Simulation Modeling

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Simulation Modeling software. Check out our list of Simulation Modeling Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Simulation Modeling

Top 5 Simulation Modeling technologies in 2023

Over 25,016 companies are using Simulation Modeling tools. Ansys with 50.22% market share (12,563 customers), Simulink with 25.39% market share (6,351 customers), AnyLogic with 2.69% market share (674 customers),

Simulation Modeling Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Simulation Modeling category falls in the company size of 1,000 - 4,999 employees (4,026 companies), 20 - 49 employees (3,431 companies), 10,000+ employees (3,101 companies).

Simulation Modeling Customers by Geography

Companies using Simulation Modeling technology software are majorly from the United States with 7,499 (46.14%), India with 2,419 (14.89%), Germany with 1,293 (7.96%) customers respectively.

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Simulation Modeling Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Simulation Modeling for Professional Services (5,835), Industrials & Chemicals (4,970), Technology (1,800).

Market Share for Top Simulation Modeling Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Simulation Modeling technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 Ansys 12563 50.22 (%)
2 Simulink 6351 25.39 (%)
3 AnyLogic 674 2.69 (%)
4 Dassault DELMIA 593 2.37 (%)
5 Altair OptiStruct 591 2.36 (%)
6 Autodesk CFD 486 1.94 (%)
7 GoldSim 462 1.85 (%)
8 Realflow 388 1.55 (%)
9 NI Multisim 383 1.53 (%)
10 Simio 318 1.27 (%)
11 Autodesk Moldflow 242 0.97 (%)
12 MSC Patran 229 0.92 (%)
13 Dassault SIMULIA 209 0.84 (%)
14 FumeFX 197 0.79 (%)
15 Presagis 154 0.62 (%)
16 CAM350 128 0.51 (%)
17 STAR-CD 122 0.49 (%)
18 Dassault Dymola 118 0.47 (%)
19 TreeAge 103 0.41 (%)
20 Riverbed Modeler 92 0.37 (%)
21 Bentley WaterGEMS 84 0.34 (%)
22 Altair FEKO 72 0.29 (%)
23 Bentley WaterCAD 62 0.25 (%)
24 Altair MotionSolve 53 0.21 (%)
25 BIOVIA Pipeline Pilot 50 0.20 (%)
26 Altair MotionView 47 0.19 (%)
27 Altair AcuSolve 47 0.19 (%)
28 Altair HyperCrash 42 0.17 (%)
29 Altair HyperForm 41 0.16 (%)
30 CYME Power Engineering Software 39 0.16 (%)
31 aPriori Digital Manufacturing Simulation Software 36 0.14 (%)
32 MSC Software 15 0.06 (%)
33 Dassault GEOVIA 11 0.04 (%)
34 Orion Molecular Design Platform 10 0.04 (%)
35 Altair HyperXtrude 2 0.01 (%)
36 Walkabout Workplace 2 0.01 (%)
Technology Market share
Ansys 50.22 (%)
Simulink 25.39 (%)
AnyLogic 2.69 (%)
Dassault DELMIA 2.37 (%)
Altair OptiStruct 2.36 (%)
Autodesk CFD 1.94 (%)
GoldSim 1.85 (%)
Realflow 1.55 (%)
NI Multisim 1.53 (%)
Simio 1.27 (%)
Autodesk Moldflow 0.97 (%)
MSC Patran 0.92 (%)
Dassault SIMULIA 0.84 (%)
FumeFX 0.79 (%)
Presagis 0.62 (%)
CAM350 0.51 (%)
STAR-CD 0.49 (%)
Dassault Dymola 0.47 (%)
TreeAge 0.41 (%)
Riverbed Modeler 0.37 (%)
Bentley WaterGEMS 0.34 (%)
Altair FEKO 0.29 (%)
Bentley WaterCAD 0.25 (%)
Altair MotionSolve 0.21 (%)
BIOVIA Pipeline Pilot 0.20 (%)
Altair MotionView 0.19 (%)
Altair AcuSolve 0.19 (%)
Altair HyperCrash 0.17 (%)
Altair HyperForm 0.16 (%)
CYME Power Engineering Software 0.16 (%)
aPriori Digital Manufacturing Simulation Software 0.14 (%)
MSC Software 0.06 (%)
Dassault GEOVIA 0.04 (%)
Orion Molecular Design Platform 0.04 (%)
Altair HyperXtrude 0.01 (%)
Walkabout Workplace 0.01 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Simulation Modeling software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Simulation Modeling software are Ansys, Simulink, AnyLogic. Here, you can view a full list of Simulation Modeling tools in the market.

How many companies use Simulation Modeling software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 21,394 companies are currently using one or more Simulation Modeling software. Out of these, there are 7,499 companies using Simulation Modeling tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Simulation Modeling software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Simulation Modeling space are Ansys with 50.22 % of market share, and Simulink with 25.39 % of market share and AnyLogic with 2.69 % of market share . Check for other Simulation Modeling technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Simulation Modeling softwares?

The top industries that use Simulation Modeling software are Professional Services (5,835) , Industrials & Chemicals (4,970) , Technology (1,800) .

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