthru 2203 0.55 (%)
22 Marquis 2020 0.50 (%)
23 SE Ranking 1812 0.45 (%)
24 Fivetran 1595 0.39 (%)
25 Sisense 1362 0.34 (%)
26 Google Analytics 360 1168 0.29 (%)
27 Newscred 1026 0.25 (%)
28 Iterable 962 0.24 (%)
29 Sendible 655 0.16 (%)
30 Klipfolio 606 0.15 (%)
31 IBM Watson Marketing 565 0.14 (%)
32 Admetrics 544 0.13 (%)
33 Qualifio 492 0.12 (%)
34 Localytics 490 0.12 (%)
35 InsideView 433 0.11 (%)
36 Kapost 398 0.10 (%)
37 Percolate 364 0.09 (%)
38 Clarabridge 343 0.08 (%)
39 LeadBoxer 338 0.08 (%)
40 Pico 333 0.08 (%)
41 Chartio 307 0.08 (%)
42 Brand24 274 0.07 (%)
43 ClickMeter 243 0.06 (%)
44 InsightSquared 224 0.06 (%)
45 Birst 193 0.05 (%)
46 Bizo 187 0.05 (%)
47 Voluum 171 0.04 (%)
48 Oktopost 168 0.04 (%)
49 Tealium IQ 165 0.04 (%)
50 Juicebox 162 0.04 (%)
51 TapClicks 141 0.03 (%)
52 Appsee Mobile Analytics 137 0.03 (%)
53 Adomik 129 0.03 (%)
54 Locowise 124 0.03 (%)
55 Adverity 116 0.03 (%)
56 ReportGarden 93 0.02 (%)
57 Mintigo 87 0.02 (%)
58 Beckon 78 0.02 (%)
59 wywy 66 0.02 (%)
60 Callcap 59 0.01 (%)
61 Fliptop 58 0.01 (%)
62 SalesSeek 50 0.01 (%)
63 DemandJump 45 0.01 (%)
64 AgencyAnalytics 45 0.01 (%)
65 Pyze 38 0.01 (%)
66 Improvado 37 0.01 (%)
67 AdStage 37 0.01 (%)
68 Swiftype Site Search 32 0.01 (%)
69 Horsefly 23 0.01 (%)
70 SimilarWeb PRO 22 0.01 (%)
71 OptiMine 21 0.01 (%)
72 EverThere 20 0.00 (%)
73 MonkeyData 18 0.00 (%)
74 emfluence 18 0.00 (%)
75 Avarea Analytics for Marketing 16 0.00 (%)
76 Origami Logic 16 0.00 (%)
77 Slemma 6 0.00 (%)
78 Newlytics 4 0.00 (%)
79 Trust Insights 3 0.00 (%)
80 IBM Watson Marketing Insights 3 0.00 (%)
81 Commerce Sciences 3 0.00 (%)
82 TCS HOBS 3 0.00 (%)
83 BuzzBoard 2 0.00 (%)
84 AD-Pure 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
HubSpot Marketing Hub 34.72 (%)
Pardot 9.77 (%)
Mixpanel 9.53 (%)
Marketo 8.30 (%)
Campaign Monitor 7.10 (%)
HeapAnalytics 4.44 (%)
Sprout Social 3.94 (%)
SEMrush 3.90 (%)
Sumo 3.81 (%)
LiveRamp 1.38 (%)
Looker 1.32 (%)
Demandbase 1.17 (%)
Oracle BlueKai 0.83 (%)
Bizible 0.72 (%)
Cxense Insight 0.68 (%)
Kissmetrics 0.66 (%)
Instapage 0.66 (%)
Kentico 0.61 (%)
Bounce Exchange 0.60 (%)
Zoho Reports 0.55 (%)
Sailthru 0.55 (%)
Marquis 0.50 (%)
SE Ranking 0.45 (%)
Fivetran 0.39 (%)
Sisense 0.34 (%)
Google Analytics 360 0.29 (%)
Newscred 0.25 (%)
Iterable 0.24 (%)
Sendible 0.16 (%)
Klipfolio 0.15 (%)
IBM Watson Marketing 0.14 (%)
Admetrics 0.13 (%)
Qualifio 0.12 (%)
Localytics 0.12 (%)
InsideView 0.11 (%)
Kapost 0.10 (%)
Percolate 0.09 (%)
Clarabridge 0.08 (%)
LeadBoxer 0.08 (%)
Pico 0.08 (%)
Chartio 0.08 (%)
Brand24 0.07 (%)
ClickMeter 0.06 (%)
InsightSquared 0.06 (%)
Birst 0.05 (%)
Bizo 0.05 (%)
Voluum 0.04 (%)
Oktopost 0.04 (%)
Tealium IQ 0.04 (%)
Juicebox 0.04 (%)
TapClicks 0.03 (%)
Appsee Mobile Analytics 0.03 (%)
Adomik 0.03 (%)
Locowise 0.03 (%)
Adverity 0.03 (%)
ReportGarden 0.02 (%)
Mintigo 0.02 (%)
Beckon 0.02 (%)
wywy 0.02 (%)
Callcap 0.01 (%)
Fliptop 0.01 (%)
SalesSeek 0.01 (%)
DemandJump 0.01 (%)
AgencyAnalytics 0.01 (%)
Pyze 0.01 (%)
Improvado 0.01 (%)
AdStage 0.01 (%)
Swiftype Site Search 0.01 (%)
Horsefly 0.01 (%)
SimilarWeb PRO 0.01 (%)
OptiMine 0.01 (%)
EverThere 0.00 (%)
MonkeyData 0.00 (%)
emfluence 0.00 (%)
Avarea Analytics for Marketing 0.00 (%)
Origami Logic 0.00 (%)
Slemma 0.00 (%)
Newlytics 0.00 (%)
Trust Insights 0.00 (%)
IBM Watson Marketing Insights 0.00 (%)
Commerce Sciences 0.00 (%)
TCS HOBS 0.00 (%)
BuzzBoard 0.00 (%)
AD-Pure 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Marketing Analytics software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Marketing Analytics software are HubSpot Marketing Hub, Pardot, Mixpanel. Here, you can view a full list of Marketing Analytics tools in the market.

How many companies use Marketing Analytics software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 4,367,569 companies are currently using one or more Marketing Analytics software. Out of these, there are 1,796,166 companies using Marketing Analytics tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Marketing Analytics software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Marketing Analytics space are HubSpot Marketing Hub with 34.72 % of market share, and Pardot with 9.77 % of market share and Mixpanel with 9.53 % of market share . Check for other Marketing Analytics technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Marketing Analytics softwares?

The top industries that use Marketing Analytics software are Professional Services (89,034) , Technology (54,471) , Retail and CPG (22,524) .

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