Online Marketing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Online Marketing software. Check out our list of Online Marketing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Online Marketing

Top 5 Online Marketing technologies in 2023

Over 1,537,294 companies are using Online Marketing tools. MailChimp with 42.71% market share (656,524 customers), HubSpot Marketing Hub with 9.13% market share (140,339 customers), Klaviyo with 6.20% market share (95,277 customers),

Online Marketing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Online Marketing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (552,350 companies), 20 - 49 employees (318,807 companies), 10 - 19 employees (123,334 companies).

Online Marketing Customers by Geography

Companies using Online Marketing technology software are majorly from the United States with 690,918 (62.86%), United Kingdom with 117,838 (10.72%), Canada with 63,110 (5.74%) customers respectively.

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Online Marketing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Online Marketing for Professional Services (336,655), Retail and CPG (142,172), Technology (116,797).

Market Share for Top Online Marketing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Online Marketing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 MailChimp 656524 42.71 (%)
2 HubSpot Marketing Hub 140339 9.13 (%)
3 Klaviyo 95277 6.20 (%)
4 Intercom 75085 4.88 (%)
5 Adobe Marketing Cloud 74478 4.84 (%)
6 ActiveCampaign 55389 3.60 (%)
7 AdRoll 45729 2.97 (%)
8 MyTime 42032 2.73 (%)
9 Pardot 39486 2.57 (%)
10 Marketo 33555 2.18 (%)
11 ComScore 26439 1.72 (%)
12 MailerLite 24417 1.59 (%)
13 Vidyard 24337 1.58 (%)
14 MailMunch 23775 1.55 (%)
15 Drift 18208 1.18 (%)
16 Infusionsoft 16534 1.08 (%)
17 SharpSpring 16063 1.04 (%)
18 WordStream Advisor 13188 0.86 (%)
19 Drip 7884 0.51 (%)
20 Ceros 7825 0.51 (%)
21 GetResponse 6869 0.45 (%)
22 iContact Email Marketing 6153 0.40 (%)
23 Autopilot 5744 0.37 (%)
24 Sleeknote 5223 0.34 (%)
25 Wisepops 4941 0.32 (%)
26 Act-On 4576 0.30 (%)
27 Workfront 4462 0.29 (%)
28 Qzzr 4142 0.27 (%)
29 Benchmark Email 3982 0.26 (%)
30 Salesfusion 3041 0.20 (%)
31 Bizible 2924 0.19 (%)
32 Instapage 2681 0.17 (%)
33 Marketing 360 2583 0.17 (%)
34 Omnisend 2570 0.17 (%)
35 Sailthru 2205 0.14 (%)
36 Wishpond 2170 0.14 (%)
37 NiceJob 1957 0.13 (%)
38 Compete 1838 0.12 (%)
39 dotmailer 1822 0.12 (%)
40 Moosend 1756 0.11 (%)
41 Exponea 1681 0.11 (%)
42 Bronto Marketing Platform 1417 0.09 (%)
43 Campaigner 1372 0.09 (%)
44 iZooto 1225 0.08 (%)
45 ActiveDEMAND 1169 0.08 (%)
46 Newscred 1023 0.07 (%)
47 Picreel 1011 0.07 (%)
48 Iterable 962 0.06 (%)
49 Upsales CRM 926 0.06 (%)
50 Hatchbuck 851 0.06 (%)
51 LeadLander 823 0.05 (%)
52 Appforma 692 0.05 (%)
53 LeadsRx 624 0.04 (%)
54 VisitorTrack 578 0.04 (%)
55 Lead Liaison 519 0.03 (%)
56 ActiveTrail 504 0.03 (%)
57 Localytics 491 0.03 (%)
58 LeadFox 457 0.03 (%)
59 Leadberry 435 0.03 (%)
60 OutboundEngine 422 0.03 (%)
61 Sarbacane 418 0.03 (%)
62 bpm'online marketing 403 0.03 (%)
63 Hitwise 391 0.03 (%)
64 Nextiva 365 0.02 (%)
65 Percolate 362 0.02 (%)
66 LeadSquared 361 0.02 (%)
67 eSputnik 349 0.02 (%)
68 Batch 348 0.02 (%)
69 ContactPigeon 319 0.02 (%)
70 Silverpop 305 0.02 (%)
71 303 0.02 (%)
72 Mautic 300 0.02 (%)
73 Pure360 295 0.02 (%)
74 Blitz 273 0.02 (%)
75 Bannerflow 272 0.02 (%)
76 ShippingEasy 264 0.02 (%)
77 262 0.02 (%)
78 GreenRope 239 0.02 (%)
79 Jumplead 237 0.02 (%)
80 BrandMaker 230 0.01 (%)
81 Envoke 216 0.01 (%)
82 Kompyte 212 0.01 (%)
83 Carts Guru 195 0.01 (%)
84 SimplyCast 176 0.01 (%)
85 Affise 174 0.01 (%)
86 MOBIT 172 0.01 (%)
87 Delivra 169 0.01 (%)
88 Wheel of Popups 156 0.01 (%)
89 Wigzo 154 0.01 (%)
90 idomoo 140 0.01 (%)
91 GoBig, Inc. 121 0.01 (%)
92 PushAd 119 0.01 (%)
93 Tenfold 117 0.01 (%)
94 Evolvin Agency Software 114 0.01 (%)
95 JangoMail 113 0.01 (%)
96 GrooveJar 108 0.01 (%)
97 Digioh 105 0.01 (%)
98 Personyze 103 0.01 (%)
99 UserEngage 103 0.01 (%)
100 SalesNexus 102 0.01 (%)
101 SALESmanago Marketing Automation 101 0.01 (%)
102 Mailigen 96 0.01 (%)
103 Xtremepush 95 0.01 (%)
104 SnapApp 92 0.01 (%)
105 eClincher 87 0.01 (%)
106 Mintigo 87 0.01 (%)
107 Optmyzr 87 0.01 (%)
108 FunnelMaker 86 0.01 (%)
109 Skyword 86 0.01 (%)
110 Voucherify 85 0.01 (%)
111 ActiveConversion 85 0.01 (%)
112 Qwaya 85 0.01 (%)
113 eTrigue 82 0.01 (%)
114 Mailify 75 0.00 (%)
115 Fresh Relevance 75 0.00 (%)
116 Yodle 74 0.00 (%)
117 Reachdesk 65 0.00 (%)
118 Authoritas 62 0.00 (%)
119 Propago 61 0.00 (%)
120 Net-Results 54 0.00 (%)
121 ConnectAndSell 53 0.00 (%)
122 EverString 52 0.00 (%)
123 SalesSeek 49 0.00 (%)
124 Genoo 48 0.00 (%)
125 Colibri SEO 47 0.00 (%)
126 AgencyAnalytics 45 0.00 (%)
127 Zaius 44 0.00 (%)
128 Usermind 41 0.00 (%)
129 hubsell 39 0.00 (%)
130 Wired Plus 39 0.00 (%)
131 Radius 39 0.00 (%)
132 Pyze 38 0.00 (%)
133 HitPath 34 0.00 (%)
134 On Brand 32 0.00 (%)
135 atEvent 32 0.00 (%)
136 Katabat 30 0.00 (%)
137 DOTS Lead Validation 29 0.00 (%)
138 LeadByte 28 0.00 (%)
139 Experiture 27 0.00 (%)
140 GleanView 27 0.00 (%)
141 Kutenda 26 0.00 (%)
142 Colabo 26 0.00 (%)
143 Captavi Platform 25 0.00 (%)
144 Marketing Optimizer 25 0.00 (%)
145 Real Magnet 24 0.00 (%)
146 SimilarWeb PRO 22 0.00 (%)
147 OptiMine 21 0.00 (%)
148 EverThere 20 0.00 (%)
149 emfluence 18 0.00 (%)
150 Pleisty 17 0.00 (%)
151 Retainly 16 0.00 (%)
152 Direct Mail Manager 13 0.00 (%)
153 SalesPanda 13 0.00 (%)
154 MoonMail 11 0.00 (%)
155 OpenBack 11 0.00 (%)
156 Pixability 10 0.00 (%)
157 SutiCRM 10 0.00 (%)
158 Infer 8 0.00 (%)
159 Lead Guerrilla 7 0.00 (%)
160 Gold Lasso 5 0.00 (%)
161 IdealPath 4 0.00 (%)
162 LeadRocket 4 0.00 (%)
163 Pixelshop 3 0.00 (%)
164 WinningWare QuickLaunch 3 0.00 (%)
165 Geotoko 3 0.00 (%)
166 G2 Marketing Solutions 2 0.00 (%)
167 BuzzBoard 2 0.00 (%)
168 AD-Pure 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
MailChimp 42.71 (%)
HubSpot Marketing Hub 9.13 (%)
Klaviyo 6.20 (%)
Intercom 4.88 (%)
Adobe Marketing Cloud 4.84 (%)
ActiveCampaign 3.60 (%)
AdRoll 2.97 (%)
MyTime 2.73 (%)
Pardot 2.57 (%)
Marketo 2.18 (%)
ComScore 1.72 (%)
MailerLite 1.59 (%)
Vidyard 1.58 (%)
MailMunch 1.55 (%)
Drift 1.18 (%)
Infusionsoft 1.08 (%)
SharpSpring 1.04 (%)
WordStream Advisor 0.86 (%)
Drip 0.51 (%)
Ceros 0.51 (%)
GetResponse 0.45 (%)
iContact Email Marketing 0.40 (%)
Autopilot 0.37 (%)
Sleeknote 0.34 (%)
Wisepops 0.32 (%)
Act-On 0.30 (%)
Workfront 0.29 (%)
Qzzr 0.27 (%)
Benchmark Email 0.26 (%)
Salesfusion 0.20 (%)
Bizible 0.19 (%)
Instapage 0.17 (%)
Marketing 360 0.17 (%)
Omnisend 0.17 (%)
Sailthru 0.14 (%)
Wishpond 0.14 (%)
NiceJob 0.13 (%)
Compete 0.12 (%)
dotmailer 0.12 (%)
Moosend 0.11 (%)
Exponea 0.11 (%)
Bronto Marketing Platform 0.09 (%)
Campaigner 0.09 (%)
iZooto 0.08 (%)
ActiveDEMAND 0.08 (%)
Newscred 0.07 (%)
Picreel 0.07 (%)
Iterable 0.06 (%)
Upsales CRM 0.06 (%)
Hatchbuck 0.06 (%)
LeadLander 0.05 (%)
Appforma 0.05 (%)
LeadsRx 0.04 (%)
VisitorTrack 0.04 (%)
Lead Liaison 0.03 (%)
ActiveTrail 0.03 (%)
Localytics 0.03 (%)
LeadFox 0.03 (%)
Leadberry 0.03 (%)
OutboundEngine 0.03 (%)
Sarbacane 0.03 (%)
bpm'online marketing 0.03 (%)
Hitwise 0.03 (%)
Nextiva 0.02 (%)
Percolate 0.02 (%)
LeadSquared 0.02 (%)
eSputnik 0.02 (%)
Batch 0.02 (%)
ContactPigeon 0.02 (%)
Silverpop 0.02 (%) 0.02 (%)
Mautic 0.02 (%)
Pure360 0.02 (%)
Blitz 0.02 (%)
Bannerflow 0.02 (%)
ShippingEasy 0.02 (%) 0.02 (%)
GreenRope 0.02 (%)
Jumplead 0.02 (%)
BrandMaker 0.01 (%)
Envoke 0.01 (%)
Kompyte 0.01 (%)
Carts Guru 0.01 (%)
SimplyCast 0.01 (%)
Affise 0.01 (%)
MOBIT 0.01 (%)
Delivra 0.01 (%)
Wheel of Popups 0.01 (%)
Wigzo 0.01 (%)
idomoo 0.01 (%)
GoBig, Inc. 0.01 (%)
PushAd 0.01 (%)
Tenfold 0.01 (%)
Evolvin Agency Software 0.01 (%)
JangoMail 0.01 (%)
GrooveJar 0.01 (%)
Digioh 0.01 (%)
Personyze 0.01 (%)
UserEngage 0.01 (%)
SalesNexus 0.01 (%)
SALESmanago Marketing Automation 0.01 (%)
Mailigen 0.01 (%)
Xtremepush 0.01 (%)
SnapApp 0.01 (%)
eClincher 0.01 (%)
Mintigo 0.01 (%)
Optmyzr 0.01 (%)
FunnelMaker 0.01 (%)
Skyword 0.01 (%)
Voucherify 0.01 (%)
ActiveConversion 0.01 (%)
Qwaya 0.01 (%)
eTrigue 0.01 (%)
Mailify 0.00 (%)
Fresh Relevance 0.00 (%)
Yodle 0.00 (%)
Reachdesk 0.00 (%)
Authoritas 0.00 (%)
Propago 0.00 (%)
Net-Results 0.00 (%)
ConnectAndSell 0.00 (%)
EverString 0.00 (%)
SalesSeek 0.00 (%)
Genoo 0.00 (%)
Colibri SEO 0.00 (%)
AgencyAnalytics 0.00 (%)
Zaius 0.00 (%)
Usermind 0.00 (%)
hubsell 0.00 (%)
Wired Plus 0.00 (%)
Radius 0.00 (%)
Pyze 0.00 (%)
HitPath 0.00 (%)
On Brand 0.00 (%)
atEvent 0.00 (%)
Katabat 0.00 (%)
DOTS Lead Validation 0.00 (%)
LeadByte 0.00 (%)
Experiture 0.00 (%)
GleanView 0.00 (%)
Kutenda 0.00 (%)
Colabo 0.00 (%)
Captavi Platform 0.00 (%)
Marketing Optimizer 0.00 (%)
Real Magnet 0.00 (%)
SimilarWeb PRO 0.00 (%)
OptiMine 0.00 (%)
EverThere 0.00 (%)
emfluence 0.00 (%)
Pleisty 0.00 (%)
Retainly 0.00 (%)
Direct Mail Manager 0.00 (%)
SalesPanda 0.00 (%)
MoonMail 0.00 (%)
OpenBack 0.00 (%)
Pixability 0.00 (%)
SutiCRM 0.00 (%)
Infer 0.00 (%)
Lead Guerrilla 0.00 (%)
Gold Lasso 0.00 (%)
IdealPath 0.00 (%)
LeadRocket 0.00 (%)
Pixelshop 0.00 (%)
WinningWare QuickLaunch 0.00 (%)
Geotoko 0.00 (%)
G2 Marketing Solutions 0.00 (%)
BuzzBoard 0.00 (%)
AD-Pure 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Online Marketing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Online Marketing software are MailChimp, HubSpot Marketing Hub, Klaviyo. Here, you can view a full list of Online Marketing tools in the market.

How many companies use Online Marketing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 1,305,452 companies are currently using one or more Online Marketing software. Out of these, there are 690,918 companies using Online Marketing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Online Marketing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Online Marketing space are MailChimp with 42.71 % of market share, and HubSpot Marketing Hub with 9.13 % of market share and Klaviyo with 6.20 % of market share . Check for other Online Marketing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Online Marketing softwares?

The top industries that use Online Marketing software are Professional Services (336,655) , Retail and CPG (142,172) , Technology (116,797) .

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