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Find out why leading businesses choose to do business with 6sense.

Our Customers

Some of the world’s most forward-thinking companies are using 6sense to drive efficiency within their organizations.

Trusted by thousands of businesses to generate revenue

Learn From Our Customers:

Customer Story
Revenue AI for Marketing
Customer Story
Revenue AI for Marketing

Removing the Guesswork from B2B Marketing and Selling

After just a few months of leveraging 6sense, Salesloft generated 24 additional opportunities from accounts with no previous engagement.

These net-new opportunities, identified by 6sense, generated to over $700,000 in incremental pipeline.

Read Our G2 Reviews:

Generate Revenue with Data-Driven Decisions

Leveraging our integrations with various technologies, Florence Healthcare was able to measure the impact 6sense was having on their business from day one.

Utilizing 6sense’s rich AI-driven insights, their team has been able to optimize programs and execute go-to-market strategy with one platform.

“6sense is an integral part in our demand generation transformation, and has fueled the next stage of growth on this journey.”

Uran Kabashi

Director of Demand Generation & ABM, Morningstar

“Everything starts with data, and 6sense is our most reliable data source to be able to deliver those experiences.”

Katie Foote

Chief Market Officer, Drift

“With 6sense, we’ve reduced our manual activation process from a couple of weeks to one day.”

Gladys Alegre-Kimura

Head of Marketing Operations, Aruba

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Ready to see 6sense in action?

Activate relevant and efficient audience targeting, with industry-leading account identification, intent data and predictive models.