Performance Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Performance Management software. Check out our list of Performance Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Performance Management

Top 5 Performance Management technologies in 2023

Over 56,608 companies are using Performance Management tools. Odoo with 26.44% market share (14,967 customers), Cornerstone OnDemand with 15.87% market share (8,983 customers), Personio HR Software with 9.57% market share (5,415 customers),

Performance Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Performance Management category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (2,570,040 companies), 20 - 49 employees (1,342,429 companies), 10 - 19 employees (562,637 companies).

Performance Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Performance Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 3,016,671 (60.49%), United Kingdom with 608,223 (12.20%), India with 275,174 (5.52%) customers respectively.

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Performance Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Performance Management for Professional Services (13,294), Technology (9,619), Retail and CPG (3,691).

Market Share for Top Performance Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Performance Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Odoo 14967 26.44 (%)
2 Cornerstone OnDemand 8983 15.87 (%)
3 Personio HR Software 5415 9.57 (%)
4 CIVICHR - Employee Onboarding 4166 7.36 (%)
5 People HR 3427 6.05 (%)
6 Halogen Performance 2236 3.95 (%)
7 SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals 1812 3.20 (%)
8 openSIS 1678 2.96 (%)
9 Oracle PeopleSoft ePerformance 1646 2.91 (%)
10 HRMantra : HR & Payroll software 1366 2.41 (%)
11 HealthcareSource 1001 1.77 (%)
12 Sity Performance Suite 941 1.66 (%)
13 Zoho People 911 1.61 (%)
14 Cornerstone Performance 769 1.36 (%)
15 Insperity 694 1.23 (%)
16 Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) 600 1.06 (%)
17 Humi 503 0.89 (%)
18 PeopleMatter 475 0.84 (%)
19 WorkPro 472 0.83 (%)
20 soLearn 394 0.70 (%)
21 Aspect Workforce Optimization 385 0.68 (%)
22 Hppy 364 0.64 (%)
23 InviteReferrals 299 0.53 (%)
24 Small Improvements 212 0.37 (%)
25 Impraise 177 0.31 (%)
26 beqom 166 0.29 (%)
27 141 0.25 (%)
28 Clear Review 134 0.24 (%)
29 ZingHR 128 0.23 (%)
30 Jombay 128 0.23 (%)
31 NaturalHR 120 0.21 (%)
32 Bunchball Nitro 106 0.19 (%)
33 Quantum Workplace 103 0.18 (%)
34 PeopleGoal 102 0.18 (%)
35 Trakstar 98 0.17 (%)
36 Leapsome 90 0.16 (%)
37 Reflektive 88 0.16 (%)
38 PeopleStreme Performance Management 75 0.13 (%)
39 Kin 72 0.13 (%)
40 EmployeeConnect 60 0.11 (%)
41 Reviewsnap 59 0.10 (%)
42 UpRaise 53 0.09 (%)
43 UpRaise for Employee Success 52 0.09 (%)
44 Zummit 47 0.08 (%)
45 Appraisd 44 0.08 (%)
46 PerformYard 40 0.07 (%)
47 Rallyon 40 0.07 (%)
48 Kolay iK 35 0.06 (%)
49 Tymeshift 34 0.06 (%)
50 Clanbeat 33 0.06 (%)
51 PeoplesHR 33 0.06 (%)
52 SurePeople Platform 29 0.05 (%)
53 WIRL 28 0.05 (%)
54 OrgMapper 27 0.05 (%)
55 Vibe Talent 27 0.05 (%)
56 CYDAS 25 0.04 (%)
57 CRG emPerform 25 0.04 (%)
58 Six Disciplines 25 0.04 (%)
59 HR Performance Pro 24 0.04 (%)
60 Talmetrix 23 0.04 (%)
61 Taskulu 22 0.04 (%)
62 WorkCompass 22 0.04 (%)
63 Performance Culture 22 0.04 (%)
64 AssessTEAM 19 0.03 (%)
65 EazeHR 16 0.03 (%)
66 Evalu-8 15 0.03 (%)
67 Workview 14 0.02 (%)
68 Gryphon Networks 14 0.02 (%)
69 iActionable 12 0.02 (%)
70 Costlocker 11 0.02 (%)
71 Fego 10 0.02 (%)
72 Simitive 10 0.02 (%)
73 Happierco 10 0.02 (%)
74 Kanjoya Perception for Workforce Intelligence 10 0.02 (%)
75 cavinHR 10 0.02 (%)
76 Denario 10 0.02 (%)
77 QuercusApp 9 0.02 (%)
78 Guardian Tracking 9 0.02 (%)
79 People Book HR 8 0.01 (%)
80 Talentia HCM 8 0.01 (%)
81 iRevu 8 0.01 (%)
82 ChiefOnboarding 7 0.01 (%)
83 DeepTalent 7 0.01 (%)
84 Time2Work 7 0.01 (%)
85 Appraisal Smart 7 0.01 (%)
86 CoachBot 6 0.01 (%)
87 Skillrater 6 0.01 (%)
88 SnapEval 2.0 6 0.01 (%)
89 emPerform UK 6 0.01 (%)
90 Workfuze 5 0.01 (%)
91 Chairlift 5 0.01 (%)
92 Citrix Analytics for Performance 5 0.01 (%)
93 TEAMsCOM 4 0.01 (%)
94 Cornerstone PiiQ 4 0.01 (%)
95 Rubrix 4 0.01 (%)
96 TowerMetriX 4 0.01 (%)
97 Talentevo 4 0.01 (%)
98 jiHRM 4 0.01 (%)
99 JuvodHR 3 0.01 (%)
100 Xactly Objectives 3 0.01 (%)
101 HRiS365 3 0.01 (%)
102 PerformanceHub by Cogendo 3 0.01 (%)
103 Measured Success 3 0.01 (%)
104 Dinamiks 3 0.01 (%)
105 Achievedly 3 0.01 (%)
106 Pusula360 3 0.01 (%)
107 NEOGOV Perform 3 0.01 (%)
108 Monitae 2 0.00 (%)
109 SuMo Motivate 2 0.00 (%)
110 TalentPeak 2 0.00 (%)
111 jiTalent 2 0.00 (%)
112 FairSetup 2 0.00 (%)
113 Cambeo 2 0.00 (%)
114 SumTotal Growth Edition 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Odoo 26.44 (%)
Cornerstone OnDemand 15.87 (%)
Personio HR Software 9.57 (%)
CIVICHR - Employee Onboarding 7.36 (%)
People HR 6.05 (%)
Halogen Performance 3.95 (%)
SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals 3.20 (%)
openSIS 2.96 (%)
Oracle PeopleSoft ePerformance 2.91 (%)
HRMantra : HR & Payroll software 2.41 (%)
HealthcareSource 1.77 (%)
Sity Performance Suite 1.66 (%)
Zoho People 1.61 (%)
Cornerstone Performance 1.36 (%)
Insperity 1.23 (%)
Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) 1.06 (%)
Humi 0.89 (%)
PeopleMatter 0.84 (%)
WorkPro 0.83 (%)
soLearn 0.70 (%)
Aspect Workforce Optimization 0.68 (%)
Hppy 0.64 (%)
InviteReferrals 0.53 (%)
Small Improvements 0.37 (%)
Impraise 0.31 (%)
beqom 0.29 (%) 0.25 (%)
Clear Review 0.24 (%)
ZingHR 0.23 (%)
Jombay 0.23 (%)
NaturalHR 0.21 (%)
Bunchball Nitro 0.19 (%)
Quantum Workplace 0.18 (%)
PeopleGoal 0.18 (%)
Trakstar 0.17 (%)
Leapsome 0.16 (%)
Reflektive 0.16 (%)
PeopleStreme Performance Management 0.13 (%)
Kin 0.13 (%)
EmployeeConnect 0.11 (%)
Reviewsnap 0.10 (%)
UpRaise 0.09 (%)
UpRaise for Employee Success 0.09 (%)
Zummit 0.08 (%)
Appraisd 0.08 (%)
PerformYard 0.07 (%)
Rallyon 0.07 (%)
Kolay iK 0.06 (%)
Tymeshift 0.06 (%)
Clanbeat 0.06 (%)
PeoplesHR 0.06 (%)
SurePeople Platform 0.05 (%)
WIRL 0.05 (%)
OrgMapper 0.05 (%)
Vibe Talent 0.05 (%)
CYDAS 0.04 (%)
CRG emPerform 0.04 (%)
Six Disciplines 0.04 (%)
HR Performance Pro 0.04 (%)
Talmetrix 0.04 (%)
Taskulu 0.04 (%)
WorkCompass 0.04 (%)
Performance Culture 0.04 (%)
AssessTEAM 0.03 (%)
EazeHR 0.03 (%)
Evalu-8 0.03 (%)
Workview 0.02 (%)
Gryphon Networks 0.02 (%)
iActionable 0.02 (%)
Costlocker 0.02 (%)
Fego 0.02 (%)
Simitive 0.02 (%)
Happierco 0.02 (%)
Kanjoya Perception for Workforce Intelligence 0.02 (%)
cavinHR 0.02 (%)
Denario 0.02 (%)
QuercusApp 0.02 (%)
Guardian Tracking 0.02 (%)
People Book HR 0.01 (%)
Talentia HCM 0.01 (%)
iRevu 0.01 (%)
ChiefOnboarding 0.01 (%)
DeepTalent 0.01 (%)
Time2Work 0.01 (%)
Appraisal Smart 0.01 (%)
CoachBot 0.01 (%)
Skillrater 0.01 (%)
SnapEval 2.0 0.01 (%)
emPerform UK 0.01 (%)
Workfuze 0.01 (%)
Chairlift 0.01 (%)
Citrix Analytics for Performance 0.01 (%)
TEAMsCOM 0.01 (%)
Cornerstone PiiQ 0.01 (%)
Rubrix 0.01 (%)
TowerMetriX 0.01 (%)
Talentevo 0.01 (%)
jiHRM 0.01 (%)
JuvodHR 0.01 (%)
Xactly Objectives 0.01 (%)
HRiS365 0.01 (%)
PerformanceHub by Cogendo 0.01 (%)
Measured Success 0.01 (%)
Dinamiks 0.01 (%)
Achievedly 0.01 (%)
Pusula360 0.01 (%)
NEOGOV Perform 0.01 (%)
Monitae 0.00 (%)
SuMo Motivate 0.00 (%)
TalentPeak 0.00 (%)
jiTalent 0.00 (%)
FairSetup 0.00 (%)
Cambeo 0.00 (%)
SumTotal Growth Edition 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Performance Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Performance Management software are Odoo, Cornerstone OnDemand, Personio HR Software. Here, you can view a full list of Performance Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Performance Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 5,858,155 companies are currently using one or more Performance Management software. Out of these, there are 3,016,671 companies using Performance Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Performance Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Performance Management space are Odoo with 26.44 % of market share, and Cornerstone OnDemand with 15.87 % of market share and Personio HR Software with 9.57 % of market share . Check for other Performance Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Performance Management softwares?

The top industries that use Performance Management software are Professional Services (13,294) , Technology (9,619) , Retail and CPG (3,691) .

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