Gain market share and customer base information about the top SEO And SEM software. Check out our list of SEO And SEM Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to SEO And SEM

Top 5 SEO And SEM technologies in 2023

Over 199,516 companies are using SEO And SEM tools. Google Ads with 50.66% market share (101,069 customers), Ahrefs with 17.91% market share (35,724 customers), Yext with 9.56% market share (19,071 customers),

SEO And SEM Customers by Employee Size

The majority of SEO And SEM category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (57,141 companies), 20 - 49 employees (48,203 companies), 100 - 249 employees (19,228 companies).

SEO And SEM Customers by Geography

Companies using SEO And SEM technology software are majorly from the United States with 79,750 (58.19%), United Kingdom with 14,144 (10.32%), India with 9,858 (7.19%) customers respectively.

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SEO And SEM Customers by Industry

Top industries that use SEO And SEM for Professional Services (57,575), Technology (29,309), Retail and CPG (15,384).

Market Share for Top SEO And SEM Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular SEO And SEM technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Google Ads 101069 50.66 (%)
2 Ahrefs 35724 17.91 (%)
3 Yext 19071 9.56 (%)
4 SEMrush 15707 7.87 (%)
5 Smart AdServer 10525 5.28 (%)
6 Moz 5277 2.64 (%)
7 Bizible 2919 1.46 (%)
8 Brightedge 2069 1.04 (%)
9 Synup 1194 0.60 (%)
10 Majestic 741 0.37 (%)
11 WooRank 669 0.34 (%)
12 SpyFu 658 0.33 (%)
13 Easy WebContent HTML Editor 646 0.32 (%)
14 Botify 587 0.29 (%)
15 Marin Software 380 0.19 (%)
16 Linkody 379 0.19 (%)
17 Searchmetrics Suite 379 0.19 (%)
18 SambaSaaS 176 0.09 (%)
19 SEOmator 170 0.09 (%)
20 adCore 124 0.06 (%)
21 116 0.06 (%)
22 SimpleTexting 105 0.05 (%)
23 NinjaCat 102 0.05 (%)
24 ReportGarden 93 0.05 (%)
25 Optmyzr 88 0.04 (%)
26 Web CEO 83 0.04 (%)
27 Yodle 76 0.04 (%)
28 Automatic Backlinks 73 0.04 (%)
29 Funnel Science 63 0.03 (%)
30 Authoritas 62 0.03 (%)
31 Colibri SEO 47 0.02 (%)
32 Call Loop 36 0.02 (%)
33 Kutenda 26 0.01 (%)
34 MessageMedia 22 0.01 (%)
35 SimilarWeb PRO 22 0.01 (%)
36 TargetEveryOne 13 0.01 (%)
37 Textedly 11 0.01 (%)
38 SimpleFeed 9 0.00 (%)
39 searchfuse 5 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Google Ads 50.66 (%)
Ahrefs 17.91 (%)
Yext 9.56 (%)
SEMrush 7.87 (%)
Smart AdServer 5.28 (%)
Moz 2.64 (%)
Bizible 1.46 (%)
Brightedge 1.04 (%)
Synup 0.60 (%)
Majestic 0.37 (%)
WooRank 0.34 (%)
SpyFu 0.33 (%)
Easy WebContent HTML Editor 0.32 (%)
Botify 0.29 (%)
Marin Software 0.19 (%)
Linkody 0.19 (%)
Searchmetrics Suite 0.19 (%)
SambaSaaS 0.09 (%)
SEOmator 0.09 (%)
adCore 0.06 (%) 0.06 (%)
SimpleTexting 0.05 (%)
NinjaCat 0.05 (%)
ReportGarden 0.05 (%)
Optmyzr 0.04 (%)
Web CEO 0.04 (%)
Yodle 0.04 (%)
Automatic Backlinks 0.04 (%)
Funnel Science 0.03 (%)
Authoritas 0.03 (%)
Colibri SEO 0.02 (%)
Call Loop 0.02 (%)
Kutenda 0.01 (%)
MessageMedia 0.01 (%)
SimilarWeb PRO 0.01 (%)
TargetEveryOne 0.01 (%)
Textedly 0.01 (%)
SimpleFeed 0.00 (%)
searchfuse 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top SEO And SEM software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for SEO And SEM software are Google Ads, Ahrefs, Yext. Here, you can view a full list of SEO And SEM tools in the market.

How many companies use SEO And SEM software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 175,874 companies are currently using one or more SEO And SEM software. Out of these, there are 79,750 companies using SEO And SEM tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the SEO And SEM software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the SEO And SEM space are Google Ads with 50.66 % of market share, and Ahrefs with 17.91 % of market share and Yext with 9.56 % of market share . Check for other SEO And SEM technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use SEO And SEM softwares?

The top industries that use SEO And SEM software are Professional Services (57,575) , Technology (29,309) , Retail and CPG (15,384) .

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