Shipping And Fulfillment

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Shipping And Fulfillment software. Check out our list of Shipping And Fulfillment Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Shipping And Fulfillment

Top 5 Shipping And Fulfillment technologies in 2023

Over 81,574 companies are using Shipping And Fulfillment tools. FedEx with 39.02% market share (31,831 customers), Magento Shipping with 38.07% market share (31,059 customers), Sendcloud with 6.05% market share (4,932 customers),

Shipping And Fulfillment Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Shipping And Fulfillment category falls in the company size of 0 - 9 employees (19,026 companies), 20 - 49 employees (16,833 companies), 100 - 249 employees (8,938 companies).

Shipping And Fulfillment Customers by Geography

Companies using Shipping And Fulfillment technology software are majorly from the United States with 43,833 (67.89%), United Kingdom with 5,824 (9.02%), Netherlands with 3,827 (5.93%) customers respectively.

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Shipping And Fulfillment Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Shipping And Fulfillment for Retail and CPG (18,444), Professional Services (14,705), Industrials & Chemicals (6,610).

Market Share for Top Shipping And Fulfillment Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Shipping And Fulfillment technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 FedEx 31831 39.02 (%)
2 Magento Shipping 31059 38.07 (%)
3 Sendcloud 4932 6.05 (%)
4 Postmates API 2288 2.80 (%)
5 ShipStation 1946 2.39 (%)
6 Narvar 1193 1.46 (%)
7 Shoprocket 745 0.91 (%)
8 FedEx Ship Manager 721 0.88 (%)
9 StarShip 596 0.73 (%)
10 Shipup 303 0.37 (%)
11 Endicia 296 0.36 (%)
12 MetaPack Delivery Manager 291 0.36 (%)
13 ShippingEasy 264 0.32 (%)
14 ShopRunner 255 0.31 (%)
15 Eurosender 204 0.25 (%)
16 Nift 203 0.25 (%)
17 Delhivery 192 0.24 (%)
18 190 0.23 (%)
19 Shotput 186 0.23 (%)
20 Scalefast 170 0.21 (%)
21 ShippyPro 166 0.20 (%)
22 Desktop Shipping Order 164 0.20 (%)
23 Radial 164 0.20 (%)
24 Shipwire 163 0.20 (%)
25 Onfleet 160 0.20 (%)
26 Easyship 141 0.17 (%)
27 EasyPost 141 0.17 (%)
28 Floship 124 0.15 (%)
29 ShipMonk 108 0.13 (%)
30 Ecomdash 107 0.13 (%)
31 Spree Commerce 107 0.13 (%)
32 eShipGlobal TMS 105 0.13 (%)
33 ShipHawk 90 0.11 (%)
34 Shippit 85 0.10 (%)
35 Fulfil 84 0.10 (%)
36 Bringg 77 0.09 (%)
37 Pacejet 77 0.09 (%)
38 ShipBob 69 0.08 (%)
39 FirstMile 69 0.08 (%)
40 ShipRush 65 0.08 (%)
41 Lob 64 0.08 (%)
42 Symphony Commerce 56 0.07 (%)
43 Fulfillrite 50 0.06 (%)
44 VeraCore 50 0.06 (%)
45 Shiptheory 45 0.06 (%)
46 Kyozou 43 0.05 (%)
47 Webgility 41 0.05 (%)
48 Skubana 41 0.05 (%)
49 OrderCup 40 0.05 (%)
50 Temando 39 0.05 (%)
51 Acutrack 38 0.05 (%)
52 Ordoro 38 0.05 (%)
53 Chec 35 0.04 (%)
54 ProcessWeaver 35 0.04 (%)
55 NetDespatch 34 0.04 (%)
56 Solid Commerce 32 0.04 (%)
57 Inkit 28 0.03 (%)
58 DesktopShipper 27 0.03 (%)
59 PackManager 27 0.03 (%)
60 MaxLoad Pro 27 0.03 (%)
61 Pierbridge 27 0.03 (%)
62 Newgistics 25 0.03 (%)
63 Deposco Bright Suite 24 0.03 (%)
64 WebShopApps 23 0.03 (%)
65 SmartShyp 22 0.03 (%)
66 Zenkraft 22 0.03 (%)
67 Speed Commerce 21 0.03 (%)
68 Refund Retriever 21 0.03 (%)
69 Hasler 21 0.03 (%)
70 ScanData VSAMS 21 0.03 (%)
71 RocketShipIt 20 0.02 (%)
72 MYSTC 18 0.02 (%)
73 Openport OpenTM 17 0.02 (%)
74 ShipHero 17 0.02 (%)
75 12Return 16 0.02 (%)
76 Postmaster 16 0.02 (%)
77 ShipCaddie 15 0.02 (%)
78 VIPparcel 15 0.02 (%)
79 Intellect eShip 14 0.02 (%)
80 InterShipper 14 0.02 (%)
81 ShippingTree 13 0.02 (%)
82 Spocket 13 0.02 (%)
83 Mailjoy 12 0.01 (%)
84 Manhattan Associates Store Fulfillment 12 0.01 (%)
85 ShipConsole 12 0.01 (%)
86 Binner 12 0.01 (%)
87 Teapplix 11 0.01 (%)
88 ExportDoc Worldwide 11 0.01 (%)
89 Gooten 11 0.01 (%)
90 Deliverable 9 0.01 (%)
91 VeriShip 9 0.01 (%)
92 NexxShip 9 0.01 (%)
93 HubLogix 9 0.01 (%)
94 Jazva 8 0.01 (%)
95 ShipERP 8 0.01 (%)
96 Stalco 8 0.01 (%)
97 OAS Freight 7 0.01 (%)
98 Wynd 6 0.01 (%)
99 Live Courier 6 0.01 (%)
100 Maritime On-Line 6 0.01 (%)
101 Shipedge 6 0.01 (%)
102 Ship-IT Multi-Carrier 5 0.01 (%)
103 iTOMS 5 0.01 (%)
104 SendFast 4 0.00 (%)
105 NRGShip 4 0.00 (%)
106 Zoom2u 4 0.00 (%)
107 FreightPOP 4 0.00 (%)
108 Boxme 4 0.00 (%)
109 Computerized Parcel System 4 0.00 (%)
110 China Fulfillment 3 0.00 (%)
111 Whiplash 3 0.00 (%)
112 Airlift 3 0.00 (%)
113 Indemand 3 0.00 (%)
114 uFollowit 3 0.00 (%)
115 OSCO 3 0.00 (%)
116 xShip 3 0.00 (%)
117 Jagged Peak Edge 3 0.00 (%)
118 XSellco Fusion 2 0.00 (%)
119 Convey 2 0.00 (%)
120 Acceleship 2 0.00 (%)
121 YouDroop 2 0.00 (%)
Technology Market share
FedEx 39.02 (%)
Magento Shipping 38.07 (%)
Sendcloud 6.05 (%)
Postmates API 2.80 (%)
ShipStation 2.39 (%)
Narvar 1.46 (%)
Shoprocket 0.91 (%)
FedEx Ship Manager 0.88 (%)
StarShip 0.73 (%)
Shipup 0.37 (%)
Endicia 0.36 (%)
MetaPack Delivery Manager 0.36 (%)
ShippingEasy 0.32 (%)
ShopRunner 0.31 (%)
Eurosender 0.25 (%)
Nift 0.25 (%)
Delhivery 0.24 (%) 0.23 (%)
Shotput 0.23 (%)
Scalefast 0.21 (%)
ShippyPro 0.20 (%)
Desktop Shipping Order 0.20 (%)
Radial 0.20 (%)
Shipwire 0.20 (%)
Onfleet 0.20 (%)
Easyship 0.17 (%)
EasyPost 0.17 (%)
Floship 0.15 (%)
ShipMonk 0.13 (%)
Ecomdash 0.13 (%)
Spree Commerce 0.13 (%)
eShipGlobal TMS 0.13 (%)
ShipHawk 0.11 (%)
Shippit 0.10 (%)
Fulfil 0.10 (%)
Bringg 0.09 (%)
Pacejet 0.09 (%)
ShipBob 0.08 (%)
FirstMile 0.08 (%)
ShipRush 0.08 (%)
Lob 0.08 (%)
Symphony Commerce 0.07 (%)
Fulfillrite 0.06 (%)
VeraCore 0.06 (%)
Shiptheory 0.06 (%)
Kyozou 0.05 (%)
Webgility 0.05 (%)
Skubana 0.05 (%)
OrderCup 0.05 (%)
Temando 0.05 (%)
Acutrack 0.05 (%)
Ordoro 0.05 (%)
Chec 0.04 (%)
ProcessWeaver 0.04 (%)
NetDespatch 0.04 (%)
Solid Commerce 0.04 (%)
Inkit 0.03 (%)
DesktopShipper 0.03 (%)
PackManager 0.03 (%)
MaxLoad Pro 0.03 (%)
Pierbridge 0.03 (%)
Newgistics 0.03 (%)
Deposco Bright Suite 0.03 (%)
WebShopApps 0.03 (%)
SmartShyp 0.03 (%)
Zenkraft 0.03 (%)
Speed Commerce 0.03 (%)
Refund Retriever 0.03 (%)
Hasler 0.03 (%)
ScanData VSAMS 0.03 (%)
RocketShipIt 0.02 (%)
MYSTC 0.02 (%)
Openport OpenTM 0.02 (%)
ShipHero 0.02 (%)
12Return 0.02 (%)
Postmaster 0.02 (%)
ShipCaddie 0.02 (%)
VIPparcel 0.02 (%)
Intellect eShip 0.02 (%)
InterShipper 0.02 (%)
ShippingTree 0.02 (%)
Spocket 0.02 (%)
Mailjoy 0.01 (%)
Manhattan Associates Store Fulfillment 0.01 (%)
ShipConsole 0.01 (%)
Binner 0.01 (%)
Teapplix 0.01 (%)
ExportDoc Worldwide 0.01 (%)
Gooten 0.01 (%)
Deliverable 0.01 (%)
VeriShip 0.01 (%)
NexxShip 0.01 (%)
HubLogix 0.01 (%)
Jazva 0.01 (%)
ShipERP 0.01 (%)
Stalco 0.01 (%)
OAS Freight 0.01 (%)
Wynd 0.01 (%)
Live Courier 0.01 (%)
Maritime On-Line 0.01 (%)
Shipedge 0.01 (%)
Ship-IT Multi-Carrier 0.01 (%)
iTOMS 0.01 (%)
SendFast 0.00 (%)
NRGShip 0.00 (%)
Zoom2u 0.00 (%)
FreightPOP 0.00 (%)
Boxme 0.00 (%)
Computerized Parcel System 0.00 (%)
China Fulfillment 0.00 (%)
Whiplash 0.00 (%)
Airlift 0.00 (%)
Indemand 0.00 (%)
uFollowit 0.00 (%)
OSCO 0.00 (%)
xShip 0.00 (%)
Jagged Peak Edge 0.00 (%)
XSellco Fusion 0.00 (%)
Convey 0.00 (%)
Acceleship 0.00 (%)
YouDroop 0.00 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Shipping And Fulfillment software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Shipping And Fulfillment software are FedEx, Magento Shipping, Sendcloud. Here, you can view a full list of Shipping And Fulfillment tools in the market.

How many companies use Shipping And Fulfillment software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 73,119 companies are currently using one or more Shipping And Fulfillment software. Out of these, there are 43,833 companies using Shipping And Fulfillment tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Shipping And Fulfillment software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Shipping And Fulfillment space are FedEx with 39.02 % of market share, and Magento Shipping with 38.07 % of market share and Sendcloud with 6.05 % of market share . Check for other Shipping And Fulfillment technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Shipping And Fulfillment softwares?

The top industries that use Shipping And Fulfillment software are Retail and CPG (18,444) , Professional Services (14,705) , Industrials & Chemicals (6,610) .

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