Referral Marketing

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Referral Marketing software. Check out our list of Referral Marketing Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Referral Marketing

Top 5 Referral Marketing technologies in 2023

Over 44,191 companies are using Referral Marketing tools. with 25.69% market share (11,354 customers), Refersion with 18.23% market share (8,058 customers), with 10.48% market share (4,631 customers),

Referral Marketing Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Referral Marketing category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (16,578 companies), 20 - 49 employees (8,573 companies), 10 - 19 employees (3,317 companies).

Referral Marketing Customers by Geography

Companies using Referral Marketing technology software are majorly from the United States with 22,114 (67.82%), United Kingdom with 2,767 (8.49%), Netherlands with 2,423 (7.43%) customers respectively.

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Referral Marketing Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Referral Marketing for Professional Services (7,469), Retail and CPG (6,065), Technology (4,420).

Market Share for Top Referral Marketing Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Referral Marketing technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 11354 25.69 (%)
2 Refersion 8058 18.23 (%)
3 4631 10.48 (%)
4 Mention Me - Referral Marketing Platform 4500 10.18 (%)
5 LoyaltyLion 3648 8.26 (%)
6 Referral Rock 1731 3.92 (%)
7 Viral Loops 1124 2.54 (%)
8 ViralSweep 1114 2.52 (%)
9 ReferralCandy 993 2.25 (%)
10 iDevAffiliate 772 1.75 (%)
11 Frederick 638 1.44 (%)
12 Extole 613 1.39 (%)
13 Influitive 548 1.24 (%)
14 Talkable 534 1.21 (%)
15 Referrizer 514 1.16 (%)
16 Zinrelo 357 0.81 (%)
17 TapMango 320 0.72 (%)
18 Prefinery 317 0.72 (%)
19 InviteReferrals 299 0.68 (%)
20 CloudSponge 264 0.60 (%)
21 Perkville 245 0.55 (%)
22 Flocktory 186 0.42 (%)
23 Pay With A Tweet 166 0.38 (%)
24 TapStream 129 0.29 (%)
25 Buyapowa 117 0.26 (%)
26 Referral SaaSquatch 103 0.23 (%)
27 InviteBox 85 0.19 (%)
28 Prizelogic 54 0.12 (%)
29 AppVirality 54 0.12 (%)
30 Nextbee 53 0.12 (%)
31 ReferralMagic 46 0.10 (%)
32 Outro 46 0.10 (%)
33 Social Seeder 43 0.10 (%)
34 Genius Referrals 42 0.10 (%)
35 Omnistar Tell 36 0.08 (%)
36 Maitre 30 0.07 (%)
37 OSI Affiliate Software 28 0.06 (%)
38 RewardStream 27 0.06 (%)
39 GroHawk 26 0.06 (%)
40 LinkTrust 25 0.06 (%)
41 Amplifinity 24 0.05 (%)
42 Contest Domination 23 0.05 (%)
43 Aklamio 23 0.05 (%)
44 Ontogeny 22 0.05 (%)
45 Giftd 21 0.05 (%)
46 ReferMe IQ 21 0.05 (%)
47 SalesCamp 20 0.05 (%)
48 Friendbuy 17 0.04 (%)
49 Refernet 16 0.04 (%)
50 Hello Referrals 14 0.03 (%)
51 Untorch 14 0.03 (%)
52 iRefer 14 0.03 (%)
53 Incentivit 13 0.03 (%)
54 Auctio 10 0.02 (%)
55 Popdeem 9 0.02 (%)
56 YesGraph 8 0.02 (%)
57 Refiral 8 0.02 (%)
58 TestimonialsFor 7 0.02 (%)
59 Expect Referrals 5 0.01 (%)
60 The Affily 5 0.01 (%)
61 MioDatos 4 0.01 (%)
62 eTrove 4 0.01 (%)
63 Boulder Logic 4 0.01 (%)
64 Campaigned 4 0.01 (%)
65 RenegadeWorks 3 0.01 (%)
66 Referly 3 0.01 (%)
67 Forewards 3 0.01 (%)
68 VouchFor! 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share 25.69 (%)
Refersion 18.23 (%) 10.48 (%)
Mention Me - Referral Marketing Platform 10.18 (%)
LoyaltyLion 8.26 (%)
Referral Rock 3.92 (%)
Viral Loops 2.54 (%)
ViralSweep 2.52 (%)
ReferralCandy 2.25 (%)
iDevAffiliate 1.75 (%)
Frederick 1.44 (%)
Extole 1.39 (%)
Influitive 1.24 (%)
Talkable 1.21 (%)
Referrizer 1.16 (%)
Zinrelo 0.81 (%)
TapMango 0.72 (%)
Prefinery 0.72 (%)
InviteReferrals 0.68 (%)
CloudSponge 0.60 (%)
Perkville 0.55 (%)
Flocktory 0.42 (%)
Pay With A Tweet 0.38 (%)
TapStream 0.29 (%)
Buyapowa 0.26 (%)
Referral SaaSquatch 0.23 (%)
InviteBox 0.19 (%)
Prizelogic 0.12 (%)
AppVirality 0.12 (%)
Nextbee 0.12 (%)
ReferralMagic 0.10 (%)
Outro 0.10 (%)
Social Seeder 0.10 (%)
Genius Referrals 0.10 (%)
Omnistar Tell 0.08 (%)
Maitre 0.07 (%)
OSI Affiliate Software 0.06 (%)
RewardStream 0.06 (%)
GroHawk 0.06 (%)
LinkTrust 0.06 (%)
Amplifinity 0.05 (%)
Contest Domination 0.05 (%)
Aklamio 0.05 (%)
Ontogeny 0.05 (%)
Giftd 0.05 (%)
ReferMe IQ 0.05 (%)
SalesCamp 0.05 (%)
Friendbuy 0.04 (%)
Refernet 0.04 (%)
Hello Referrals 0.03 (%)
Untorch 0.03 (%)
iRefer 0.03 (%)
Incentivit 0.03 (%)
Auctio 0.02 (%)
Popdeem 0.02 (%)
YesGraph 0.02 (%)
Refiral 0.02 (%)
TestimonialsFor 0.02 (%)
Expect Referrals 0.01 (%)
The Affily 0.01 (%)
MioDatos 0.01 (%)
eTrove 0.01 (%)
Boulder Logic 0.01 (%)
Campaigned 0.01 (%)
RenegadeWorks 0.01 (%)
Referly 0.01 (%)
Forewards 0.01 (%)
VouchFor! 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Referral Marketing software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Referral Marketing software are, Refersion, Here, you can view a full list of Referral Marketing tools in the market.

How many companies use Referral Marketing software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 36,158 companies are currently using one or more Referral Marketing software. Out of these, there are 22,114 companies using Referral Marketing tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Referral Marketing software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Referral Marketing space are with 25.69 % of market share, and Refersion with 18.23 % of market share and with 10.48 % of market share . Check for other Referral Marketing technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Referral Marketing softwares?

The top industries that use Referral Marketing software are Professional Services (7,469) , Retail and CPG (6,065) , Technology (4,420) .

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