Push Notifications

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Push Notifications software. Check out our list of Push Notifications Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Push Notifications

Top 5 Push Notifications technologies in 2023

Over 78,521 companies are using Push Notifications tools. OneSignal with 38.00% market share (29,837 customers), Vibes with 21.73% market share (17,063 customers), Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) with 10.71% market share (8,411 customers),

Push Notifications Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Push Notifications category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (24,422 companies), 20 - 49 employees (16,494 companies), 10 - 19 employees (6,130 companies).

Push Notifications Customers by Geography

Companies using Push Notifications technology software are majorly from the United States with 26,543 (53.21%), India with 6,214 (12.46%), United Kingdom with 3,721 (7.46%) customers respectively.

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Push Notifications Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Push Notifications for Professional Services (14,189), Technology (11,650), Retail and CPG (8,089).

Market Share for Top Push Notifications Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Push Notifications technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 OneSignal 29837 38.00 (%)
2 Vibes 17063 21.73 (%)
3 Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) 8411 10.71 (%)
4 PushOwl 6655 8.48 (%)
5 Urban Airship 1963 2.50 (%)
6 PushEngage 1517 1.93 (%)
7 Webpushr 1454 1.85 (%)
8 MoEngage 1323 1.68 (%)
9 PushCrew 1234 1.57 (%)
10 iZooto 1223 1.56 (%)
11 PushAlert 794 1.01 (%)
12 Yandex AppMetrica 588 0.75 (%)
13 Aimtell 583 0.74 (%)
14 WonderPush 523 0.67 (%)
15 Truepush 520 0.66 (%)
16 Amazon Pinpoint 376 0.48 (%)
17 Batch 350 0.45 (%)
18 Pushwoosh 338 0.43 (%)
19 ZoPush 301 0.38 (%)
20 Swrve 282 0.36 (%)
21 FoxPush 271 0.35 (%)
22 Trumpia 239 0.30 (%)
23 Notix 238 0.30 (%)
24 Taplytics 183 0.23 (%)
25 Pushover 176 0.22 (%)
26 Audience.to 161 0.21 (%)
27 Feedify 151 0.19 (%)
28 Airship 146 0.19 (%)
29 Accengage 121 0.15 (%)
30 Vizury 120 0.15 (%)
31 PushAd 119 0.15 (%)
32 Repro 94 0.12 (%)
33 Roost 89 0.11 (%)
34 Gleantap 87 0.11 (%)
35 QuickBlox 82 0.10 (%)
36 Push Monkey 71 0.09 (%)
37 Leanplum 64 0.08 (%)
38 Sapho 59 0.08 (%)
39 QGraph 59 0.08 (%)
40 LetReach 53 0.07 (%)
41 Jeenga 52 0.07 (%)
42 Hello World (formerly ePrize) 51 0.06 (%)
43 Maxtraffic 49 0.06 (%)
44 Mblox 47 0.06 (%)
45 Frizbit 47 0.06 (%)
46 Pushed 45 0.06 (%)
47 PushBots 33 0.04 (%)
48 Notificare 32 0.04 (%)
49 Hooked 27 0.03 (%)
50 Prowl 26 0.03 (%)
51 Scaledrone 26 0.03 (%)
52 Boxcar 24 0.03 (%)
53 Pushify 22 0.03 (%)
54 Engagespot 18 0.02 (%)
55 Netmera 17 0.02 (%)
56 OpenBack 11 0.01 (%)
57 Jeapie 10 0.01 (%)
58 Outbound 8 0.01 (%)
59 Pushsafer 8 0.01 (%)
60 PushApps 8 0.01 (%)
61 Catapush 7 0.01 (%)
62 PushUp 7 0.01 (%)
63 Carnival Mobile 4 0.01 (%)
64 Mubiquo 4 0.01 (%)
65 GrowthPush 4 0.01 (%)
66 Tickers 3 0.00 (%)
67 NotifyFox 3 0.00 (%)
68 Kahuna 2 0.00 (%)
69 PushPrime 2 0.00 (%)
70 FirePush 2 0.00 (%)
71 AirBop 2 0.00 (%)
72 SmartNotify Me 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
OneSignal 38.00 (%)
Vibes 21.73 (%)
Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) 10.71 (%)
PushOwl 8.48 (%)
Urban Airship 2.50 (%)
PushEngage 1.93 (%)
Webpushr 1.85 (%)
MoEngage 1.68 (%)
PushCrew 1.57 (%)
iZooto 1.56 (%)
PushAlert 1.01 (%)
Yandex AppMetrica 0.75 (%)
Aimtell 0.74 (%)
WonderPush 0.67 (%)
Truepush 0.66 (%)
Amazon Pinpoint 0.48 (%)
Batch 0.45 (%)
Pushwoosh 0.43 (%)
ZoPush 0.38 (%)
Swrve 0.36 (%)
FoxPush 0.35 (%)
Trumpia 0.30 (%)
Notix 0.30 (%)
Taplytics 0.23 (%)
Pushover 0.22 (%)
Audience.to 0.21 (%)
Feedify 0.19 (%)
Airship 0.19 (%)
Accengage 0.15 (%)
Vizury 0.15 (%)
PushAd 0.15 (%)
Repro 0.12 (%)
Roost 0.11 (%)
Gleantap 0.11 (%)
QuickBlox 0.10 (%)
Push Monkey 0.09 (%)
Leanplum 0.08 (%)
Sapho 0.08 (%)
QGraph 0.08 (%)
LetReach 0.07 (%)
Jeenga 0.07 (%)
Hello World (formerly ePrize) 0.06 (%)
Maxtraffic 0.06 (%)
Mblox 0.06 (%)
Frizbit 0.06 (%)
Pushed 0.06 (%)
PushBots 0.04 (%)
Notificare 0.04 (%)
Hooked 0.03 (%)
Prowl 0.03 (%)
Scaledrone 0.03 (%)
Boxcar 0.03 (%)
Pushify 0.03 (%)
Engagespot 0.02 (%)
Netmera 0.02 (%)
OpenBack 0.01 (%)
Jeapie 0.01 (%)
Outbound 0.01 (%)
Pushsafer 0.01 (%)
PushApps 0.01 (%)
Catapush 0.01 (%)
PushUp 0.01 (%)
Carnival Mobile 0.01 (%)
Mubiquo 0.01 (%)
GrowthPush 0.01 (%)
Tickers 0.00 (%)
NotifyFox 0.00 (%)
Kahuna 0.00 (%)
PushPrime 0.00 (%)
FirePush 0.00 (%)
AirBop 0.00 (%)
SmartNotify Me 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Push Notifications software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Push Notifications software are OneSignal, Vibes, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). Here, you can view a full list of Push Notifications tools in the market.

How many companies use Push Notifications software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 66,053 companies are currently using one or more Push Notifications software. Out of these, there are 26,543 companies using Push Notifications tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Push Notifications software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Push Notifications space are OneSignal with 38.00 % of market share, and Vibes with 21.73 % of market share and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) with 10.71 % of market share . Check for other Push Notifications technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Push Notifications softwares?

The top industries that use Push Notifications software are Professional Services (14,189) , Technology (11,650) , Retail and CPG (8,089) .

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