Sales Force Automation

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Sales Force Automation software. Check out our list of Sales Force Automation Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Sales Force Automation

Top 5 Sales Force Automation technologies in 2023

Over 452,366 companies are using Sales Force Automation tools. Salesforce CRM with 33.17% market share (150,043 customers), ActiveCampaign with 12.25% market share (55,414 customers), Pardot with 8.72% market share (39,465 customers),

Sales Force Automation Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Sales Force Automation category falls in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (104,997 companies), 0 - 9 employees (96,514 companies), 100 - 249 employees (58,798 companies).

Sales Force Automation Customers by Geography

Companies using Sales Force Automation technology software are majorly from the United States with 234,411 (67.96%), United Kingdom with 29,737 (8.62%), Canada with 16,691 (4.84%) customers respectively.

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Sales Force Automation Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Sales Force Automation for Professional Services (95,194), Technology (64,496), Retail and CPG (24,786).

Market Share for Top Sales Force Automation Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Sales Force Automation technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Salesforce CRM 150043 33.17 (%)
2 ActiveCampaign 55414 12.25 (%)
3 Pardot 39465 8.72 (%)
4 Marketo 33543 7.42 (%)
5 Leadfeeder 26498 5.86 (%)
6 QuickBase 25492 5.64 (%)
7 NetSuite 25482 5.63 (%)
8 Infusionsoft 16533 3.65 (%)
9 Pipedrive 12343 2.73 (%)
10 Salesforce Sales Cloud 6464 1.43 (%)
11 SalesLoft 5418 1.20 (%)
12 SugarCRM 4695 1.04 (%)
13 Lattice 3961 0.88 (%)
14 Sage CRM 3599 0.80 (%)
15 Zendesk Sell 3476 0.77 (%)
16 Salesforce App Exchange 3314 0.73 (%)
17 Five9 3220 0.71 (%)
18 ONTRAPORT 2915 0.64 (%)
19 LeadDyno 2147 0.47 (%)
20 Verloop 1993 0.44 (%)
21 Nimble 1533 0.34 (%)
22 Handshake 1352 0.30 (%)
23 Insightly 1303 0.29 (%)
24 HubSpot Sales Hub 1209 0.27 (%)
25 Implisit 1093 0.24 (%)
26 DiscoverOrg 1092 0.24 (%)
27 Oracle Service Cloud 1023 0.23 (%)
28 Outreach 929 0.21 (%)
29 Upsales CRM 925 0.20 (%)
30 Hatchbuck 848 0.19 (%)
31 Velocify 812 0.18 (%)
32 Copper CRM 701 0.15 (%)
33 XANT (Formerly InsideSales) 685 0.15 (%)
34 Woodpecker 633 0.14 (%)
35 SalesforceIQ 628 0.14 (%)
36 Cirrus Insight 609 0.13 (%)
37 PandaDoc 504 0.11 (%)
38 Talisma 440 0.10 (%)
39 Maximizer CRM 433 0.10 (%)
40 Propertybase 433 0.10 (%)
41 Clari 421 0.09 (%)
42 OnePageCRM 419 0.09 (%)
43 bpm'online sales 403 0.09 (%)
44 ClearSlide 383 0.08 (%)
45 Consensus 362 0.08 (%)
46 Spiro 345 0.08 (%)
47 Sellsy CRM 334 0.07 (%)
48 Apttus CPQ 295 0.07 (%)
49 SAP C4C Sales 281 0.06 (%)
50 LeadLovers 279 0.06 (%)
51 Reply 263 0.06 (%)
52 Tracks 261 0.06 (%)
53 Repsly Mobile CRM 238 0.05 (%)
54 TrackerRMS 224 0.05 (%)
55 Klenty 223 0.05 (%)
56 203 0.04 (%)
57 Predictable Revenue (formerly 185 0.04 (%)
58 Datanyze 147 0.03 (%)
59 webCRM 146 0.03 (%)
60 Conversica 140 0.03 (%)
61 VanillaSoft 133 0.03 (%)
62 LeadSimple 133 0.03 (%)
63 Interaction Portal 124 0.03 (%)
64 Ebsta 120 0.03 (%)
65 PipelineDeals 118 0.03 (%)
66 Tenfold 117 0.03 (%)
67 ForceManager 115 0.03 (%)
68 SalesNexus 102 0.02 (%)
69 sales-i 101 0.02 (%)
70 eSpatial 98 0.02 (%)
71 Pepperi 86 0.02 (%)
72 LeadMaster 85 0.02 (%)
73 Membrain 83 0.02 (%)
74 Accent Accelerate 74 0.02 (%)
75 Soffront CRM 74 0.02 (%)
76 Sortd 72 0.02 (%)
77 Affinity 71 0.02 (%)
78 FullContact 70 0.02 (%)
79 Bizom 69 0.02 (%)
80 MiniSell 66 0.01 (%)
81 Quote Roller 65 0.01 (%)
82 Pipeliner CRM 64 0.01 (%)
83 Spinify 59 0.01 (%)
84 Vymo 59 0.01 (%)
85 Altify 57 0.01 (%)
86 Zurmo CRM 50 0.01 (%)
87 SalesSeek 50 0.01 (%)
88 CrazyCall 47 0.01 (%)
89 Experlogix CPQ 47 0.01 (%)
90 WebMerge 44 0.01 (%)
91 Onsight 42 0.01 (%)
92 Convoso 41 0.01 (%)
93 RW3 Technologies 40 0.01 (%)
94 Radius 39 0.01 (%)
95 Voiptime Cloud 38 0.01 (%)
96 Platformax 38 0.01 (%)
97 hubsell 38 0.01 (%)
98 SuperReceptionist 38 0.01 (%)
99 PlanPlusOnline 32 0.01 (%)
100 Autoklose 31 0.01 (%)
101 Evercontact 30 0.01 (%)
102 Sofon Guided Selling 28 0.01 (%)
103 PROS Smart CPQ 28 0.01 (%)
104 DemandFarm 27 0.01 (%)
105 Bluetick 27 0.01 (%)
106 GleanView 27 0.01 (%)
107 IKO System 26 0.01 (%)
108 Colabo 26 0.01 (%)
109 Salesforce Essentials 25 0.01 (%)
110 MailLift 25 0.01 (%)
111 InfoFlo 24 0.01 (%)
112 Growlabs 23 0.01 (%)
113 Mothernode CRM 22 0.00 (%)
114 OptifiNow Sales Process Automation 21 0.00 (%)
115 CommercialTribe 20 0.00 (%)
116 RepZio 20 0.00 (%)
117 Lynkos 19 0.00 (%)
118 Datananas 19 0.00 (%)
119 Less Annoying CRM 18 0.00 (%)
120 Komiko 18 0.00 (%)
121 Ecquire 18 0.00 (%)
122 Pobuca Sales 17 0.00 (%)
123 CompanyHub CRM 17 0.00 (%)
124 Toolyt SFA 16 0.00 (%)
125 Course Sales 14 0.00 (%)
126 Direct Mail Manager 12 0.00 (%)
127 i-snapshot 12 0.00 (%)
128 Spiderbook 11 0.00 (%)
129 Speak2Leads 11 0.00 (%)
130 LiveHive 11 0.00 (%)
131 Sales Simplicity 10 0.00 (%)
132 Pursuit Pro 10 0.00 (%)
133 SutiCRM 10 0.00 (%)
134 Pathway Analysis 9 0.00 (%)
135 Klpz 8 0.00 (%)
136 Infer 8 0.00 (%)
137 Mogo CRM 8 0.00 (%)
138 Leadiro 7 0.00 (%)
139 Scribe 7 0.00 (%)
140 SFVision 6 0.00 (%)
141 Selling To Zebras 6 0.00 (%)
142 BigContacts 6 0.00 (%)
143 Odyssee Sales 6 0.00 (%)
144 SmartCloud Connect 6 0.00 (%)
145 Salestrakr CRM 6 0.00 (%)
146 SmartFunnel 5 0.00 (%)
147 SalesOptimize 5 0.00 (%)
148 Sendbloom 4 0.00 (%)
149 Pattern 4 0.00 (%)
150 Orca 4 0.00 (%)
151 KinetiCast 4 0.00 (%)
152 Aggregatur 4 0.00 (%)
153 PRX CLOUD 3 0.00 (%)
154 Sales Mantra 3 0.00 (%)
155 Morpheus Commerce 3 0.00 (%)
156 TruCadence 3 0.00 (%)
157 Inforama 3 0.00 (%)
158 SuMo Motivate 2 0.00 (%)
159 Cygneto Field Sales 2 0.00 (%)
160 Smart Sell 2 0.00 (%)
161 BluePlanner 2 0.00 (%)
162 Nirvaha Commissions 2 0.00 (%)
163 PostHelpers 2 0.00 (%)
164 Tradepoint 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Salesforce CRM 33.17 (%)
ActiveCampaign 12.25 (%)
Pardot 8.72 (%)
Marketo 7.42 (%)
Leadfeeder 5.86 (%)
QuickBase 5.64 (%)
NetSuite 5.63 (%)
Infusionsoft 3.65 (%)
Pipedrive 2.73 (%)
Salesforce Sales Cloud 1.43 (%)
SalesLoft 1.20 (%)
SugarCRM 1.04 (%)
Lattice 0.88 (%)
Sage CRM 0.80 (%)
Zendesk Sell 0.77 (%)
Salesforce App Exchange 0.73 (%)
Five9 0.71 (%)
ONTRAPORT 0.64 (%)
LeadDyno 0.47 (%)
Verloop 0.44 (%)
Nimble 0.34 (%)
Handshake 0.30 (%)
Insightly 0.29 (%)
HubSpot Sales Hub 0.27 (%)
Implisit 0.24 (%)
DiscoverOrg 0.24 (%)
Oracle Service Cloud 0.23 (%)
Outreach 0.21 (%)
Upsales CRM 0.20 (%)
Hatchbuck 0.19 (%)
Velocify 0.18 (%)
Copper CRM 0.15 (%)
XANT (Formerly InsideSales) 0.15 (%)
Woodpecker 0.14 (%)
SalesforceIQ 0.14 (%)
Cirrus Insight 0.13 (%)
PandaDoc 0.11 (%)
Talisma 0.10 (%)
Maximizer CRM 0.10 (%)
Propertybase 0.10 (%)
Clari 0.09 (%)
OnePageCRM 0.09 (%)
bpm'online sales 0.09 (%)
ClearSlide 0.08 (%)
Consensus 0.08 (%)
Spiro 0.08 (%)
Sellsy CRM 0.07 (%)
Apttus CPQ 0.07 (%)
SAP C4C Sales 0.06 (%)
LeadLovers 0.06 (%)
Reply 0.06 (%)
Tracks 0.06 (%)
Repsly Mobile CRM 0.05 (%)
TrackerRMS 0.05 (%)
Klenty 0.05 (%) 0.04 (%)
Predictable Revenue (formerly 0.04 (%)
Datanyze 0.03 (%)
webCRM 0.03 (%)
Conversica 0.03 (%)
VanillaSoft 0.03 (%)
LeadSimple 0.03 (%)
Interaction Portal 0.03 (%)
Ebsta 0.03 (%)
PipelineDeals 0.03 (%)
Tenfold 0.03 (%)
ForceManager 0.03 (%)
SalesNexus 0.02 (%)
sales-i 0.02 (%)
eSpatial 0.02 (%)
Pepperi 0.02 (%)
LeadMaster 0.02 (%)
Membrain 0.02 (%)
Accent Accelerate 0.02 (%)
Soffront CRM 0.02 (%)
Sortd 0.02 (%)
Affinity 0.02 (%)
FullContact 0.02 (%)
Bizom 0.02 (%)
MiniSell 0.01 (%)
Quote Roller 0.01 (%)
Pipeliner CRM 0.01 (%)
Spinify 0.01 (%)
Vymo 0.01 (%)
Altify 0.01 (%)
Zurmo CRM 0.01 (%)
SalesSeek 0.01 (%)
CrazyCall 0.01 (%)
Experlogix CPQ 0.01 (%)
WebMerge 0.01 (%)
Onsight 0.01 (%)
Convoso 0.01 (%)
RW3 Technologies 0.01 (%)
Radius 0.01 (%)
Voiptime Cloud 0.01 (%)
Platformax 0.01 (%)
hubsell 0.01 (%)
SuperReceptionist 0.01 (%)
PlanPlusOnline 0.01 (%)
Autoklose 0.01 (%)
Evercontact 0.01 (%)
Sofon Guided Selling 0.01 (%)
PROS Smart CPQ 0.01 (%)
DemandFarm 0.01 (%)
Bluetick 0.01 (%)
GleanView 0.01 (%)
IKO System 0.01 (%)
Colabo 0.01 (%)
Salesforce Essentials 0.01 (%)
MailLift 0.01 (%)
InfoFlo 0.01 (%)
Growlabs 0.01 (%)
Mothernode CRM 0.00 (%)
OptifiNow Sales Process Automation 0.00 (%)
CommercialTribe 0.00 (%)
RepZio 0.00 (%)
Lynkos 0.00 (%)
Datananas 0.00 (%)
Less Annoying CRM 0.00 (%)
Komiko 0.00 (%)
Ecquire 0.00 (%)
Pobuca Sales 0.00 (%)
CompanyHub CRM 0.00 (%)
Toolyt SFA 0.00 (%)
Course Sales 0.00 (%)
Direct Mail Manager 0.00 (%)
i-snapshot 0.00 (%)
Spiderbook 0.00 (%)
Speak2Leads 0.00 (%)
LiveHive 0.00 (%)
Sales Simplicity 0.00 (%)
Pursuit Pro 0.00 (%)
SutiCRM 0.00 (%)
Pathway Analysis 0.00 (%)
Klpz 0.00 (%)
Infer 0.00 (%)
Mogo CRM 0.00 (%)
Leadiro 0.00 (%)
Scribe 0.00 (%)
SFVision 0.00 (%)
Selling To Zebras 0.00 (%)
BigContacts 0.00 (%)
Odyssee Sales 0.00 (%)
SmartCloud Connect 0.00 (%)
Salestrakr CRM 0.00 (%)
SmartFunnel 0.00 (%)
SalesOptimize 0.00 (%)
Sendbloom 0.00 (%)
Pattern 0.00 (%)
Orca 0.00 (%)
KinetiCast 0.00 (%)
Aggregatur 0.00 (%)
PRX CLOUD 0.00 (%)
Sales Mantra 0.00 (%)
Morpheus Commerce 0.00 (%)
TruCadence 0.00 (%)
Inforama 0.00 (%)
SuMo Motivate 0.00 (%)
Cygneto Field Sales 0.00 (%)
Smart Sell 0.00 (%)
BluePlanner 0.00 (%)
Nirvaha Commissions 0.00 (%)
PostHelpers 0.00 (%)
Tradepoint 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Sales Force Automation software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Sales Force Automation software are Salesforce CRM, ActiveCampaign, Pardot. Here, you can view a full list of Sales Force Automation tools in the market.

How many companies use Sales Force Automation software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 404,178 companies are currently using one or more Sales Force Automation software. Out of these, there are 234,411 companies using Sales Force Automation tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Sales Force Automation software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Sales Force Automation space are Salesforce CRM with 33.17 % of market share, and ActiveCampaign with 12.25 % of market share and Pardot with 8.72 % of market share . Check for other Sales Force Automation technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Sales Force Automation softwares?

The top industries that use Sales Force Automation software are Professional Services (95,194) , Technology (64,496) , Retail and CPG (24,786) .

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