Product Lifecycle Management

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Product Lifecycle Management software. Check out our list of Product Lifecycle Management Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Product Lifecycle Management

Top 5 Product Lifecycle Management technologies in 2023

Over 118,955 companies are using Product Lifecycle Management tools. Quip with 47.82% market share (56,887 customers), Visual Studio Team Services with 16.40% market share (19,508 customers), with 9.48% market share (11,274 customers),

Product Lifecycle Management Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Product Lifecycle Management category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (13,737 companies), 20 - 49 employees (11,580 companies), 100 - 249 employees (6,214 companies).

Product Lifecycle Management Customers by Geography

Companies using Product Lifecycle Management technology software are majorly from the United States with 28,746 (64.43%), United Kingdom with 4,740 (10.62%), Canada with 1,973 (4.42%) customers respectively.

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Product Lifecycle Management Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Product Lifecycle Management for Professional Services (12,181), Technology (11,919), Healthcare and Lifesciences (4,766).

Market Share for Top Product Lifecycle Management Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Product Lifecycle Management technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Quip 56887 47.82 (%)
2 Visual Studio Team Services 19508 16.40 (%)
3 11274 9.48 (%)
4 Pivotal Tracker 5995 5.04 (%)
5 UserVoice 4424 3.72 (%)
6 Aha! 2994 2.52 (%)
7 Siemens Teamcenter 2526 2.12 (%)
8 Siemens PLM 2008 1.69 (%)
9 Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management 1723 1.45 (%)
10 SAP Product Lifecycle Management 1317 1.11 (%)
11 craft 1132 0.95 (%)
12 Assembla 1033 0.87 (%)
13 SAP Variant Configuration 965 0.81 (%)
14 productboard 802 0.67 (%)
15 Intelex 779 0.65 (%)
16 Changepoint 593 0.50 (%)
17 Arena PLM 590 0.50 (%)
18 Greenlight Guru Product Development 520 0.44 (%)
19 Dassault ENOVIA 500 0.42 (%)
20 Backbone PLM 471 0.40 (%)
21 Taiga 369 0.31 (%)
22 iRise 255 0.21 (%)
23 Infor Product Lifecycle Management 193 0.16 (%)
24 Windchill PLM Software 151 0.13 (%)
25 SpiraTeam 150 0.13 (%)
26 ALM Octane 146 0.12 (%)
27 Roadmunk 135 0.11 (%)
28 Nolio Release Automation 126 0.11 (%)
29 GitPrime 125 0.11 (%)
30 PTC FlexPLM 118 0.10 (%)
31 Favro 96 0.08 (%)
32 Zilingo 92 0.08 (%)
33 Arena Solutions 86 0.07 (%)
34 InvGate Assets 80 0.07 (%)
35 BlueCherry 68 0.06 (%)
36 SyncForce 66 0.06 (%)
37 Greenlight Guru 61 0.05 (%)
38 Arena PLM & QMS 57 0.05 (%)
39 Upchain 47 0.04 (%)
40 Siemens Teamcenter Visualization 46 0.04 (%)
41 Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Engineering 44 0.04 (%)
42 RAM CMMS 40 0.03 (%)
43 Mercado Labs 40 0.03 (%)
44 DevSuite 36 0.03 (%)
45 ProdPad 33 0.03 (%)
46 Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle 32 0.03 (%)
47 VisionFlow 29 0.02 (%)
48 Infor Optiva 27 0.02 (%)
49 Elmo Solutions 23 0.02 (%)
50 Ciiva 19 0.02 (%)
51 QADEX 19 0.02 (%)
52 BINOCS 16 0.01 (%)
53 Wizeline Roadmap 14 0.01 (%)
54 Milestone Planner 11 0.01 (%)
55 Anvyl 10 0.01 (%)
56 ProjecTools Engineering & Commissioning 8 0.01 (%)
57 ProWorkflow 8 0.01 (%)
58 Acropolis 7 0.01 (%)
59 4G:PLM 7 0.01 (%)
60 CMPRO 6 0.01 (%)
61 Fashinza 5 0.00 (%)
62 3 0.00 (%)
63 DEXMA PLM + 3 0.00 (%)
64 iPlanWare PPM 3 0.00 (%)
65 Oracle Database Lifecycle Management Pack 2 0.00 (%)
66 Oracle PeopleSoft Asset Lifecycle Management 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Quip 47.82 (%)
Visual Studio Team Services 16.40 (%) 9.48 (%)
Pivotal Tracker 5.04 (%)
UserVoice 3.72 (%)
Aha! 2.52 (%)
Siemens Teamcenter 2.12 (%)
Siemens PLM 1.69 (%)
Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management 1.45 (%)
SAP Product Lifecycle Management 1.11 (%)
craft 0.95 (%)
Assembla 0.87 (%)
SAP Variant Configuration 0.81 (%)
productboard 0.67 (%)
Intelex 0.65 (%)
Changepoint 0.50 (%)
Arena PLM 0.50 (%)
Greenlight Guru Product Development 0.44 (%)
Dassault ENOVIA 0.42 (%)
Backbone PLM 0.40 (%)
Taiga 0.31 (%)
iRise 0.21 (%)
Infor Product Lifecycle Management 0.16 (%)
Windchill PLM Software 0.13 (%)
SpiraTeam 0.13 (%)
ALM Octane 0.12 (%)
Roadmunk 0.11 (%)
Nolio Release Automation 0.11 (%)
GitPrime 0.11 (%)
PTC FlexPLM 0.10 (%)
Favro 0.08 (%)
Zilingo 0.08 (%)
Arena Solutions 0.07 (%)
InvGate Assets 0.07 (%)
BlueCherry 0.06 (%)
SyncForce 0.06 (%)
Greenlight Guru 0.05 (%)
Arena PLM & QMS 0.05 (%)
Upchain 0.04 (%)
Siemens Teamcenter Visualization 0.04 (%)
Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Engineering 0.04 (%)
RAM CMMS 0.03 (%)
Mercado Labs 0.03 (%)
DevSuite 0.03 (%)
ProdPad 0.03 (%)
Autodesk Fusion Lifecycle 0.03 (%)
VisionFlow 0.02 (%)
Infor Optiva 0.02 (%)
Elmo Solutions 0.02 (%)
Ciiva 0.02 (%)
QADEX 0.02 (%)
BINOCS 0.01 (%)
Wizeline Roadmap 0.01 (%)
Milestone Planner 0.01 (%)
Anvyl 0.01 (%)
ProjecTools Engineering & Commissioning 0.01 (%)
ProWorkflow 0.01 (%)
Acropolis 0.01 (%)
4G:PLM 0.01 (%)
CMPRO 0.01 (%)
Fashinza 0.00 (%) 0.00 (%)
DEXMA PLM + 0.00 (%)
iPlanWare PPM 0.00 (%)
Oracle Database Lifecycle Management Pack 0.00 (%)
Oracle PeopleSoft Asset Lifecycle Management 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Product Lifecycle Management software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Product Lifecycle Management software are Quip, Visual Studio Team Services, Here, you can view a full list of Product Lifecycle Management tools in the market.

How many companies use Product Lifecycle Management software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 54,655 companies are currently using one or more Product Lifecycle Management software. Out of these, there are 28,746 companies using Product Lifecycle Management tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Product Lifecycle Management software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Product Lifecycle Management space are Quip with 47.82 % of market share, and Visual Studio Team Services with 16.40 % of market share and with 9.48 % of market share . Check for other Product Lifecycle Management technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Product Lifecycle Management softwares?

The top industries that use Product Lifecycle Management software are Professional Services (12,181) , Technology (11,919) , Healthcare and Lifesciences (4,766) .

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