Server And Desktop OS

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Server And Desktop OS software. Check out our list of Server And Desktop OS Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Server And Desktop OS

Top 5 Server And Desktop OS technologies in 2023

Over 766,926 companies are using Server And Desktop OS tools. Linux with 24.89% market share (190,924 customers), Unix with 9.58% market share (73,437 customers), VMware Server with 6.85% market share (52,536 customers),

Server And Desktop OS Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Server And Desktop OS category falls in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (130,218 companies), 100 - 249 employees (108,247 companies), 1,000 - 4,999 employees (91,378 companies).

Server And Desktop OS Customers by Geography

Companies using Server And Desktop OS technology software are majorly from the United States with 291,826 (57.89%), United Kingdom with 48,334 (9.59%), India with 38,195 (7.58%) customers respectively.

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Server And Desktop OS Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Server And Desktop OS for Technology (115,512), Professional Services (81,014), Industrials & Chemicals (22,878).

Market Share for Top Server And Desktop OS Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Server And Desktop OS technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Linux 190924 24.89 (%)
2 Unix 73437 9.58 (%)
3 VMware Server 52536 6.85 (%)
4 Windows XP 45713 5.96 (%)
5 Android OS 34636 4.52 (%)
6 Windows 7 34392 4.48 (%)
7 Mac OS 31241 4.07 (%)
8 Oracle Linux 28002 3.65 (%)
9 Ubuntu 26149 3.41 (%)
10 Windows 10 25785 3.36 (%)
11 CentOS 21027 2.74 (%)
12 Microsoft Windows 7 16732 2.18 (%)
13 Microsoft Windows OS 16438 2.14 (%)
14 Apple iOS 15944 2.08 (%)
15 Windows Server 2008 14080 1.84 (%)
16 Windows Server 2003 14057 1.83 (%)
17 Windows Vista 12470 1.63 (%)
18 Oracle Solaris 10952 1.43 (%)
19 Microsoft Windows Server 9804 1.28 (%)
20 Windows Server 2012 9734 1.27 (%)
21 IBM Z Series Mainframe 8889 1.16 (%)
22 IBM AIX 7825 1.02 (%)
23 HP-UX 7738 1.01 (%)
24 Microsoft Windows 8 7388 0.96 (%)
25 FreeBSD 4879 0.64 (%)
26 Microsoft Surface 4126 0.54 (%)
27 Windows Server 2016 3574 0.47 (%)
28 Fedora 3232 0.42 (%)
29 Microsoft 365 Business 3192 0.42 (%)
30 Windows 11 2733 0.36 (%)
31 IBM z/OS Operating System 2731 0.36 (%)
32 Windows Server 2000 2702 0.35 (%)
33 Solaris 10 2254 0.29 (%)
34 Debian 1897 0.25 (%)
35 Chromium OS 1767 0.23 (%)
36 FileMaker Server 1411 0.18 (%)
37 Solaris 8 1402 0.18 (%)
38 Microsoft Windows Phone 1308 0.17 (%)
39 Windows Defender Antivirus 1163 0.15 (%)
40 Google Chromebook 909 0.12 (%)
41 Solaris 9 893 0.12 (%)
42 Gentoo 831 0.11 (%)
43 IBM ISPF 785 0.10 (%)
44 Tizen 624 0.08 (%)
45 Amazon Linux 618 0.08 (%)
46 SGI IRIX 567 0.07 (%)
47 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 525 0.07 (%)
48 NetApp Data ONTAP 499 0.07 (%)
49 Linux Mint 472 0.06 (%)
50 Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop 418 0.05 (%)
51 Infor OS 409 0.05 (%)
52 ArubaOS 386 0.05 (%)
53 Sun Java CAPS 356 0.05 (%)
54 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 342 0.04 (%)
55 Solaris 7 332 0.04 (%)
56 Junos OS 326 0.04 (%)
57 Windows Azure Pack 269 0.04 (%)
58 NixOS 267 0.03 (%)
59 IBM z/VM Operating System 266 0.03 (%)
60 Xfce 253 0.03 (%)
61 Unisys ClearPath 211 0.03 (%)
62 ReactOS 205 0.03 (%)
63 Amazon FreeRTOS 197 0.03 (%)
64 macOS Sierra 141 0.02 (%)
65 FreeDOS 135 0.02 (%)
66 Windows Embedded Compact 132 0.02 (%)
67 Nutanix Acropolis 119 0.02 (%)
68 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 116 0.02 (%)
69 Mesosphere 90 0.01 (%)
70 Windows Storage Spaces Direct 86 0.01 (%)
71 Osquery 85 0.01 (%)
72 VyOS 70 0.01 (%)
73 Sailfish OS 69 0.01 (%)
74 IBM z/VSE Operating System 65 0.01 (%)
75 Scientific Linux 63 0.01 (%)
76 Apstra 54 0.01 (%)
77 Unisys OS2200 52 0.01 (%)
78 Ab Initio Co>Operating System 52 0.01 (%)
79 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for High Availability Extension 46 0.01 (%)
80 IBM LinuxONE 46 0.01 (%)
81 Redox OS 30 0.00 (%)
82 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 30 0.00 (%)
83 Apple OS X El Capitan 29 0.00 (%)
84 IBM z/TPF Operating System 27 0.00 (%)
85 Dell EMC Isilon OneFS 24 0.00 (%)
86 Raspbian 23 0.00 (%)
87 SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 19 0.00 (%)
88 VMware Photon OS 13 0.00 (%)
89 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop 12 0.00 (%)
90 Layer7 Directory 12 0.00 (%)
91 Apple OS X Mountain Lion 12 0.00 (%)
92 Windows Live Writer 11 0.00 (%)
93 Apache Mynewt 8 0.00 (%)
94 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM Z and LinuxONE 5 0.00 (%)
95 Sun x86 Server Systems 5 0.00 (%)
96 Dell EMC InfoMover 4 0.00 (%)
97 Minoca OS 4 0.00 (%)
98 Sun Fire X4270 3 0.00 (%)
99 SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 2 0.00 (%)
100 Dell Fluid File System 2 0.00 (%)
101 NetApp SolidFire Element OS 2 0.00 (%)
102 Reboot to Restore Software 2 0.00 (%)
103 OpenText Server Automation 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
Linux 24.89 (%)
Unix 9.58 (%)
VMware Server 6.85 (%)
Windows XP 5.96 (%)
Android OS 4.52 (%)
Windows 7 4.48 (%)
Mac OS 4.07 (%)
Oracle Linux 3.65 (%)
Ubuntu 3.41 (%)
Windows 10 3.36 (%)
CentOS 2.74 (%)
Microsoft Windows 7 2.18 (%)
Microsoft Windows OS 2.14 (%)
Apple iOS 2.08 (%)
Windows Server 2008 1.84 (%)
Windows Server 2003 1.83 (%)
Windows Vista 1.63 (%)
Oracle Solaris 1.43 (%)
Microsoft Windows Server 1.28 (%)
Windows Server 2012 1.27 (%)
IBM Z Series Mainframe 1.16 (%)
IBM AIX 1.02 (%)
HP-UX 1.01 (%)
Microsoft Windows 8 0.96 (%)
FreeBSD 0.64 (%)
Microsoft Surface 0.54 (%)
Windows Server 2016 0.47 (%)
Fedora 0.42 (%)
Microsoft 365 Business 0.42 (%)
Windows 11 0.36 (%)
IBM z/OS Operating System 0.36 (%)
Windows Server 2000 0.35 (%)
Solaris 10 0.29 (%)
Debian 0.25 (%)
Chromium OS 0.23 (%)
FileMaker Server 0.18 (%)
Solaris 8 0.18 (%)
Microsoft Windows Phone 0.17 (%)
Windows Defender Antivirus 0.15 (%)
Google Chromebook 0.12 (%)
Solaris 9 0.12 (%)
Gentoo 0.11 (%)
IBM ISPF 0.10 (%)
Tizen 0.08 (%)
Amazon Linux 0.08 (%)
SGI IRIX 0.07 (%)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 0.07 (%)
NetApp Data ONTAP 0.07 (%)
Linux Mint 0.06 (%)
Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop 0.05 (%)
Infor OS 0.05 (%)
ArubaOS 0.05 (%)
Sun Java CAPS 0.05 (%)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 0.04 (%)
Solaris 7 0.04 (%)
Junos OS 0.04 (%)
Windows Azure Pack 0.04 (%)
NixOS 0.03 (%)
IBM z/VM Operating System 0.03 (%)
Xfce 0.03 (%)
Unisys ClearPath 0.03 (%)
ReactOS 0.03 (%)
Amazon FreeRTOS 0.03 (%)
macOS Sierra 0.02 (%)
FreeDOS 0.02 (%)
Windows Embedded Compact 0.02 (%)
Nutanix Acropolis 0.02 (%)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 0.02 (%)
Mesosphere 0.01 (%)
Windows Storage Spaces Direct 0.01 (%)
Osquery 0.01 (%)
VyOS 0.01 (%)
Sailfish OS 0.01 (%)
IBM z/VSE Operating System 0.01 (%)
Scientific Linux 0.01 (%)
Apstra 0.01 (%)
Unisys OS2200 0.01 (%)
Ab Initio Co>Operating System 0.01 (%)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for High Availability Extension 0.01 (%)
IBM LinuxONE 0.01 (%)
Redox OS 0.00 (%)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 0.00 (%)
Apple OS X El Capitan 0.00 (%)
IBM z/TPF Operating System 0.00 (%)
Dell EMC Isilon OneFS 0.00 (%)
Raspbian 0.00 (%)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Live Patching 0.00 (%)
VMware Photon OS 0.00 (%)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop 0.00 (%)
Layer7 Directory 0.00 (%)
Apple OS X Mountain Lion 0.00 (%)
Windows Live Writer 0.00 (%)
Apache Mynewt 0.00 (%)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM Z and LinuxONE 0.00 (%)
Sun x86 Server Systems 0.00 (%)
Dell EMC InfoMover 0.00 (%)
Minoca OS 0.00 (%)
Sun Fire X4270 0.00 (%)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time 0.00 (%)
Dell Fluid File System 0.00 (%)
NetApp SolidFire Element OS 0.00 (%)
Reboot to Restore Software 0.00 (%)
OpenText Server Automation 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Server And Desktop OS software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Server And Desktop OS software are Linux, Unix, VMware Server. Here, you can view a full list of Server And Desktop OS tools in the market.

How many companies use Server And Desktop OS software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 678,547 companies are currently using one or more Server And Desktop OS software. Out of these, there are 291,826 companies using Server And Desktop OS tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Server And Desktop OS software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Server And Desktop OS space are Linux with 24.89 % of market share, and Unix with 9.58 % of market share and VMware Server with 6.85 % of market share . Check for other Server And Desktop OS technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Server And Desktop OS softwares?

The top industries that use Server And Desktop OS software are Technology (115,512) , Professional Services (81,014) , Industrials & Chemicals (22,878) .

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