Procurement And Purchasing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Procurement And Purchasing software. Check out our list of Procurement And Purchasing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Procurement And Purchasing

Top 5 Procurement And Purchasing technologies in 2023

Over 20,120 companies are using Procurement And Purchasing tools. Ariba Procurement Solutions with 18.45% market share (3,712 customers), Coupa Procurement with 12.80% market share (2,576 customers), PECOS with 11.33% market share (2,279 customers),

Procurement And Purchasing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Procurement And Purchasing category falls in the company size of 1,000 - 4,999 employees (4,001 companies), 10,000+ employees (3,540 companies), 0 - 9 employees (3,291 companies).

Procurement And Purchasing Customers by Geography

Companies using Procurement And Purchasing technology software are majorly from the United States with 12,575 (67.46%), United Kingdom with 2,034 (10.91%), Canada with 912 (4.89%) customers respectively.

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Procurement And Purchasing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Procurement And Purchasing for Professional Services (5,979), Technology (3,804), Industrials & Chemicals (2,022).

Market Share for Top Procurement And Purchasing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Procurement And Purchasing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Ariba Procurement Solutions 3712 18.45 (%)
2 Coupa Procurement 2576 12.80 (%)
3 PECOS 2279 11.33 (%)
4 ServiceNow Procurement 1711 8.50 (%)
5 Oracle iProcurement 1561 7.76 (%)
6 Handshake 1352 6.72 (%)
7 SciQuest 1186 5.89 (%)
8 Workday Procurement 963 4.79 (%)
9 SAP Sourcing CLM 662 3.29 (%)
10 Proactis 373 1.85 (%)
11 Workday Strategic Sourcing 328 1.63 (%)
12 DEAR Cloud Inventory Management 302 1.50 (%)
13 Eved 233 1.16 (%)
14 BravoSolution 225 1.12 (%)
15 Zycus 222 1.10 (%)
16 Oracle Procurement Cloud 214 1.06 (%)
17 CVM Supplier Central 177 0.88 (%)
18 SynerTrade 151 0.75 (%)
19 Zip 150 0.75 (%)
20 Kilkaya 100 0.50 (%)
21 JAGGAER eProcurement 99 0.49 (%)
22 JAGGAER Direct 92 0.46 (%)
23 Oracle Fusion Procurement 91 0.45 (%)
24 HH Global 84 0.42 (%)
25 Medius 77 0.38 (%)
26 Noosh 65 0.32 (%)
27 Kinnek 64 0.32 (%)
28 Oracle Services Procurement 64 0.32 (%)
29 TCS TAP 62 0.31 (%)
30 Ombud 58 0.29 (%)
31 Aquiire 57 0.28 (%)
32 Microsoft Procurement 53 0.26 (%)
33 Market Dojo 49 0.24 (%)
34 Logicsource 48 0.24 (%)
35 JAGGAER Indirect 38 0.19 (%)
36 eProc 34 0.17 (%)
37 ProcurePort Sourcing Cloud 34 0.17 (%)
38 Oracle Peoplesoft eProcurement 30 0.15 (%)
39 ReQlogic 30 0.15 (%)
40 Vendrive 29 0.14 (%)
41 Bellwether Purchasing 28 0.14 (%)
42 Promena 27 0.13 (%)
43 Atamis 24 0.12 (%)
44 CBX Cloud 22 0.11 (%)
45 Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics 18 0.09 (%)
46 Xeeva 17 0.08 (%)
47 Electronic-Tendering Engine 17 0.08 (%)
48 SmartTracker 17 0.08 (%)
49 JAGGAER Advantage 17 0.08 (%)
50 RA.Pid Spend Analytics 17 0.08 (%)
51 Claritum Spend Management 15 0.07 (%)
52 The Order Hub 14 0.07 (%)
53 ReactorNet ePRO 13 0.06 (%)
54 Panacea Software 13 0.06 (%)
55 BuyerQuest 12 0.06 (%)
56 Prokuria 12 0.06 (%)
57 SMART by Gep 11 0.05 (%)
58 Provade VMS 10 0.05 (%)
59 CLC-PM4 10 0.05 (%)
60 DeltaBid 9 0.04 (%)
61 RapidQuote 9 0.04 (%)
62 WaverlyStreet Purchase Order 9 0.04 (%)
63 Rubberstamp 9 0.04 (%)
64 Easify 7 0.03 (%)
65 Mercado Eletrnico 7 0.03 (%)
66 Adquira 7 0.03 (%)
67 Visma Proceedo 7 0.03 (%)
68 Vortal 7 0.03 (%)
69 Puridiom 6 0.03 (%)
70 nTirePMS 6 0.03 (%)
71 KisanServ 6 0.03 (%)
72 Valify 6 0.03 (%)
73 Contraqer 6 0.03 (%)
74 SourceSuite 5 0.02 (%)
75 Wemasoft 5 0.02 (%)
76 Acquirell 5 0.02 (%)
77 Oracle Self-Service Procurement Cloud 4 0.02 (%)
78 ShowSourcing 4 0.02 (%)
79 iSpec 4 0.02 (%)
80 Point Purchasing 4 0.02 (%)
81 ProcurEngine 3 0.01 (%)
82 kg3 3 0.01 (%)
83 ProcureSafe 3 0.01 (%)
84 BuySpeed 3 0.01 (%)
85 OPT-Source Procurement Portal 3 0.01 (%)
86 Fast-PO 3 0.01 (%)
87 Micronet Purchase Order Software 3 0.01 (%)
88 DataMD 2 0.01 (%)
89 ProcuMan 2 0.01 (%)
90 Expenzing Procure To Pay Software 2 0.01 (%)
91 SourceGain 2 0.01 (%)
92 WebReq 2 0.01 (%)
93 ProposalsFactory 2 0.01 (%)
94 Renepay 2 0.01 (%)
95 Exxpedite 2 0.01 (%)
96 ProMost 2 0.01 (%)
Technology Market share
Ariba Procurement Solutions 18.45 (%)
Coupa Procurement 12.80 (%)
PECOS 11.33 (%)
ServiceNow Procurement 8.50 (%)
Oracle iProcurement 7.76 (%)
Handshake 6.72 (%)
SciQuest 5.89 (%)
Workday Procurement 4.79 (%)
SAP Sourcing CLM 3.29 (%)
Proactis 1.85 (%)
Workday Strategic Sourcing 1.63 (%)
DEAR Cloud Inventory Management 1.50 (%)
Eved 1.16 (%)
BravoSolution 1.12 (%)
Zycus 1.10 (%)
Oracle Procurement Cloud 1.06 (%)
CVM Supplier Central 0.88 (%)
SynerTrade 0.75 (%)
Zip 0.75 (%)
Kilkaya 0.50 (%)
JAGGAER eProcurement 0.49 (%)
JAGGAER Direct 0.46 (%)
Oracle Fusion Procurement 0.45 (%)
HH Global 0.42 (%)
Medius 0.38 (%)
Noosh 0.32 (%)
Kinnek 0.32 (%)
Oracle Services Procurement 0.32 (%)
TCS TAP 0.31 (%)
Ombud 0.29 (%)
Aquiire 0.28 (%)
Microsoft Procurement 0.26 (%)
Market Dojo 0.24 (%)
Logicsource 0.24 (%)
JAGGAER Indirect 0.19 (%)
eProc 0.17 (%)
ProcurePort Sourcing Cloud 0.17 (%)
Oracle Peoplesoft eProcurement 0.15 (%)
ReQlogic 0.15 (%)
Vendrive 0.14 (%)
Bellwether Purchasing 0.14 (%)
Promena 0.13 (%)
Atamis 0.12 (%)
CBX Cloud 0.11 (%)
Oracle Procurement and Spend Analytics 0.09 (%)
Xeeva 0.08 (%)
Electronic-Tendering Engine 0.08 (%)
SmartTracker 0.08 (%)
JAGGAER Advantage 0.08 (%)
RA.Pid Spend Analytics 0.08 (%)
Claritum Spend Management 0.07 (%)
The Order Hub 0.07 (%)
ReactorNet ePRO 0.06 (%)
Panacea Software 0.06 (%)
BuyerQuest 0.06 (%)
Prokuria 0.06 (%)
SMART by Gep 0.05 (%)
Provade VMS 0.05 (%)
CLC-PM4 0.05 (%)
DeltaBid 0.04 (%)
RapidQuote 0.04 (%)
WaverlyStreet Purchase Order 0.04 (%)
Rubberstamp 0.04 (%)
Easify 0.03 (%)
Mercado Eletrnico 0.03 (%)
Adquira 0.03 (%)
Visma Proceedo 0.03 (%)
Vortal 0.03 (%)
Puridiom 0.03 (%)
nTirePMS 0.03 (%)
KisanServ 0.03 (%)
Valify 0.03 (%)
Contraqer 0.03 (%)
SourceSuite 0.02 (%)
Wemasoft 0.02 (%)
Acquirell 0.02 (%)
Oracle Self-Service Procurement Cloud 0.02 (%)
ShowSourcing 0.02 (%)
iSpec 0.02 (%)
Point Purchasing 0.02 (%)
ProcurEngine 0.01 (%)
kg3 0.01 (%)
ProcureSafe 0.01 (%)
BuySpeed 0.01 (%)
OPT-Source Procurement Portal 0.01 (%)
Fast-PO 0.01 (%)
Micronet Purchase Order Software 0.01 (%)
DataMD 0.01 (%)
ProcuMan 0.01 (%)
Expenzing Procure To Pay Software 0.01 (%)
SourceGain 0.01 (%)
WebReq 0.01 (%)
ProposalsFactory 0.01 (%)
Renepay 0.01 (%)
Exxpedite 0.01 (%)
ProMost 0.01 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Procurement And Purchasing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Procurement And Purchasing software are Ariba Procurement Solutions, Coupa Procurement, PECOS. Here, you can view a full list of Procurement And Purchasing tools in the market.

How many companies use Procurement And Purchasing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 22,557 companies are currently using one or more Procurement And Purchasing software. Out of these, there are 12,575 companies using Procurement And Purchasing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Procurement And Purchasing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Procurement And Purchasing space are Ariba Procurement Solutions with 18.45 % of market share, and Coupa Procurement with 12.80 % of market share and PECOS with 11.33 % of market share . Check for other Procurement And Purchasing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Procurement And Purchasing softwares?

The top industries that use Procurement And Purchasing software are Professional Services (5,979) , Technology (3,804) , Industrials & Chemicals (2,022) .

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