Product Recommendations

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Product Recommendations software. Check out our list of Product Recommendations Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Product Recommendations

Top 5 Product Recommendations technologies in 2023

Over 149,586 companies are using Product Recommendations tools. Oracle Commerce with 84.35% market share (126,179 customers), Oracle ATG Web Commerce with 3.65% market share (5,456 customers), Beeketing with 2.28% market share (3,416 customers),

Product Recommendations Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Product Recommendations category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (8,515 companies), 20 - 49 employees (4,256 companies), 100 - 249 employees (1,763 companies).

Product Recommendations Customers by Geography

Companies using Product Recommendations technology software are majorly from the United States with 12,644 (68.86%), United Kingdom with 1,510 (8.22%), Australia with 959 (5.22%) customers respectively.

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Product Recommendations Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Product Recommendations for Retail and CPG (6,399), Professional Services (2,499), Technology (1,664).

Market Share for Top Product Recommendations Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Product Recommendations technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Oracle Commerce 126179 84.35 (%)
2 Oracle ATG Web Commerce 5456 3.65 (%)
3 Beeketing 3416 2.28 (%)
4 Nosto 2859 1.91 (%)
5 Scarab Research 1651 1.10 (%)
6 SearchSpring 1508 1.01 (%)
7 Limespot 1454 0.97 (%)
8 Certona 915 0.61 (%)
9 RetailRocket 704 0.47 (%)
10 Retargeting 645 0.43 (%)
11 Findify 545 0.36 (%)
12 TargetBay 512 0.34 (%)
13 Unbxd 445 0.30 (%)
14 ExpertRec 441 0.29 (%)
15 Reflektion 369 0.25 (%)
16 Fit Analytics 348 0.23 (%)
17 Segmentify 330 0.22 (%)
18 SLI Systems 282 0.19 (%)
19 Guesswork 272 0.18 (%)
20 Barilliance 249 0.17 (%)
21 Apptus 240 0.16 (%)
22 Attraqt 162 0.11 (%)
23 Blueknow 111 0.07 (%)
24 Cymbio 77 0.05 (%)
25 Celebros Product Recommendations 75 0.05 (%)
26 Prediggo 45 0.03 (%)
27 Recombee 38 0.03 (%)
28 Beveel 38 0.03 (%)
29 Yusp 36 0.02 (%)
30 Imshopping 35 0.02 (%)
31 Strands Retail 32 0.02 (%)
32 Staqu 30 0.02 (%)
33 Nuukik 27 0.02 (%)
34 SiteVibes 24 0.02 (%)
35 Pleisty 17 0.01 (%)
36 Tamber 10 0.01 (%)
37 Commerce Sciences 3 0.00 (%)
38 15gifts 2 0.00 (%)
39 AdExtent 2 0.00 (%)
40 Attune 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Oracle Commerce 84.35 (%)
Oracle ATG Web Commerce 3.65 (%)
Beeketing 2.28 (%)
Nosto 1.91 (%)
Scarab Research 1.10 (%)
SearchSpring 1.01 (%)
Limespot 0.97 (%)
Certona 0.61 (%)
RetailRocket 0.47 (%)
Retargeting 0.43 (%)
Findify 0.36 (%)
TargetBay 0.34 (%)
Unbxd 0.30 (%)
ExpertRec 0.29 (%)
Reflektion 0.25 (%)
Fit Analytics 0.23 (%)
Segmentify 0.22 (%)
SLI Systems 0.19 (%)
Guesswork 0.18 (%)
Barilliance 0.17 (%)
Apptus 0.16 (%)
Attraqt 0.11 (%)
Blueknow 0.07 (%)
Cymbio 0.05 (%)
Celebros Product Recommendations 0.05 (%)
Prediggo 0.03 (%)
Recombee 0.03 (%)
Beveel 0.03 (%)
Yusp 0.02 (%)
Imshopping 0.02 (%)
Strands Retail 0.02 (%)
Staqu 0.02 (%)
Nuukik 0.02 (%)
SiteVibes 0.02 (%)
Pleisty 0.01 (%)
Tamber 0.01 (%)
Commerce Sciences 0.00 (%)
15gifts 0.00 (%)
AdExtent 0.00 (%)
Attune 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Product Recommendations software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Product Recommendations software are Oracle Commerce, Oracle ATG Web Commerce, Beeketing. Here, you can view a full list of Product Recommendations tools in the market.

How many companies use Product Recommendations software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 21,243 companies are currently using one or more Product Recommendations software. Out of these, there are 12,644 companies using Product Recommendations tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Product Recommendations software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Product Recommendations space are Oracle Commerce with 84.35 % of market share, and Oracle ATG Web Commerce with 3.65 % of market share and Beeketing with 2.28 % of market share . Check for other Product Recommendations technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Product Recommendations softwares?

The top industries that use Product Recommendations software are Retail and CPG (6,399) , Professional Services (2,499) , Technology (1,664) .

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