Test Automation

Gain market share and customer base information about the top Test Automation software. Check out our list of Test Automation Software, analyze them by marketshare, region, company size along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more.

Categories related to Test Automation

Top 5 Test Automation technologies in 2023

Over 29,897 companies are using Test Automation tools. CircleCI with 22.20% market share (6,638 customers), Cucumber with 13.23% market share (3,955 customers), Bitbucket Pipelines with 11.90% market share (3,559 customers),

Test Automation Customers by Employee Size

The majority of Test Automation category falls in the company size of 20 - 49 employees (5,209 companies), 100 - 249 employees (4,014 companies), 1,000 - 4,999 employees (2,682 companies).

Test Automation Customers by Geography

Companies using Test Automation technology software are majorly from the United States with 10,756 (58.56%), United Kingdom with 1,927 (10.49%), India with 1,229 (6.69%) customers respectively.

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Test Automation Customers by Industry

Top industries that use Test Automation for Technology (9,415), Professional Services (3,668), Financial Services (1,523).

Market Share for Top Test Automation Technologies

Analyze the market share of popular Test Automation technologies along with information about competitors, prospects, tech stacks, funding information, contract renewal dates and more

Ranking Technology Customers Market share
1 CircleCI 6638 22.20 (%)
2 Cucumber 3955 13.23 (%)
3 Bitbucket Pipelines 3559 11.90 (%)
4 Katalon 2669 8.93 (%)
5 BrowserStack 2399 8.02 (%)
6 Perfecto 1713 5.73 (%)
7 Testing Anywhere 1549 5.18 (%)
8 Katalon Studio 1047 3.50 (%)
9 BlazeMeter 763 2.55 (%)
10 Tricentis Tosca 647 2.16 (%)
11 ReadyAPI Test 614 2.05 (%)
12 SmartBear TestComplete 543 1.82 (%)
13 Provar 317 1.06 (%)
14 Applitools 297 0.99 (%)
15 Telerik Test Studio 294 0.98 (%)
16 Ranorex Studio 294 0.98 (%)
17 Robot Framework 215 0.72 (%)
18 Blackfire.io 214 0.72 (%)
19 Panaya Change Intelligence 200 0.67 (%)
20 TestProject 188 0.63 (%)
21 Rapise 183 0.61 (%)
22 Testsigma 157 0.53 (%)
23 Mabl 149 0.50 (%)
24 accelQ 143 0.48 (%)
25 IBM Rational 95 0.32 (%)
26 Qunit 94 0.31 (%)
27 Eggplant 80 0.27 (%)
28 qTest 68 0.23 (%)
29 TestLodge 67 0.22 (%)
30 Tellurium 55 0.18 (%)
31 Squish 54 0.18 (%)
32 LogiGear 51 0.17 (%)
33 TestingWhiz 45 0.15 (%)
34 Qualitia 43 0.14 (%)
35 Fluxguard 36 0.12 (%)
36 CloudQA 34 0.11 (%)
37 ZAPTEST 34 0.11 (%)
38 Assertible 32 0.11 (%)
39 Endtest 28 0.09 (%)
40 Selendroid 26 0.09 (%)
41 TestCraft 25 0.08 (%)
42 QaTraq 22 0.07 (%)
43 Usetrace 21 0.07 (%)
44 Agitar 17 0.06 (%)
45 Appvance UTP 17 0.06 (%)
46 TimeShiftX 16 0.05 (%)
47 PageHero 15 0.05 (%)
48 UsersThink 15 0.05 (%)
49 vTest 14 0.05 (%)
50 Screener.io 14 0.05 (%)
51 Hiptest 13 0.04 (%)
52 EasyQA 13 0.04 (%)
53 Solano CI 11 0.04 (%)
54 OPTIMA 9 0.03 (%)
55 SmartBear TestLeft 9 0.03 (%)
56 Worksoft Certify 8 0.03 (%)
57 Xamarin Test Cloud 7 0.02 (%)
58 Bitbar Testing (Formerly Testdroid) 6 0.02 (%)
59 STAF 5 0.02 (%)
60 SwiftAssess 5 0.02 (%)
61 Bqurious 4 0.01 (%)
62 Test Requirements Agile Metric 4 0.01 (%)
63 TestCenter 4 0.01 (%)
64 Leaptest 3 0.01 (%)
65 QARA 3 0.01 (%)
66 Parrot QA 3 0.01 (%)
67 Gauge 3 0.01 (%)
68 Sphere Engine 3 0.01 (%)
69 AttackFlow 3 0.01 (%)
70 CA Continuous Application Insight 3 0.01 (%)
71 HPE Unified Functional Testing 3 0.01 (%)
72 Parasoft SOAtest 2 0.01 (%)
73 CA Service Virtualization 2 0.01 (%)
74 Testmunk 2 0.01 (%)
75 STBSuite 2 0.01 (%)
76 Testlauncher 2 0.01 (%)
Technology Market share
CircleCI 22.20 (%)
Cucumber 13.23 (%)
Bitbucket Pipelines 11.90 (%)
Katalon 8.93 (%)
BrowserStack 8.02 (%)
Perfecto 5.73 (%)
Testing Anywhere 5.18 (%)
Katalon Studio 3.50 (%)
BlazeMeter 2.55 (%)
Tricentis Tosca 2.16 (%)
ReadyAPI Test 2.05 (%)
SmartBear TestComplete 1.82 (%)
Provar 1.06 (%)
Applitools 0.99 (%)
Telerik Test Studio 0.98 (%)
Ranorex Studio 0.98 (%)
Robot Framework 0.72 (%)
Blackfire.io 0.72 (%)
Panaya Change Intelligence 0.67 (%)
TestProject 0.63 (%)
Rapise 0.61 (%)
Testsigma 0.53 (%)
Mabl 0.50 (%)
accelQ 0.48 (%)
IBM Rational 0.32 (%)
Qunit 0.31 (%)
Eggplant 0.27 (%)
qTest 0.23 (%)
TestLodge 0.22 (%)
Tellurium 0.18 (%)
Squish 0.18 (%)
LogiGear 0.17 (%)
TestingWhiz 0.15 (%)
Qualitia 0.14 (%)
Fluxguard 0.12 (%)
CloudQA 0.11 (%)
ZAPTEST 0.11 (%)
Assertible 0.11 (%)
Endtest 0.09 (%)
Selendroid 0.09 (%)
TestCraft 0.08 (%)
QaTraq 0.07 (%)
Usetrace 0.07 (%)
Agitar 0.06 (%)
Appvance UTP 0.06 (%)
TimeShiftX 0.05 (%)
PageHero 0.05 (%)
UsersThink 0.05 (%)
vTest 0.05 (%)
Screener.io 0.05 (%)
Hiptest 0.04 (%)
EasyQA 0.04 (%)
Solano CI 0.04 (%)
OPTIMA 0.03 (%)
SmartBear TestLeft 0.03 (%)
Worksoft Certify 0.03 (%)
Xamarin Test Cloud 0.02 (%)
Bitbar Testing (Formerly Testdroid) 0.02 (%)
STAF 0.02 (%)
SwiftAssess 0.02 (%)
Bqurious 0.01 (%)
Test Requirements Agile Metric 0.01 (%)
TestCenter 0.01 (%)
Leaptest 0.01 (%)
QARA 0.01 (%)
Parrot QA 0.01 (%)
Gauge 0.01 (%)
Sphere Engine 0.01 (%)
AttackFlow 0.01 (%)
CA Continuous Application Insight 0.01 (%)
HPE Unified Functional Testing 0.01 (%)
Parasoft SOAtest 0.01 (%)
CA Service Virtualization 0.01 (%)
Testmunk 0.01 (%)
STBSuite 0.01 (%)
Testlauncher 0.01 (%)


Find answers to the most often asked questions by users.

Who are the top Test Automation software market leaders?

Top leaders in the category for Test Automation software are CircleCI, Cucumber, Bitbucket Pipelines. Here, you can view a full list of Test Automation tools in the market.

How many companies use Test Automation software these days?

Around the world in 2023, over 23,962 companies are currently using one or more Test Automation software. Out of these, there are 10,756 companies using Test Automation tools that are originally from the United States .

Which company has the most significant market share in the Test Automation software space?

The top few companies that have the most significant market share in the Test Automation space are CircleCI with 22.20 % of market share, and Cucumber with 13.23 % of market share and Bitbucket Pipelines with 11.90 % of market share . Check for other Test Automation technologies market share here.

What are the top industries that usually use Test Automation softwares?

The top industries that use Test Automation software are Technology (9,415) , Professional Services (3,668) , Financial Services (1,523) .

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